1.Communist Conception in Manuscript Written by Marx in 1844——In Honor of the 160th Anniversary of Economics and Philosophy Manuscript in 1844 Written by Marx;马克思1844年《手稿》中的共产主义观——纪念马克思写作《1844年经济学哲学手稿》160周年
2.On Rickshaw Boy Manuscripture关于《骆驼祥子·手稿》本
3.The name of the novel indicates infinite semiosis and potential of textual interpretation;the items at the beginning and at the end of the novel form the main narrative frame,to clarify the nature of the manuscript characterized by narrative of narrative,translation of translation;the links of boo.书名暗示文本无限符号性和阐释可能性;书前后的附加事项构成叙述主框架,表明手稿叙述之叙述、翻译之翻译的性质;文中书与书的关联在故事情节和叙述形式风格中得以建立。

1.Economic Manuscript of 1861-1863《经济学手稿(1861~1863)》
2.A manuscript in the author's handwriting.手稿作者以手写体写出的草稿
3.not furnished with or using a script.不提供手稿或不使用手稿的。
4.A manuscript written in cursive characters.草书手稿用草写体写成的手稿
5.A typewritten copy, as of a manuscript.打字稿用打字机打的,如手稿
6.Material, such as a manuscript, that is to be set in type.稿件将要付排的材料,如手稿
7.manuscript (excl. music), originals (e.g., hand-drawn; excl. illuminated manuscripts)手稿(不包括乐谱),原稿(即手工抄写,不包括有插图的手稿
8.He read through the manuscript.他把手稿从头到尾看了。
9.The editor laboured over the manuscript till early morning.编辑修改手稿至天明。
10.This manuscript dates back to the 8th century.这份手稿写于8世纪。
11.The manuscript had yellowed/was yellowed with age.手稿因年久而发黄了.
12.He quarried in his old manuscripts.他在旧手稿中寻找资料。
13.all of his manuscripts were kept corked up他的全部手稿都封存着。
14.typewrittenpages, letters, manuscripts打印的页数、 信件、 手稿.
15.The ancient manuscripts were destroyed by fire.古代手稿被大火吞噬了
16.Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts皇家历史手稿委员会
17.The manuscript was yellowed with age.手稿困年久而发黄。
18.the unique existing example of Donne's handwriting.See Synonyms at single多恩仅存的手稿参见

1.Metadata Profile for the China Cultural Celebrities Manuscripts Library;名人手稿馆元数据方案的设计
2.Recovering the Overshadowed Spirit of Aesthetics——An aesthetic Interpretation of Marx’ Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844寻找被遮蔽的美学精神——马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的美学解读
3.Look at Alienation in Marx's "Human" From the‘The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844’从《1844年经济学哲学手稿》看马克思异化中的“人”
1.The Aesthetic View of Materialism from Sprout to Establishment——On the Development of Marxian Aesthetic Thought from Manuscript to Sacred Family;唯物主义美学观从萌芽到确立——从《手稿》到《神圣家族》看马克思主义美学思想的发展
2.Although Manuscript correctly pointed out that labor is human being s nature, for the first time explain social history from the view of labor, owing to study development law of human history from imagined human nature, it didn t go bey.马克思在《手稿》中从探讨人的生命活动之自由的有意识的活动本质入手,揭示了这种活动所表现的生产、劳动或实践的实质是人的本质力量的对象化,由此将实践确定为人的本质特征,这为实现伟大的哲学变革打造了第一块坚固的基石。
5)Paris Manuscripts《巴黎手稿》
1.On the Forming and Meaning of Practice Viewpoint in Karl Marx s Paris Manuscripts;论《巴黎手稿》中实践概念的生成及其意义
2.A Probe into Axiological Aesthetic Thoughts in Paris Manuscripts;《巴黎手稿》价值论美学思想探析
3.On Marx s Natural Theory in Paris Manuscripts;论《巴黎手稿》中马克思的自然理论
6)Western language manuscript西文手稿
