
1.After years of war and chaos the people urgently needed rehabilitation.人民于连年战乱之后,已亟待休养生息
2.It aims to rehabilitate and develop natural forests.主要解决天然林的休养生息和恢复发展问题。
3.China s Current Tax System Reform Should Stick to the Guiding Ideology to Recuperate;中国现行税制改革应贯彻休养生息的指导思想
4.Discussion on Rehabilitation of Hunhe River in Shenyang对浑河沈阳城区段水体“休养生息”的探讨
5.She did not sufficiently think of making herself a nest for him.她并不十分想让她自己变成供他休养生息的场所。
6.All Georgia wanted was to be let alone so the state could recuperate.佐治亚唯一的要求的是不受干扰,让它自己去休养生息
7.The Strategy for the Environmentally Sound Recuperation and Propagation of China s River Basins--in combination with rebuilding the eco-system after the 98 floods;中国流域生态经济的休养生息策略——兼论 98大洪灾后的良性循环重建
8.The North Korean regime will find respect in the world and revival for its people only when it turns away from its nuclear ambitions.北韩政权只有抛弃其发展核武器的野心,才能赢得全世界的尊重,才能使人民得到休养生息
9.They provided much-needed breathing space for a country hit by civil war and unrest.他们为这个饱受内战和动乱之苦的国家提供了一个极需休养生息的空间。
10.But the atmosphere does succeed in making a surprisingly large amount of the earth's surface fit for human habitation.但大气确是有功劳的,它在地球表面开辟了广袤的适宜人类休养生息的地方。
11.dude ranch[美西部](供东部人休假时休息的)休养农场;仿西部农场造的休养处
12.The doctor advised me to stay in for a few days.医生嘱我在家休息几天.
13.The doctor advise me to stay In for a few day医生嘱我在家休息几天
14.The doctor prescribed a long rest.医生吩咐作长期的休息。
15.The doctor advised me to have a rest.医生建议我好好休息.
16.The doctor ordered me to have a good rest.医生叫我好好休息。
17.The doctor told him to lay off a couple of days.医生叫他休息几天。
18.The doctor advised the managing director to lay off for a couple of days.医生劝总经理休息几天。

lay off暂时解雇;休息;休养
3)Information of regimen养生信息
4)Health-keeping traveling休闲养生旅游
1.Health-keeping traveling,as a main trend in the 21st century,owns a huge market but little research focus.休闲养生旅游已成为21世纪旅游发展的大趋势,具有极其广阔的市场需求,而相关研究基本是空白。
6)recess[英][ri'ses][美]['ri,s?s, r?'s?s]休会;休息
