1.Development Situation and Industry Structure Adjustment Direction for Industry Textiles and Nonwovens Industry in Guangdong Province;广东省产业用纺织品和非织造布行业发展现状及产业结构调整方向
2.The strategy and effect of technical trade protecting methodon the steel industry;技术性贸易保护措施将对我国钢铁行业发展的影响及对策
3.On the management of coal industry after entering WTO;论加入WTO后煤炭行业管理

1.Rent,associations and self-regulation of various industries;行业租金、行业协会与行业自我治理
2.involved in building, banking, business operations经营建筑业、 银行业、 商业
3.A trade, profession, or other means of livelihood.行业行业、职业或其它谋生的方式
4.Construction [Industry Sector 5 of HSIC]建造业〔香港标准行业分类行业类别5〕
5.ii.The Industrial Admittance(二)行业的行政准入
6.Strategic Trade Enforcement Group策略性行业执行小组
8.scraping of bones [offensive trade]刮骨〔厌恶性行业
9.crushing of bones [offensive trade]磨骨〔厌恶性行业
10.burning of bones [offensive trade]烧骨〔厌恶性行业
11.boiling of bones [offensive trade]煮骨〔厌恶性行业
12.ancillary service辅助性服务〔行业
13.regulated industry受(政府)管辖行业
14.an industry that provides transportation for commercial products.提供商业运输的行业
15.The movie industry.电影业制作电影的行业
16.Trans-regional and inter-trade enterprises跨地区、跨行业的企业
17.Environmental Statistics by Industry Branch各工业行业环境统计表
18.banking and insurance services银行业务和保险业务

1.Thought Route of Tire Trade Development;辽宁省轮胎行业发展思路浅论
2.The Analysis of the Development Strategy of Car-Repairing Trade;从通辽地区看汽车维修行业发展问题
3.Review of Symbolizing Incidents of Ten Trades in China After Entrance to WTO;加入WTO一年来中国10大行业标志性事件回顾
1.Strengthening the profession management,promotion the xylitol enterprise health development;加强行业管理 促进木糖醇企业健康发展
2.What We Can Learn from the LA Profession in North America;北美风景园林行业之于我国的启示
3.Inquiry into Fire Fight Engineering Examination Profession Present Condition and Development Counterplans;探讨消防工程检测行业现状及发展对策
1.In the last ten years,the labor price ratio in most of the industries in Liaoning tends to decrease,and there appears the phenomenon that the economic growth repels the labor employment.辽宁大多数行业的劳动力价格弹性最近十几年来有明显的下降趋势,出现了经济增长对劳动力的排斥现象。
2.This paper classifies the listed companies in 2000 into six industries according to given standards, and examines the determinants of capital structure for different industries.2000年上市公司按照行业可划分为6大行业,不同行业资本结构的影响因素各不相同,不同行业各自的特征决定了各行业自身的资本结构。
3.Secondly,this paper establishes a multivariate linear regression model by using the integrate scores as interpreted variable and using industries and capital structure as interpreting variables to test industrial characteristic of profitability of China s listing companies.文章首先用因子分析法得出代表上市公司盈利能力的综合指标———综合因子得分,然后用该指标作为被解释变量,以行业和资本结构为解释变量进行多元回归分析,发现我国上市公司行业门类和资本结构对上市公司的盈利能力具有显著的解释能力。
1.The International Trade Effect of FDI-Analysis Based on China s Sector Data;外国直接投资的国际贸易效应:基于我国行业数据的分析
2.Study on the Employment Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Sectors in China;外商直接投资对我国的行业就业效应研究
3.This paper takes Shenzhen City as a case study to analyze the characteristics of water use and wastewater discharge of industrial enterprises in terms of different scales, different sectors and different districts.以深圳市为例 ,从不同规模、不同行业类型、不同区域三方面 ,分析了深圳市工业企业用水和废水排放特征 。
6)IT IndustryIT行业
1.Research on the problems and countermeasures in creating a pro-learning organization in IT industry;我国IT行业创建学习型组织的问题及其对策探析
2.Research on Culture Motivation to Knowledge Worker in IT Industry;IT行业知识型员工的文化激励研究
3.It charifies the location characteristic of IT industry.以跨国公司海外研发转移为主题,研究其转移的地域特征和海外研发动因对区位选择的影响,从而提出跨国公司研发转移的区位选择因素,并可以了解IT行业研发转移的区位特点。

行业【行业】 (术语)身口意之所作。法华经提婆品曰:“善知众生诸根行业。”【又】善恶之所作,可感苦乐之果报者。无量寿经上曰:“行业果报,不可思议。”