1.There exists a unity of beauty,truth and love in John Keats poems,,surpassing the sorrowful life and turning the concrete into the general.济慈的诗作及其诗论的影响已超越了国界和语言的限制,成为世界共同拥有的宝贵精神财富。
2.Ling Gng is the expert of the academic research,his 40 s later of verse theories has been applaud"prosperous Tang s style" and "young spirit",but the modern parties verses of his 30 s permeated classic lingering charm of medium Tang and Tang of night s poems.学术大家林庚先生40年代后的诗论一直崇仰"盛唐气象"与"少年精神",而先生30年代的现代派诗作却深透着中晚唐古韵,其色泽表现、意象选择、言情风貌尤其神近李贺、李商隐诗风。
3.It is distinctive that Zhu Xiang praised traditional culture about poem and Ci highly and he assimilated it in his lots of poems.在诗论中对传统诗词文化的推崇及在自己的大量诗作中对传统诗词文化的融解,是朱湘的独特之处。

1.A single metrical line in a poetic composition;one line of poetry.诗句;诗行一部诗作中的一个诗行;诗的一行
2.Poetics in The Tyger--A New Reading to The Tyger by Blake;以诗论诗——对布莱克诗作《老虎》的新解读
3.Key words: Fei Ming; poem-fame; Poems; poem-theory, writing-attitude.关键词:废名;诗名;诗作;诗学主张;创作态度.
4.His Complete Poems(1950) won the Pulitzer prize for poetry in 1951.他的《诗作全集》1951年获普利策诗作奖,
5.His Complete Poems(1950) won the Pulitzer prize for poetry in1951他的《诗作全集》1951年获普利策诗作奖。
6.Meeting-Thing Poems:New Prospect in Post-New Poetic Trend--A Interpretation about Yu Jian s Poem;及物诗:后新诗潮的新景观——以于坚诗作为个案
7.The Poetry Theory and Writing of Chen Zi ang and Its Influence on the Poetry of the crowning Tang Dynasty;陈子昂的诗论、诗作及对盛唐诗歌的影响
8.Poem·Poet·Times -A Study On The Modernism Consciousness of Mu Dan s Early Works;诗·诗人·时代——论穆旦前期诗作的现代情结
9.Jiaoran School s Theory of Poetry and Quan Deyu s Doctrine of Poetry and Poetical Works;试论皎然诗学对权德舆诗论及诗作的影响
10.To versify or engage in versifying.作诗或者从事于作诗
11.Hu Shi s "Writing Poems Like Writing Essays" Vs Song-dynasty "Poems Based on Essays;胡适的“作诗如作文”与宋诗的“以文为诗”
12.The art or work of a poet.诗歌艺术或诗歌作品
13.It was in blank verse that she sang.她以无韵诗体作诗。
14.The theory or practice of writing poetry;poetics.作诗的理论,诗学诗歌创作的理论或章法;诗学
15.The art or practice of composing poems.诗歌艺术、作诗法写诗的艺术或章法
16.On the Original Meaning of Poetry and Commentary on the Book of Songs and Preface to the Book of Songs -Reviewing Commentary on the Book of Songs and Preface to the Book of Songs with the Example of Guan Ju;诗本义与《诗论》、《诗序》——以《关雎》篇为例看《诗论》、《诗序》作者
17.A poem in which the author retracts something said in a previous poem.翻案诗否定作者本人旧作内容的诗
18.A writer or composer of psalms.赞美诗的作者或作曲者

1.Meng Haoran s poetry not only shows plain artistic style,but also has profound thinking,the research of which is very benefit for the understanding of his poems.孟浩然的诗作不仅表现出特有的恬淡清真的艺术风格,而且隐含丰富的思想内涵。
2.As we entered "the New Period of Literature" in the 1980s, studies of approached the core questions of the new poems, and became typically representative of the new poetry studies in terms of perspective and method.进入20世纪80年代的文学“新时期”,胡适诗作诗论研究一步步接近新诗的核心问题,成为新诗研究中不论视野还是方法都具典型性的代表。
3.This thesis tries to draw the portrait of Meng Haoran and the outline of his personality characteristic through organizing the poet’s ideas and the concerned historical materials and poems, then tries to give brief accounts of what formed the poet’s personality characteristic and its influence on his poetry creation.本文通过梳理有关孟浩然的史料、诗作,力图勾勒出孟浩然的形象轮廓,点明其品格的个性特征,并进而分析其个性品格形成的原因及对诗作的影响。
1.Honesty and Perfection of Union integrating Poem,Poetics,Essay to Personality;闻一多诗作诗论及杂文与人格的方正和圆满
2.This paper makes a comprehensive review of the minority poets and their poems in northeast,northwest,southwest and south China in Tang dynasty.本文就唐代时期的东北、西北、西南和华南地区的少数民族诗人诗作作了综合性评述。
4)writing poems作诗
5)learn poems and write poems学诗与作诗
6)One who versifies.作诗者,诗人
