1.However, the anaphora between noun and pronoun in natural language, which is best elaborated in Discourse Representation Theory, is hardly represented in the computation and deduction characterized by adjacent concatenation.话语表现理论擅长刻画的自然语言语句中代词和名词的照应关系,在范畴类型逻辑那里很难通过邻近毗连组合的运算推演体现出来。
2.Investigates a linguistic phenomenon in English discourseanaphora.对英语照应关系诸多形式的语法、语义和语用特征进行了探讨,阐述了英语语篇照应关系之间存在的条件与约束,认为英语照应关系能够存在并使交际双方顺利进行信息传递,不仅需要以语法的一致性和语义上的重复性和限定性为基础,在某些语境条件下还需要人们忽略传统的语法一致性原则,转而借助世界知识等语用方面的线索进行语义和语境联想,进而完成整个语义链的衔接,实现概念的整合。

1.The Grammatical,Semantic and Pragmatic Basis of English Anaphora;英语中的照应关系及其语法、语义和语用基础
3.Research on Regulation of Adaptive Front-Lighting SystemsAFS(前照灯自适应)系统相关法规的研究分析
4.Case Control and Family Based Study on Relationship between TIM4 Gene Polymorphisms and Atopic AsthmaTIM4基因多态性与变应性哮喘关系的病例对照及家系研究
5.Older children should take care of younger ones.大孩子应该关照小孩子。
6.An Appraisal on the Conjunction Effect Between Cross-national M&A and Economy Cycle;跨国并购与经济周期的关联效应评价——以美国为参照系
7.Matched Case-control Study on Association between Psychological Reaction and Road Traffic Accidents among Middle School Students中学生交通事故与心理反应关系的病例对照研究
8.The Difference between English and Chinese Modal System:Realis-Focus vs. Communication-Focus现实关照性与交际关照性——英汉语气系统之异
9.During 15 years after Chernobyl accident many reports of epidemiologic investigation are advanced to reflect the relation between the radiation dose and effect.切尔诺贝利事故后 15年来有许多关于受照人员的健康调查 ,反映剂量效应关系 ;
10.Reviewing the Connection Between Luminance and Illuminance in Road & Tunnel Lighting重视道路和隧道照明中亮度与照度的关系
11.A Summary of Research on the Relations between Academic Self-Concept and the Frames of Reference;学业自我概念与参照系关系研究综述
12.The relation of electric field and magnetic field to reference system;电场E和磁场B与参照系的关系研究
13.Research on Auto Adaptive Front Lighting System for Turn Corners汽车前照灯弯道自适应照明系统的研究
14.The Research on Application of GPS for the Rizhao Line-tracking Emergency SystemGPS在日照市巡线应急系统的应用研究
15.The employer should given a certain economic compensation to the employees being cut according to the relevant provisions of the State.应当依照国家有关规定给予经济补偿。
16.According to the requirements of the company registration authority公司应当按照公司登记机关的要求
17.Case-Control Studies on Symptoms of War-related PTSD in Combat Veterans战争相关的创伤后应激障碍对照研究
18."If fellow residents know one another well, there will be more mutual help and understanding among them, and many problems can be averted."如果跟邻居关系融洽,日常生活就能互相照应、谅解,进而免除许多不必要的问题和纠纷。

conceptual anaphora非同指照应关系(内涵照应)
3)reference relation参照关系
4)echo and connection中间关锁照应
5)corresponding relationship对应关系
1.oil/gas field,block,development unit,and calculation unit) in reserve estimate,basic principles are proposed for establishing the corresponding relationship of the four-order unit.通过对储量评估中油气田、区块、开发单元和计算单元等四级单元应用现状的研究,提出了建立四级单元对应关系的基本原则。
2.There should be corresponding relationships between them.语素是语言单位,汉字是书写单位,二者之间有对应关系。
3.The corresponding relationship between these two types is generalized by contrasting the different types of attributives and those of slots relation in the noun phrases.定语类型与槽关系类型的对应,是根据现代汉语名词槽关系系统中的工作单提供的名词短语中的定语以及定语与中心词的语义关系线索,归纳总结出名词短语中不同的定语类型与槽关系类型的对应关系。
6)corresponding relation对应关系
1.The purpose is to discuss the corresponding relation between seismic relfectiion fea ture and sedimentary environment.依据计算结果,绘制了研究区沉积环境判别图,通过与该区沉积环境分区图的对比分析,探讨了各种评判指标对沉积环境的贡献大小以及沉积环境判别的误判率,从而探讨了地震反射特征与沉积环境之间的对应关系,验证了此判别方法的可行性。

经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation  1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关