1.The discussion and analysis of Xueji harmonic educational thoughts;《学记》和谐教育思想探析
2.Interpretation of the Innovative Educational Concepts in Xueji and its Enlightenment to the Modern Society;《学记》中的创新教育思想及其现代价值
3.The Teaching Principles of Xueji and Its Enlightenment on Modern Chinese Education;《学记》的教学原则及对当今语文教育的启示

1.Teaching Ideas in On Learning and Its Enlightenment on Teaching in Colleges and Universities《学记》教学思想对我国大学教学的启示
2.phenomenology of memory记忆现象学 记忆现象学
3.The science of recording anemometrical measurements.记风学,记风法记录风速数据的科学
4.chemiluminescent labeling化学发光标记(法)
5.memory storage记忆储存(心理学)
6.memory span记忆广度(心理学)
7.memory trace记忆痕迹(心理学)
8.memory Image记忆表象(心理学)
9.However, students are also required to keep a diary/ journal of their study tour experience.要求学生写日记记录旅游学习体会。
10.Is the University Still in Your Memory?--Reflection on Memorable Elements of the University;大学,你记住了吗?——兼论大学记忆的元素
11.Another Interpretation of the paragraph Beginning with “Education of great learning...”in“On Learning” in The Book of Rites;为《礼记·学记》“大学之教也”段进一解
12.Notes should be taken during lectures, and when the student is reading the texts prior to each session of the course.学生不但在听课时要记笔记,上课前准备功课时也应该记笔记。
13.a reproduction of a written record (e.g. of a legal or school record).书面记录的复制品(如法律或学校记录)。
14.There they also learnt book-keeping, accounts and shorthand.在那儿,他们还学习簿记、会计和速记。
15.Please take out your notebooks and get ready to make notes.请同学们拿出笔记本准备做笔记。
16.Why Cannot the Later Biographies Surpass the Book of History?论后代传记文学无法超越《史记》的原因
17.Students should take notes in class.学生在课堂上应该记笔记。
18.Training of Memory and Note-taking in the Teaching of Interpretation;英语口译教学中的记忆与笔记的训练

Xue Ji《学记》
1.A New Interpretation of a Paragraph in Xue Ji;先秦《学记》“禁于未发”章新诠
2.On the Transformation and Transcendence of Education Thoughts in Xue Ji;论《学记》中教育思想的现代转换及其超越
3.On the Subjective Viewpoint in Xue Ji Research;位置与意义:《学记》中“士”的生活史研究
3)On Learning《学记》
1.On Learning and the teaching professionalism;《学记》中教师专业化思想探微
2.Educational Ideology and Significance of On Learning;论《学记》的教育管理思想及现实意义
3.A Study of the Sustainable Development Thought inOn Learning;《学记》培养人可持续发展能力思想浅析
4)notes of study《学记》
1.Revelation on Teachers’ Professional Development from Notes of Study;《学记》对教师专业发展的启示
5)"on Learning" in the Book Rites《礼记.学记》
6)Records of Education学记
1.Giving Priority to Education in Building up a Country and Governing Its People——An Interpretation of the Educational Wisdom in Records of Education建国君民 教学为先——品读《学记》教育智慧
