1.According to the description of the literary history,the esthetics of western realist novel of 19th centuries aimed to reproduce the model personalities within the typical model environment,rather than express the poetry and deliver the philosophy.然而,在本文看来,诗意性和哲理性是现实主义小说存在合法性的关键质素。
2.As far as Chinese contemporary films are concerned, film directors of the 6th generation break free from traditional narrative style and pursue philosophy of film and television works which, to some extent, affects audience s desire to watch.就中国新时期电影而言,第六代电影导演的逐渐崛起和发展,也就是传统叙事手法的消解,追求作品的哲理性却在一定程度上丧失了可视性。
3.The absurdity has its own philosophy which is not a simple illustration of the philosophical concept but represents itself through the authors subjective emotion and complex images.同时,英美现代派文学作品中的荒诞又具有哲理性,其哲理内蕴并不是哲学概念的简单图解,而是把哲理、观念融入作者的主观情绪和心理体验之中,通过复杂的意象表现出来。

1.On Conceiving Literature and Philosophy in Musical Works;谈音乐作品中的文学性和哲理性构思
2.I am quite content with philosophic contemplation.我非常满足于哲理性的冥想。
3.I must vindicate a claim to philosophical reflectiveness.我得作些哲理性的思考了。
4.Philosophy,Reason and Ecology:a Comment on An Introduction to Eco-Reason Philosophy;哲学·理性与生态——读《生态理性哲学导论》
5.The Education in the Visual Threshold of Philosophy and the Rational Location of Education Philosophy;哲学视域中的教育及教育哲学的理性定位
6.The Foundation of Philosophy of Justice of Law:Observing the Dynamic Role of the Judiciary in the Perspective of Legal Philosophy;司法哲学基石范畴:司法能动性之法哲理追问
7.Connotation,Necessity and Channels:On the Reference from Managerial Philosophy to Administrative Philosophy;内涵、必要性、途径:论行政哲学对管理哲学的借鉴
8.The Value Rationality of Nietzsche s Philosophy with His Ideality of "Superman";从“超人”理想看尼采哲学的理性价值
9.Interpretation of the Philosophical Meaning of Er Yuehe s Historical Novels;实践理性:二月河历史小说的哲理意蕴
10.On Poems of Philosophical Art by Poets of the Song Dynasty;哲理与诗性的完美结合——论宋代理趣诗
11.Reason and Freedom--On Kant s Philosophy about Subjectivity;理性与自由——论康德的主体性哲学
12.The author holds that Aquinas? law philosophy is a rationalist natural law theory.阿奎那的法律哲学是理性主义性质的自然法法哲学
13.Philosopher at Large: An Intellectual Autobiography无任所的哲学家:一部理性的自传
14.The Reason and the Exitence of Plato-Spinoza's Philosophy;柏拉图—斯宾诺莎哲学中的理性与生存
15.A Treatise on "the Fact of Reason" of Kant s Practical Philosophy;论康德实践哲学中的“理性的事实”
16.Scientific Philosophy Perspective on Godel s Incompleteness Theorems;哥德尔不完备性定理的科学哲学透视
17.On Feng Qi s "To Change a Theory as the Researcher s Virtue";浅议冯契“化理论为德性”的哲学思想
18.The Tension between Reason and Passion--on Hume s Moral Philosophy;理性与情感的张力——评休谟的道德哲学

1.Her poetry has the following artistic features:She was good at finding out unusual meanings from usual matters and revealing truth from contradiction and making her poetry paradoxical;her poetry is philosophical and each of her poems contains deep and universal philosophy;her poems are ambiguous thus make different readers reach different conclusions;she made he.主要呈现出以下几个方面的艺术特色:悖论性,即狄金森善于从寻常的事物发现不同寻常的意义,从矛盾中揭示真理;哲理性,即她的诗歌蕴含深邃的哲理,折射出普遍真理的光辉;复义性,即她的诗歌内涵丰富,不同的读者对同一首诗可以得出不同的解释;比喻性,即她诗歌中的比喻往往使其诗歌语言形象生动,意境深远,可读性强;象征性,指狄金森擅长在诗歌中运用意象,这些意象往往被称为象征性意象。
2.Martial art,as an organic component of traditional Chinese culture,has its distinctive representation way with such cultural features as philosophical,offensive,and health_building and entertainment,etc.武术作为中华民族传统文化的一个有机组成部分和独特的表现形式,具有哲理性、技击性、健身性、娱乐性等文化特征,正以优秀的民族文化形式走向世界。
3.There are three features of Gong Zhifeng s Poems,they are full of the sense of the times,idealistic and Philosophical.宫志峰的诗歌创作主要有三大特色:时代感、理想主义和哲理性
3)philosophic theory哲理性
1.The proposition of college entering composition has philosophic theory, realism, plasticity and sensibility.高考作文的命题思维导向具有哲理性、现实性、可塑性、情感性,教师要指导学生进行有针对性的训练,使学生在高考中取得理想成绩。
4)rationalistic philosophy理性哲学
5)philosophical reason哲学理性
1.To raise the efficiency of auditing supervision system arrangement,we need philosophical reason and the economic reason to play role together.审计监管制度安排效率的提高,需要制度中经济学理性与哲学理性共同发挥作用,两个层次理性的差距是“看不见的手”机制失灵的原因之一,也是政府管制制度一定程度上治理市场机制失灵的关键,本文认为缩小在两个层次上理性的距离是制度效率提高的途径。
2.It should use philosophical reason to supplement scientific reason so that it can reflect the direction of the whole human civilization and the crisis of it.应用伦理学应以哲学理性去补充科学理性的不足,反思现代文明的整体性走向和危机。
6)Philosophic Policy Decision哲理性决策
1.Research on Philosophic Policy Decision of the Western Grass-roots Leaders;西部基层政府领导者哲理性决策研究

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-