深低温,deep hypothermic
1)deep hypothermic深低温
1.Influence of diazoxide on the expression of NR1 after deep hypothermic brain ischemia/reperfusion in rats;二氮嗪对深低温脑缺血再灌注大鼠脑组织NR1表达的影响
2.The analysis of complication and outcoming of patients with deep hypothermic circulatory arrest in the operation of giant intracranial artery aneurysm;深低温停循环下行颅内动脉瘤手术围术期并发症及预后分析
3.PartⅡ: Influence of diazoxide on the expression of NR1 afterdeep hypothermic brain isch.目的研究二氮嗪对深低温缺血再灌注大鼠的脑组织NR1的表达变化进而探讨二氮嗪的脑保护作用机制。

1.cryogenic storage vessel深低温液化气体贮槽
2.A Study on Mechanism of Cryodamage in Human Hepatoma Carcinoma Cell;细胞深低温冷冻损伤机制的实验研究
3.A Rabbit Model of Cardiopulmonary Bypass under Deep Hypothermia Circulatory Arrest兔深低温停循环体外循环模型的建立
4.Establishment of dog model with modified deep hypothermic circulatory arrest改良犬深低温停循环动物模型的建立
5.Experimental study of cryopreservation for tissue-engineered bone深低温保存组织工程化骨的实验研究
6.Analysis of 49 cases of replantation of autologous skull with profound hypothermia preserve自体颅骨深低温保存与再植49例分析
7.Microdialysis Study of the Spinal Cord during Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest in a Porcine Model深低温停循环脊髓损伤的微透析研究
8.Primary Investigation of Pulmonary Temperature Changes in Patients Undergoing Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest深低温停循环手术中肺部温度变化初步观察
9.Electroencephalogram in Deep Hypothermia and Low-Flow Cardiopulmonary Bypass体外循环深低温低流量灌注的脑电图变化
10.The Experimental Study of Transplantation Immunology on Rabbit Tendon Allograft Disposed with Ordinary-frozen and Deep-frozen;普通低温与深低温处理的同种异体肌腱移植的免疫学实验性研究
11.Effect of Deep Cryopreservation on Limb Allograft Rejection in Adult Rats;低温灌注、深低温冷冻对同种异体肢体移植排斥反应的影响
12.Investigation on the profound hypothermal preservation of human umbilical cord blood stromal cell人脐血基质细胞深低温保存的实验研究
13.This paper briefly introduces the method which adopts RTD(PT100)for lower temperature measuring.针对铂电阻用于深低温测量进行了探讨。
14.Experimental Study on Deep Hypothermia Circulatory Arrest Microcirculation of Bulbar Conjunctiva深低温停循环球结膜微循环动物实验研究
15.The Study of Freezing Inactivation Effect of Profound Hypothermia on Osteosarcoma in Vitro;深低温冷冻对骨肉瘤体外灭活的实验研究
16.Expeimrnal Study on Endothelial Cell Survival Rate of Cornea Preserved by Long-term Cryopreservation;深低温冷冻保存角膜内皮细胞活性的实验研究
17.Experimental Research on Corneal Cryoreservation of the Whole Eyeballs;深低温全眼球活性保存角膜的实验研究
18.Experimental Study on Cerebral Protection of L-arginine during Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest;左旋精氨酸对深低温停循环脑保护的实验研究

profound hypothermia深低温
1.profound hypothermia with circulatory arrest (DHCA),profound hypothermia with low flow rate(DHLF).方法8例主动脉弓中断患儿施行纠治手术,分别采用深低温停循环、深低温低流量技术。
2.To study the feasibility of resuscitation and the longest length after selective cerebral profound hypothermia and blood flow occlusion, neurological functions and essential enzymes of visceral organs were examined preoperative and postoperative, and specific protein in neurons and glial cells were examined, ultrastructure of the brains were obtained from more than one points of brain tissues.目的:研究猴脑选择性深低温断血流(Selective cerebraldeep hypothermic blood flow occlusion DHBO)复苏的可行性及安全断流时间。
3)Cryogenic temperature深低温
1.At the cryogenic temperature the vacancies were mainly monovacancies and they became activated .在深低温到室温的不同温度下,测量了不同时效状态的Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr合金和含Zn,Ag或Sc的Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr合金的正电子寿命谱。
2.After cryogenic temperature treatment,the magnetic temperature compensation ability of 1J30 decreased.磁温补偿合金1J30经深低温处理后合金中的部分奥氏体转变为马氏体,致使合金的磁温补偿能力下降。
4)Deep hypothermia深低温
1.Methods: From March 1994 to June 2005,a total 134 cases of PEA were performed in San Matteo Hospital using cardiopulmonary bypass with deep hypothermia and periods of circulatory arrest.方法:回顾性分析1994年3月~2005年6月,共进行134例肺动脉血栓内膜剥脱术,手术采用深低温间断停循环的方法进行。
1.The experimental study of transplantation immunology on rabbit tendon allograft disposed with ordinary-frozen and deep-frozen;普通低温与深低温处理的同种异体跟腱移植的免疫学实验研究
6)ultraprofound hypothermia超深低温
1.Effects of selective ultraprofound hypothermia and resuscitation on monkey ischemic brain;选择性超深低温和复苏对猴脑缺血的影响

深低温深低温deep hypothermia  低温麻醉时,将体温降至20℃(或25℃)~28℃时为深低温。