1.The language used is humorous and can easily strike a sympathetic chord among the readers.三毛的散文内容色彩缤纷,善于描绘异族文化、风俗文化;人物形象摇曳多姿,抒情浓郁直接,善于在绘景状物中着重写人;语言幽默诙谐,善于运用引起读者思想情绪共鸣的语调语句。

1.Based on culture, is in pace with era.幽默诙谐,琅琅上口; 以文化为本,与时代同步。
2.A Lively and Humorous Image -the Other Side of Lin Daiyu s Personality;天真活泼 幽默诙谐──林黛玉性格的另一面
3.After initially struggling to establish its audience, the radio network is beginning to find its pace as the U.「幽默诙谐」乎是《美国空中广播电台》军火库里的首要武器。
4.There he became well-known for his omelets, as well as his courtesy and good humor在那儿,他做的煎蛋饼以及他的彬彬有礼和幽默诙谐使他小有名气。
5.He often used two common Sichuanese sayings to criticize humorously comrades who were careless in their work or who paid no attention to reconnaissance and investigation before launching military operations but gave arbitrary and impracticable orders.他常用四川俗话,幽默诙谐地批评那些不重视侦察和调查,指挥莽撞,办事马虎的同志。
6.Old Liu, he was always living in a single room after he divorced, and the facetious humoristic nature of him made a good relationship with his neighbors.老刘离婚后就一直一个人居住在一个单间中,天性幽默诙谐使他和周围的邻居处的很好。
7.David is so friendly and with a good sense of humor that you can't imagine he is a famous ecologist.戴维是如此平易近人,如此幽默诙谐,让人很难想象他居然是位赫赫有名的生态学家,
8.Anticlimax-A Humorous Figure of Speech;Anticlimax──诙谐幽默的修辞手段
9.a buffoonish walk; a clownish face; a zany sense of humor.滑稽的脚步;滑稽的脸;幽默、诙谐的感觉。
10.Witty or humorous writings and sayings.滑稽文章诙谐或幽默的文章或言论
11.Characteristic of or resembling a wag;jocular or witty.诙谐的有幽默特征的人或象幽默的人的;好笑的或机智的
12.His dramatic acting style and witty humor delighted the audience.观众们很欣赏他戏剧化的演技和诙谐的幽默感。
13.I never acquired that admirable colonial quality-good humour.我从不具有令人羡慕的殖民地特性-诙谐的幽默。
14.His dramatic acting style and weedy humor delighted the audience.观众对他戏剧性的表演形式和诙谐幽默感很欣赏。
15.The "surface" of humor is not sraooth; it is relat-ed to as well as different from jocularity and irony.幽默的“表面”并不光滑,它同诙谐和讽刺既有联系又有区别。
16.He was interested in humorous poems, joking commentaries on the news, and satirical observations of fellow townspeople.他对幽默诗,诙谐的新闻评论以及讽刺当地市民的小品文感兴趣。
17.There are humorous poems, joking commentaries on the news, and satirical observations of fellow townspeople.有诸如幽默诗,诙谐的新闻评论,讽刺当地市民的小品文等。
18.Britain's saucy Benny Hill is known throughout the world for his racy humor, witty songs, and winning smile.英国帅哥班尼希尔以他的可爱幽默在世界扬名,诙谐的歌曲,动人的微笑。

1.Little attention has been paid to Tao Yuanming s humorous personality and the works reflecting this particular feature.陶渊明诙谐幽默的个性以及反映这一个性特点的作品,历来没有受到应有的重视。
3)caricature and humor诙谐与幽默
6)Waggish behavior or spirit;drollery.诙谐幽默的行为或气氛;玩笑
