1.The Blank and Replacement of Language:On the competition,complementariness,syncretization between changqiyilai and yizhiyilai;语言表达的缺位与补位——从“长期以来”与“一直以来”的竞争、互补与融合说起
2.The Comparative Analysis of "YIZHI" and "CONGLAI";“一直”与“从来”的比较分析

1.in alignment (with...)(与…) 成一直线
2.She has always preferred people to call a spade a spade.她一直喜欢直截了当。
3.In so many words, the weather has been beastly.直说吧,天气一直很恶劣
4.draw a line perpendicular to a given line作一直线与已知直线垂直
5.remain standing, seated, etc一直站着、 坐着等
6.he said and looked straight ahead.他说,一直朝前看。
7.He has been troubled with insomnia[by a bad tooth].他一直失眠[牙疼]。
8.It's a wonder (that) he continues to gamble when he always loses!令人惊讶的是他一直输还一直赌!
9.Go straight to the next intersection and turn left.一直直走到下一个十字路口,然后左转。
10.He sat bolt upright in bed and looked at her.他在床上一下坐直了,眼睛一直瞅着她。
11.I've always wanted a springer spaniel.我一直想要一只激飞狗。
12.Children's Day is always the first of June.儿童节一直是六月一日。
13.He counted on until he reached 100.他数下去一直数到一百。
14.I have always meant to get it repaired.我一直想请人修一修的。
15.He worked on until he was in a sweat.他一直干到出一身汗。
16.The idea has been put into cold storage.这想法一直被搁在一边。
17.He saw at a glance that she'd been crying.他一看便知她一直在哭.
18.The custom has descended to our day.这一习俗一直传到今天。

all the way一直
1.As an adverb of time,“老” can mean “all the way”or“again and again”according to the semantic type of the verb it modifies.时间副词“老”有时表示“一直”,有时表示“再三”,这与“老”所修饰的动词的语义类型有关。
4)one dimension collimator一维准直
5)straight ahead一直向前
6)in alignment成一直线

一直1.顺着一个方向。 2.表示动作持续不断或状态持续不变。 3.犹一程。 4.强调所指的范围。用在"到"前,后面常有"都"﹑"全"呼应。