1.To wait means to endure.“等”就意味着“”。
2.Endure and not-endure are the two related psychological phenomena.与不是两种相关的心理现象。

1.His cruelty is past endurance.他的残令人无可
2.come to the end of one's endurance已不能再受, 无可
3.beyond [past] endurance无可的,不可耐的
4.To accept or tolerate(an insult, for example).受,容(如侮辱)
5.If this can be tolerated, what cannot?是可,孰不可
6.That was the last straw.我已经无可了。
7.Our endurance was tested to the utmost.我们已无可了.
8.Don't try my patience!别逼得我无可!
9.I can' t abide that man.我对那个人无可.
10.I can't endure that woman.我对那个女人无可.
11.You have exhausted my patience.你已使我无可
12.His behavior was beyond bearing.他的行为令人无可
13.reach the limit of one's patience达到了无可的地步
14.Her patience gave out long ago.她早已无可了。
15.You really are the limit!你真让人无可!
16.My patience is running out.我几乎有些无可了。
17.pushed to the utmost limits of endurance逼到无可的程度.
18.You are stretching my patience to the limit.你快使我无可了。

1.The tradition embodying our national spirit can supply the prevailing quality education with precious materials such as the qualities of benevolence, hardworking and thrifty,being modestand prudent,and tolerance.如仁爱情怀的教育、贵勤尚俭精神和谦、慎、的品
3)bear and forbear一忍再忍
4)put up with忍受;容忍
5)To forbear what cannot be Bearable忍无可忍
6)Lonicera japonica Thunb忍冬
1.Effects of Different Types of Fertilizers Used as Spraying on Leaves on the Growth of Lonicera japonica Thunb., the Development and Quality of Honeysuckle;不同类型叶面肥对冬生长发育及金银花质量的影响
2.Productive potentiality of Lonicera japonica thunb. in Southwest China karst region;西南岩溶区发展冬的潜力
3.Isolation and Identification of Flavonoids from the Leaves of Lonicera japonica Thunb;冬叶黄酮类化合物的提取分离与结构鉴定

忍【忍】 (术语)Ks!anti,忍耐也。忍耐违逆之境而不起嗔心也;又安忍也,安住于道理而不动心也。瑜伽论曰:“云何名忍,自无愤勃,不报他怨,故名忍。”唯识论九曰:“忍,以无嗔精进审慧及彼所起三业处性。”大乘义章九曰:“慧心安法名之为忍。”同十一曰:“于法实相安住为忍。”三藏法数五曰:“忍,即忍耐,亦安忍也。”