精神内核,spiritual core
1)spiritual core精神内核
1.Based on Sima Xiangru s extant works,this article is to analyze the spiritual core of his literature creation,which focuses on two aspects:active pursuit of achievement in work,and full care for human society.从司马相如现存的作品入手,对其文学创作的精神内核进行了深入细致的分析,将其集中概括为两点:一是积极昂扬的事功追求;二是充分的人文关怀。
2.Not only in spiritual core,but also in the artistic style,Chu-Ci had quite an effect on his poem-ode.不仅在精神内核上,而且在艺术形式上,其诗赋都受到楚辞的浸染。

1.Russian mentality can be understood as the core of Russian consciousness.俄罗斯的可理解为俄罗斯精神内核
2.Quality and Art--On the Spiritual Core of Chinese Art;质与文——试论中国艺术的精神内核
3.Disposition Theory" and The Essence of Chinese Aesthetics;“心性论”与中国现代美学的精神内核
4.Its main traits are seen in pirituality, nationality and cohesion.俄罗斯精神内核的基本特征是精神性、家性和共同性。
5.The Core and Contemporary Value of the Aesthetic Education Thought of Wang Guo-wei;王国维美育思想的精神内核及其当代价值
6.Student Right Standard:Energetic Essence of College Students Management Legalization;学生权利本位——高校学生管理法制化的精神内核
7.The Spiritual Kernel of the Folk Sacrifice in Chongqing and Its Significance to the Future;重庆民间祭祀的精神内核及其对未来的意义
8.Mazu Culture and the Construction of West Channel Economic Zone;妈祖文化的精神内核和海峡西岸经济区建设
9.Harmony: the spiritual core and ideological intention of Schiller s aesthetic education;和谐:席勒美育观的精神内核和思想指归
10.Zhu Xi s attire aesthetics with Neo-Confucianism as the core;朱熹以理学为精神内核的服饰美学思想
11.Its main expression-spirituality , nationality and cohesion can find their source in the Eastern Orthodox Church.俄罗斯精神内核的主要表现,即精神性、共同性和国家性都能在东正教中找到源与流。
12.Behind the Light and Shade Exploration of Related Elements and Spirit Core of One Minute Long Vedio Art斑驳光影之后——探索一分钟影像艺术的互动元素和精神内核
13.The Spirit of Wu Yigong s Cinematic Art;情贯镜中 理在情深处——论吴贻弓电影的精神内核与艺术特征
14.Analysing Exploration of Spiritual Core and Nature s Belonging of Sun Zhongshan s View of People s Livelihood in the Theoretical World of KMT;浅析国民党理论界对孙中山民生史观精神内核与性质归属的探讨
15.Spiritual Core of Jiangxi School of Poetry Is the Neo-Confucianism of the Song and Ming Dynasties--Neo-Confucianism of the Song and Ming Dynasties Is the "Philosophy of Jiangxi School;江西诗派的精神内核是宋明理学——二论宋明理学是"江西之学
16.The Core of Xu Beihong s Artistic Pursuit: Scientific Spirit;徐悲鸿艺术思想的内核——科学精神
17.The Discussion about the Core and Its Principle of Fostering the Ethos;论民族精神培育的核心内容及其原则
18.On the Three Models of Explaining Scientific Knowledge in Contemporary Philosophy of Science;逻辑——理性是科学精神的核心内涵

spiritual kernel精神内核
3)core of the Jinggangshan Spirit井冈山精神内核
4)Russian mentality俄罗斯精神内核
1.Russian mentality and the Eastern Orthodox Church;俄罗斯精神内核与东正教
5)core spirit核心精神
1.The survival and development of a school is not merely decided by the material conditions and teachers competence, and the core spirit of the school as the key indicator of school development plays an important role.一所学校的生存与发展并不仅仅是由物质条件和师资水平决定的,学校发展的关键指标--学校的核心精神,起着重要的作用。
2.Therefore, lawyers are required to have not only strong professional capability, but also top-quality core spirit of professional values.这就要求律师们不仅要有较强的业务能力,更需要有良好的职业价值核心精神。
6)mental core精神核心

精神分裂样精神病精神分裂样精神病schizophreniform psychosis  精神分裂样精神病(sehizophren主fo:功psyehosis)1939年兰菲尔德(Langfeldt)首先提出这一概念。他曾在奥斯陆进行过一项随访研究,发现精神分裂症可分为预后不良的过程性精神分裂症(proeess sehizophrenia)和预后良好的精神分裂样精神病。过程性精神分裂症类似克勒佩林(Kraepe一in,E.)提出的早发性痴呆(dementia praecox),病人表现情感淡漠,缺乏主动性,具有原发性妄想。而精神分裂样精神病常有明显诱因,伴有意识模糊和情感症状。后来发现这种区分并不能准确地预断精神分裂症的预后。目前这一术语具有完全不同的含义。美国《精神疾病诊断和统计手册》(第三版)和我国精神疾病分类(1984)规定,“精神分裂样精神病,,分别用于病期不足6个月和3个月的精神分裂症。 (赵亚忠撰刘协和审)