可溶性止血纱布,Soluble styptic gauze
1)Soluble styptic gauze可溶性止血纱布
1.Application of soluble styptic gauze combined with hemocoagulase from Agkistodon acutus venom to hemostasis of wound surface;尖吻蝮蛇蛇毒血凝酶与可溶性止血纱布在创面止血上的联合应用
2.Investigation of hemostatic effects and safety of hydroxyethyl soluble styptic gauze羟乙基可溶性止血纱布的止血性能及安全性实验研究

1.Investigation of hemostatic effects and safety of hydroxyethyl soluble styptic gauze羟乙基可溶性止血纱布的止血性能及安全性实验研究
2.Objective: To establish the method for determination of ciprofloxacin in antibiotic soluble hemostatic gauze.目的:建立一种测定抗菌可溶性止血纱布中环丙沙星含量的方法。
3.Conclusion: A simple, accurate, and reliable method for determination of ciprofloxacin in soluble hemostatic gauze is established.结论:方法准确可靠,操作简便,可用来测抗菌可溶性止血纱布中环丙沙星含量。
4.A soluble gauze was prepared by carboxylmethylation of absorbent gauze. It has coayulation effect.通过对脱脂纱布的羧甲基化,制备了可溶性纱布,该可溶性纱布具有显著的凝血效应。
5.The absorbable styptic gauze and organic glue are effective packing materials in FESS.可吸收性止血纱布和生物蛋白胶作为鼻内窥镜手术术腔的填塞材料有效
6.Study on Hemostatic Effects and Mechanism of Fully Soluble Hemostatic Fibre;全溶性止血纤维止血作用及其机制的研究
7.This conditioning is done to allow the filling yarn to relax, reducing the twist liveliness of the yarn and preventing the formation of kinks.这种环境可以使纬纱松弛,降低纱线捻度的不稳定性,防止发生扭结。
8.It does not prevent infection by hemolytic streptococci.它并不能防止溶血性链球菌的感染。
9.Thrombin is an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of the soluble plasma protein fibrinogen to the insoluble protein fibrin.凝血酶能催化可溶性血浆纤维蛋白转化为不溶性的纤维蛋白。
10.Study on the Expression of Soluble Fas and Soluble Interleukin-2 Receptor in Sera of Malignant Tumor Patients;可溶性Fas及可溶性白介素-2受体在恶性肿瘤病人血清中的表达
11.The Value of Serum Soluble CD40 Ligand in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease血清可溶性CD40L在冠心病患者中的价值
12.microangiopathic hemolytic anemia微血管病性溶血性贫血
13.Prediction of Warp Yarn Weavability Based on Sizing Yarn Quality;基于浆纱质量的经纱可织性预测研究
14.Effect of packing gauze in uterine cavity on hemorrhage in cesarean section宫腔填塞纱布条治疗剖宫产术中出血
15.To prevent the distortion, a right- hand and a left- hand twisted single are combined to form a balanced yarn.为了防止纱线的变形,将具有不同捻向的两根单纱并合在一起,可以制成平衡纱线或不卷缩纱线。
16.Contents and distribution characteristics of soluble organic nitrogen in surface sediments of lakes湖泊表层沉积物可溶性有机氮含量及分布特性
17.Soluble Cell Adhesion Molecules and Congestive Heart Failure可溶性细胞黏附分子与充血性心力衰竭
18.autoimmune hemolytic anemia自身免疫性溶血性贫血;自体免疫性溶血性贫血

soluble hemostatic gauze抗菌可溶性止血纱布
1.Determination of ciprofloxacin in antibiotic soluble hemostatic gauze;抗菌可溶性止血纱布中环丙沙星的含量测定
3)soluble gauze for hemostasis可溶止血纱布
1.PRP with soluble gauze for hemostasis were used to fill the jaw cavity after curettage of the cyst on experinental group,and soluble gauze alone for hemostasis were used to fill the jaw cavity on control group.实验组:12例颌骨囊肿摘除后用自体富血小板血浆+可溶止血纱布充填;对照组:术后骨腔放置可溶止血纱布。
4)absorbable styptic gauze可吸收性止血纱布
1.The first group which included 50 cases were treated with absorbable styptic gauze into bilateral incisions,while the second group which included 40 cases were treated with iodoform strip into bilateral incisions.目的:比较腭裂修复手术松弛切口填塞可吸收性止血纱布和填塞碘仿纱条对患者术后的影响。
5)soluble gauze可溶性纱布
1.A soluble gauze was prepared by carboxylmethylation of absorbent gauze.通过对脱脂纱布的羧甲基化 ,制备了可溶性纱布 ,该可溶性纱布具有显著的凝血效应。
6)sorbable hemostatic gauze可吸收止血纱布
