1.In order to use the theory and method of communication into the field of architecture and view the architecture as a completed process of communicating information,we can develop a way for the development of architectural design through the analysis of communicating factors of architectural communicating activity such as disseminator、 communicating contents、 communicating media and receivor.把传播学的理论和方法运用到建筑学的领域中,把建筑设计看成是一个完整的传播过程,可以通过对建筑传播活动的传播要素——传播者、传播内容、传播媒介和受传者的分析为建筑设计的发展拓展一条思路,从而打破以往仅着眼于传统建筑学上的建筑功能或者形式上的好坏的传统。
2.The media literacy has become the essential software during the new countryside reconstruction,so we need urgently to enhance the disseminator and the farmer audiences media literacy.媒介素养已成为新农村建设不可缺少的软件,因此急需提高传播者和农村受众的媒介素养。
3.This paper advances must be the disseminator of advanced ideological morals and the practitioner of the science and education rejuvenation China, and the impeller of Chinese feature socialist advanced culture in new times.因此,文章提出新时期共产党员要身体力行做先进思想道德的传播者、科教兴国战略的实践者和有中国特色社会主义先进文化的推动者,充分发挥其表率的先锋作用。

1.Disseminators,Audience,and Channels:A Study of the Profound Mechanism of Blog Dissemination;传播者、受众、渠道:博客传播的深层机制
2.The Disseminators between the City and the Countryside--A Study of the Dissemination Role Played by Rural Workers;行走于城乡边缘的传播者——农民工传播作用解读
3.On the Invisible Being of the News-Communicators;试论新闻传播过程中传播者的“不在之在”
4.Positive role played by actors of excellent Wushu movies and televisions in promotion of Wushu;优秀武术影视传播者在武术传播中的积极作用
5.Research on Disseminating Rhetoric --The Role of a Rhetoric Diffuser;传播修辞学研究——修辞信息传播者的角色辨析
6.They not only handed down these songs, but made them up too.他们既是传播者。又是创造者。
7.pursue a line of scent or be a bearer, as of a dog.狗尾随踪迹或一个传播者
8.Searching after truth, I have become but the minister of falsehoods.我追求真理,然而却成了邪教的传播者
9.Wang Zheng Who Transmitted European Science and Technology and Culture to China;王徵——欧洲科学技术与文化的传播者
10.The Rising of Internet Literature and the Deconstruction of the Literary Propagator;网络文学的兴起与文学传播者的消解
11.Internet communication and the adjustment of journalistic communication style试论网络传播与记者传播方式的调适
12.The lips of the wise disperse knowledge.智者之口传播知识。
13.an announcer whose voice is broadcast on radio.在广播上传播声音的宣告者。
14.Returning to and Surpassing the Pou Sto of the Diffuser of Confucian Diffisionist Ideology;儒家传播思想的传者本位回归与超越
15.The Subjects Variation between the Disseminator and Acceptor in West Modern News Communication;西方现代新闻传播中传者与受者的主体变奏
16.He is represent by the media as a dangerous firebrand传播媒体报导他是个危险的煽动者
17.Rumors were flying among the strikers.谣言在罢工者中迅速地传播着。
18.an evangelist who conducts services on television.在电视或广播上讲仪式的传道者。

1.Journalistic communication pursues the goal of letting the audience accept the information given by the communicator.新闻传播的目的是让受众接受传播者所传播的新闻信息。
2.And the communicator, science news reporters were the most to be blamed.而在科技新闻的传播过程中,科技新闻的传播者-科技新闻记者成为最多被指责的对象。
1.Agricultural innovation propagation effects are influenced by propagators, acceptors and propagation skill.传播者、受传者和传播技巧都影响农业创新的传播效果。
2.Based on analyzing the relation between the author and the propagator, the article points out a conflict of interests among the author, the propagator and the public,which should be balanced.通过对网络环境下著作权人和作品传播人(邻接权人)的关系的分析,指出在网络环境下存在作者、传播者、公共利益失衡的状况。
3.It is the direct propagator of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought-Deng Xiaoping s Theory, the direct executive of Party s line, general and specific policies and the director organizer of the mass s practice.党的基层组织在党的系统中所处的地位,决定了它在党的领导中的重要作用,它既是马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论的直接传播者,又是党的路线、方针和政策的直接执行者,还是群众实践活动的直接组织者。
1.The civil liability born by infectious diseases spreader is mainly a kind of liability for tort which infringes natural person s health rights.传染病传播者所承担的民事责任,在性质上主要是一种侵害自然人健康权的侵权责任,其归责原则和构成要件,应在遵循侵权法基本原理的前提下,结合传染病传播侵权行为的特殊性予以确定。
1.In the embryonic stage of Chinese classical popular novels,communicators had mainly developed from amateur folk artists.在中国古代通俗小说萌芽阶段,传播者主要是从业余民间艺人逐步发展而来的。

传播者人格品质传播者人格品质personality of communicator  传播者人格品质(personality。f eom-municator)传播者个人所具有的心理品质。经过心理实验证实的传播者应当具备的良好人格品质主要有:权威性(霍夫兰和韦斯,1951,等等);公正性(沃尔斯特、阿伦森和阿伯拉罕,19“,等等)、对受传者的良好期待(罗森塔尔和雅克布森,1968,等等)、作风民主(勒温、李皮特和怀特,1939,等等)、真诚(诺尔曼·安德森,1968,等等)、热情(阿希,1946,等等),等等。 (纬向前撰匪亘国审)