1.Any activi ty of humanity is accompanied with psychological activities, and this is also tr ue to the training of the quality of specialized event, to which attention must be paid from conscousness to subconsciousness.人的任何活动都伴随着心理活动,专项素质的训练同样如此,必须重视从意识到下意识的专项素质训练。
2.In his thrillers concerning crimes and revenge,he went deep into the field of abnormal psychology and subconsciousness,displaying in front of readers a gallery of psychologically abnormal people suffered from the loss of common sense and consciousness.在坡的犯罪、复仇等恐怖小说中 ,坡深入到人的变态心理和下意识的领域里 ,为读者展示了一个丧失正常理智和意识的畸形人的画廊。

1.Lao Yang thought as he subconsciously tightened his grasp on the rifle.他下意识地攥紧枪把想。
2.Deep Understanding of Ideology in the New Situation;深化对新形势下意识形态问题的认识
3.He looked significantly at Castle's briefcase.他下意识地瞥了一下卡斯尔的公文包。
4.So she rubbed the lamp.说着,她下意识地擦了擦灯。
5.Mother smoothed back her hair with a movement of which she was unconscious.母亲下意识地向后捋了捋头发。
6.She dropped into an ingratiating smile她下意识地露出讨好的笑容。
7.She unconsciously moved back a pace or two.她下意识地向后退了一两步。
8.My answer seemed to come from the subconscious.我的回答似乎出自下意识
9.Early experiences can implant fears in the subconscious.早年的经历会在下意识中埋入恐惧感。
10.Reflections on the Sense of Anxiety and Superior Consciousness under the Current Financial Crisis金融危机背景下对忧患意识和超前意识的思考
11.I intend that humans today cease to fall in consciousness but instead rise in consciousness through ascension.我意愿今天的人类停止意识下跌,相反藉由提升而提高意识。
12.Ideology Analysis: A Discuss under the Visual Angle of the Sociology of Knowledge;意识形态分析:一个知识社会学视角下的探索
13.On Reconstruction of Curriculum Knowledge Meaning under the Vision of Knowledge View Transition;知识观转型视野下课程知识意义的重建
14.He realized that he was lucky to be alive himself,他意识到他能活下来是很幸运的,
15.He was only dimly aware that it was raining.他只是模模糊糊地意识到天在下雨。
16.Conscious that she was being stared at,she dropped her eyes.意识到有人在看她,她垂下眼睛。
17.Projection takes place with a minimum of awareness or conscious control.投射在最少的知觉或意识控制下发生。
18.Unconscious Mechanisms of Chinese Characters in Subliminal Semantic Activation汉语阈下语义启动无意识机制研究

modern conscionsness当下意识
3)upward and downward consciousness上下意识
1.The paper further observes the cultural factors,which bring about Japanese thinking modes,through three aspects reflected by offering and receiving relation in Ja-panese,that is,inside and outside consciousness,upward and downward consciousness and favor consciousness.本文通过授受关系所体现的"内外意识"、"上下意识"和"恩惠意识",进一步考察形成日本人思维方式的文化因素。
4)the consciousness under heaven天下意识
5)subliminal consciousness阈下意识

下意识下意识subconscious  下意识(subconseious)亦称“半意识”。(1)人的心理活动的一种特性和形式,指不清楚不明确的模糊意识,亦即某一时刻不处于意识之上或意识活动的中心,但影响着意识活动进行的心理过程。例如,人在某一瞬间没有直接去想的东西,但他大体士:却知道并与其所想的东西通过联想发生联系,像思想的潜语就这样影响和伴随着人的思想过程。同样,被感知的东西,虽不是直接意识到的,但对客观环境、自动行为发生的影响,也是一种下意识的知觉,参与意识行动之中。下意识并不是神秘不可知的东西,而是人的正常的不显露的心理活动,也是意识活动的副产品。(2)下意识与前意识同义,按精神分析观点,指被压抑的潜意识己通过稽查和抵抗作用进入中间层次,尚未回升到意识境界的心理内容,如一些知觉、记忆、动机和动机状态的需要等。 (秦金亮撰车文博审)