1.Comparison of Architecture Culture between Wu and Chu;浅谈吴两地建筑文化之比较
2.Dealing with Qianzhong Jun of the Chu State and the Qin State—— Concurrently Discussing Qu Yuan’s Death Year;、秦黔中郡略论——兼论屈原之卒年

1.The curve of her slender waist is snow whirled by the wind."纤腰之兮,回风舞雪"
2.Chuci and Chu s Society Culture--The Second Probing Chuci s Root;辞与国社会文化——辞探源之二
3.The Qin system was almost replaced by the Chu system at the fall of Qin and the rise of Chu, as well as at the transition from Chu to Han.秦亡兴以及汉之际,秦制几乎被制替代。
4.Who can I pour out my bitterness to?我的苦谁知道?……
5."Are you quite sure of that?"“你看清了吗?”
6.Sino-Russian Treaty on Nipchu"中俄尼布条约"
7.(of an image) clear and sharp.(指图像)清、鲜明。
8.Menchu, Rigoberta门(1959,瓜地马拉~)
9.He has / writes a good / legible hand.他字写得好[清].
10."ChuYanErChu" (楚言而出) does not mean" Chu Armyspoke their language and set out", but it means Zheng "dispatched troops and let them imi-tate Chu language";“言而出”,非军“复操语而出”,而是郑“出兵而效言”;
11.He articulated each word carefully.他把每个字都说得清清
12.and the slender thread of a neck was exposed to view;脖子细的像根线,露出来看得清清
13.It is essential to explain clearly to them what is right and what is wrong, what is beneficial and what is harmful.要把是非讲清,要把利害讲清
14.She had given it expressly on one side.但是她在旁边却看得清清
15.-- "I certainly saw Mr. Darcy speaking to her."“我清清看到达西先生跟她说话的。”
16.He studied hard and covered the ground thoroughly.他努力学习,把问题弄得清清
17."and you shall not know that, if I can prevent your knowing it;“只要我不让你弄清,你就别想弄清
18.the unmistakable sound of an approaching train清清的火车驶近的声音.

Chu state楚
1.Usually,the cultural background of Zhuangzi is accepted as Chu state.关于《庄子》的文化背景,宋代朱熹、近人王国维都认为是,建国后哲学史的通行说法,也是持相同意见。
2.The alliance in Shaoling is a great event in pre-Qin history period,especially for the relation between Qi state and Chu state in Spring and Autumn period."召陵之盟"是先秦史上的大事件,尤其是春秋时期齐、关系史上的大事件。
3)Being clear and distinct,it is worth seeing楚楚可观
4)Chu aroma楚风楚韵
5)Chu Ci楚辞
1.Cookeries of Famous Court Dishes in Chu Ci;辞所载宫廷名肴的烹饪艺术
2.The Simple Study on Building Thoughts in Ancient Times of Chu Ci;《辞》中的古代建筑思想初探
3.The Interpretation of "阳离" in Tian Wen,Chu Ci;《辞·天问》“阳离”解
1.Accumulation and Distribution Patterns of Hy-drocarbon in Bachu Arch of Tarim Basin;塔里木盆地巴凸起油气聚集及分布规律
2.Hydrocarbon-Bearing Property of Qiaoxiaoergai Structural Belt in Northern Bachu Arch in Tarim Basin;塔里木盆地巴凸起北部乔肖尔盖构造带含油气性
3.Characteristics of Unconformity and Its Relations to Hydrocarbon in Bachu-Mageti Area.;巴—麦盖提地区不整合面特征与油气分布关系
