1.In the art of Japanese Yamato-e,many works are created according to the "Eight-Scene" theme,and the scenery woodcut by KatsushikaHokusai is most admired.在日本浮世绘艺术中,有很多作品是以"八景"主题描绘而成,而葛饰北斋描绘的"八景"画题的风景版画则是最为人推崇。

1.Katsushika Hokusai's Scenery Woodcut in Japan and Xiaoxiang "Eight-Scene" Pictures日本葛饰北斋风景版画与中国潇湘“八景”画题
2.The “Nan and Bei Verses”, Ming and Qing Ditties, and Folk Songs: Reflections on the Combination of Nan and Bei Verses in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi;“南北曲”、明清小曲和聊斋俚曲——从聊斋俚曲“南北合套”曲的唱腔说起
3.The "Cotton、hemp、plantain and Ge" Study on Historical Geography of Dress Raw Material in Lingnan;岭南服饰原料“棉、麻、蕉、葛”历史地理研究
4.In Beijing, the best-known spiced beef is made in Yue Sheng Zhai.月盛斋的酱牛肉在北京,最有名的牛肉制作工艺就是月盛斋。
5.Studies on the Structure Modification and Crystal Structures of Isoflavone Components from Flowers Pueraria;葛花异黄酮成分结构修饰及晶体结构研究
6.On the Finding of the Origin of BNU Manuscript,A Dream of Red Mansions;北师大《脂砚斋重评石头记》版本来源查访录
7.Welcome to Beijing, Mr Girffin.赵: 欢迎你来北京,葛列芬先生。
8.On Zhuge Ge’s Assisting the Wu Regime and the Reason of Failure of the North Punishing Expedition;孙吴诸葛恪辅政与北伐失败原因考析
9.main supporting male roles: Fang Bonian as Ge'er Dongzan, the Prime Minister, Liu Dekang as Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Ji Jinwu as Chi Deng, a Tibetan general.)主要男配角:方伯年饰宰相葛尔东赞;刘德康饰唐太宗,季锦武饰土蕃大将赤登。
10.Katsushika City Museum is the museum of local history and astronomy.葛饰区乡土天文馆是一所地方历史博物馆和天文馆。
11.The Differences between Southern and Northern Clothes Customs during the Southern and Northern Dynasties;魏晋南北朝时期南北服饰风俗之差异
12.Study on the Development Strategies of Hubei Gedian Economic and Technological Development Zone;湖北省葛店经济技术开发区发展战略研究
13.Situation Analysis and Suggestions on Development of Hubei Pueraria lobata Industry;湖北省葛根产业化现状分析与发展建议
14.A New Insight for Exploring Wei Yan s and Zhuge Liang s Route of Dispatching Troops in the First Northern Expedition of the Shu Kingdom;蜀汉首次北伐魏延、诸葛亮进兵路线新论
15.From the “Recovery of the Han Royal Family” to the Seizure of Liangzhou--New Ideas on Zhuge Liang s “Northern Expedition”;从“兴复汉室”到夺取凉州——诸葛亮“北伐”新论
16.Determination of Dauricine in Beiqinhong Dropping Pills by HPLC MethodHPLC法测定北芩红滴丸中蝙蝠葛碱的含量
17.In the Jingle Temple, a famous temple in Luoyang, "upon the six fasts, there were always Jiyue performers whose songs seemed to dangle among the roof beams.北魏洛阳名刹景乐寺至于六斋,常设女乐,歌声绕梁,
18.The Eco-Industrial Planning by the Theory of Circular Economy in ZhaiTang MenTouGou BeiJing;循环经济理论指导下的北京门头沟斋堂镇生态产业项目规划

Jingxin Garden of Beihai Park北海镜心斋
1.Aesthetic Image Analysis of Jingxin Garden of Beihai Park in Beijing;北海镜心斋园林意象分析
3)O. hupehensis (Pamp.)Z. M. Tan et X. L. Zhang湖北诸葛菜
4)the Demolising Incident of Beizhai北斋拆迁事件
1.Public Communication: An Important Link of Crisis Management of Library——By Taking the Demolising Incident of Beizhai as Example图书馆危机管理的重要环节:公共沟通——以“北斋拆迁事件”为例
5)Costume of BeiQi dynasty北齐服饰
6)Costume of Northern Dynasties北朝服饰
