1.This article is a brief review on Yao Mangfu\'s calligraphy,painting and his original art of YingTa in order to cause the academic community to pay attention to the study of Yao Mangfu,and to restore Yao\'s rightful place in the history of modern art.对姚茫父的书法、绘画和独创颖拓艺术做简要的评介,以期能够引起学界对姚茫父研究的重视,还原其在近代美术史上应有的地位。

1.The deep temporal artery accompanying with nerve ran between temporal muscle and periosteum,and supplied temporal muscle.深动脉与额深神经伴行于骨膜与肌深面之间,参与肌血供。
2.Her intelligence is self-evident.她的聪是不言而喻的。
3.novelty [registered design]新性〔注册外观设计〕
4.Those clothes are of novel designs.那些服装款式新
5.vivid pattern, lively design图案生动,款式新
6.This is the latest dress, modern and elegant in fashion.这套时装,式样新大方。
7.the trials for the semifinals began yesterday.他从选拔赛中脱而出。
8.In the five years since Juan Sebastian Veron came for a spell that failed to justify his £28.1m fee, Sir Alex Ferguson has been searching for an ideal midfield solution.昀矗?绰∶荒苤っ髯约
9.fashionable in design and superb in workmanship.款色新、工艺精湛。
10.This essay is not very adventurous.这小品文不大新
11.I stand out in a group interview.在集体面试中脱而出。
12.He was extraordinarily receptive and responsive.他出奇地悟、敏感。
13.We believe the device has novelty,该项装置选型新
14.He is the artist of suggestions.他是聪的艺术家。
15.Novel hybrid OVSF-TH-UWB communication system新的OVSF-TH-UWB通信系统
16.But this chair is quite high that she cannot jump up by herself.自从”魔犬”希希来了之后,都不断找她的避难所。
17.Raise up a standard toward Zion. Seek refuge; do not stay; For I am bringing evil from the north, And great destruction.Φ毕蛭?彩?㈧浩欤灰?埽?灰?A簦灰蛭冶厥乖只觯?氪蠡倜穑?狈嚼吹健
18."The "Double Fish"Brand is not so Bad, the design is fresh and vivid.""双鱼"牌商标不错,图案新

3)Yinghe catchment颖河
1.Taking Yinghe catchment as example,isoline method,hydrologic assimilation method as well as runoff coefficient method was used to calculate annual runoff of the catchment,with validating and comparing of results and applying to the calculation of design flux,which can satisfy the r.文章以颖河流域为例,应用等值线图法、水文比拟法和径流系数法推算该流域的年径流量,相互验证和比较上述3种方法的推算结果,并将成果用于计算设计流量。
5)falling out of glume脱颖
1.Studies on falling out of glumes of the mature larvae of wheat red blossom midge;麦红吸浆虫老熟幼虫脱颖规律研究
1.Effects of Wx Protein Loss on the Physiological Activities of Caryopsis and Flag Leaf in Rice;Wx蛋白缺失对水稻颖果和剑叶生理活性的影响
2.Relationship Between the Ultrastructure of Chalazal Cells in Caryopsis and Grain Filling of Wheat;小麦颖果合点细胞超微结构与籽粒灌浆的关系
3.Effects of Nitrogen on Starch Accumulation and Activities of Enzymes Involved in Starch Synthesis in Rice Caryopsis;施氮处理对水稻颖果淀粉积累和相关酶活性的影响

颖颖(颖)yǐng(1) ㄧㄥˇ(2) 禾的末端,植物学上指某些禾本科植物小穗基部的苞片:~果。(3) 东西末端的尖锐部分:锋~。(4) 才能出众:聪~。~悟。~慧。~异。新~。(5) 郑码:rrmg,u:9896,gbk:d3b1(6) 笔画数:13,部首:页,笔顺编号:3531234132534颖颖、颕yǐng[名](1) (形声。从禾,顷声。从禾与农作物有关。本义:谷穗。亦称“颖片”。指禾本科植物小穗基部的二枚苞片)(2) 同本义颖,禾末也。从禾,顷声。谓贯于穗及近于穗之芒秒。——《说文》禾穗谓之颖。——《小尔雅》异亩同颖。——《书·归禾序》实颖实贾。——《诗·大雅·生民》嘉禾重颖。——应贞《晋武帝华林园林》(3) 又如:颖果(干果的一种,种皮和果皮合而为一,里面只有一粒种子)(4) 锥芒乃颖脱而出,非特其末见而已。——《史记·平原君虞卿列传》(5) 又如:颖脱(将锥放在囊中,终将全部脱出。比喻能充分显露内在的才能);短颖羊毫笔颖颖yǐng[形](1) 聪敏灵运幼便颖悟。——《南史·谢灵运传》君性颖异。——邓文原《苏府君墓表》(2) 又如:颖拔绝伦(聪敏过人,找不出第二个人);颖秀(聪慧出众);颖哲(聪慧)