1.Clara Schumann s Artistic Achievement from the Sexism Point of View;性别主义视角下克拉拉·舒曼的艺术成就
2.This thesis analyses black women characters in Toni Morrison s novels and reveals their different characteristics and experiences,which suggests a direction to self-liberation for the black women who are put under the duel oppression of racism and sexism.论文分析了莫里森笔下的黑人女性形象并展示她们各自不同的特点和遭遇,忠实地表达了黑人女性的生活经历,给身处种族主义和性别主义双重压迫下的黑人女性指出了正确的争取自我解放的道路。
3.The oppressive silence results from the Chinese sexism with its silencing measures that confines No Name Aunt and Moon Orchid in silence.华裔的中华文化传承当中的性别主义及其沉默策略所制造的压迫性沉默使无名姑姑与月兰姨妈都被禁锢在内化了的女性沉默中,而这沉默自身对她们就是一种压迫。

1.Solitude behind Passion: A Brief Analysis of Sexism in Sula;激情背后的孤寂:《秀拉》中的性别主义
2.Deconstructing Gender Essentialism: The Contribution of Feminism to Progressive Gender Culture;解构性别本质主义:女性主义对先进性别文化的贡献
3.Gender Socialization: the Highest Pursuit of Feminism女性主义追求的最高境界——社会性别
4.Research on Education and Gender Equality Problem from the Femininist;女性主义视角下教育与社会性别公平
5.Modern Holiday: Beauty Contest, Gender and Nationalism;现代性节日:选美、性别与民族主义
6.Examining the Gender Concept of Feminism from the Perspective of Philosophy;对女性主义社会性别概念的哲学透视
7.The Gender and Its Legal Significance in the View of Feminism Jurisprudence;女性主义法学视角下的社会性别及其法律意义
8.Sub-Working Group on Gender and Humanitarian Response性别和人道主义反应工作分组
9.Feministic Analysis of New Dress;别样新装为谁裁——《新装》的女性主义解读
10.Wang Anyi s Gender Expression and Feminism in China;“我是女性主义者吗?”——由王安忆的性别表述兼谈中国的女性主义
11.“Super Gilrs” and Gender Politics--An Western Marxist Feminist Approach;“超级女声”与性别政治——西方马克思主义女性主义视角
12.Different Deviations of the Anti-Gender Intrinsic Doctrine & their Reasons: Compare of Chinese & West Feminism Literature Criticism;反性别本质主义的不同倾向及原因——中西女性主义文学批评比较
13.Social Sex Distinction and Poetics of Sex Distinction;社会性别与性别诗学——女性(主义)文学批评笔记之二
14.Translation's Gender and Gender in Translation--On the Aspect of Feminist Translation Theory“翻译的性别”和“性别中的翻译”——从女性主义翻译理论谈起
15.Sexual Choice of Preschool Teachers under the Viewpoint of Feminism;女性主义视野下幼师性别选择的和谐化趋向
16.The Study of Gender Concept from Contemporary Western Feminism Perspective;当代西方女性主义视野下的社会性别概念研究
17.Sex Research of Chinese Textbooks in High School within Feminist View;女性主义视域下中学语文教科书的性别研究
18.The Construction of Gender Identity in Chinese Feminist Translation;中国女性主义翻译中译者性别身份的构建

1.Womanism has become an important part of Afro-American women s liberation cause since 1980s because of its emphasis on the four particular qualities of black women s struggle: anti-sexism, anti-racism, Afracentrism and humanism.妇女主义以其反性别主义、反种族主义、非洲中心主义和人道主义等特点成为20世纪80年代以来美国黑人妇女运动的重要组成部分。
3)feminism gender view女性主义性别观
4)gender essentialism性别本质主义
1.It is just like an onion with many layers: the story itself displays a common gender picture in the contemporary society with conspicuous pity upon the weaker sex;beyond the words is the hidden writer s unconscious yield to the male-centered values; its dichotomy thinking and gender essentialism more directly challenge feminists endurance.这是一枚层次丰富的洋葱:故事层面呈现当代社会司空见惯的弱肉强食的性别图景,字里行间充盈着对弱势女性的怜惜;深层却透露出隐含作者对男性中心价值标准的无意识屈从;而其二元对立的思维模式和性别本质主义的思维始点更直接挑战着女性主义者的承受底线。
2.Feminism destructed gender essentialism in the background of the destruction post-modern pluralism made to essentialism.女性主义对性别本质主义的解构与后现代多元主义对西方本质主义传统的颠覆相伴而生。
3.Feminism has mounted vehement criticism on gender essentialism, the core of the traditional gender culture, both Chinese and foreign.女性主义对中外传统性别文化的核心———性别本质主义进行了猛烈的批判,指出两性的命运主要由自己而非生理决定,从而清除了中外传统性别文化中的宿命论错误,为先进的性别文化奠定了科学的基础。
5)feminism perspective女性主义性别视角
6)the idea basic of national state国别主义
