骶管阻滞,caudal block
1)caudal block骶管阻滞
1.The comparison of the different concentration of ropivacaine being used by caudal block in anus and rectum operation;不同浓度罗哌卡因骶管阻滞在肛肠手术中的应用效果比较
2.The effect of Lidocaine and Ropivacaine combinations in caudal block for penis operation in school-age and adolescent Patients利多卡因复合罗哌卡因骶管阻滞用于学龄期青春期男性患儿阴茎手术
3.Method: Choose 38 patients who is being treated by bladder mirror examination to averagely allocate them to Caudal block group(n=19) or Propofol group (n=19), study kinds of indexes of anesthesia procedures and compare their characteristics.结论:用异丙酚+芬太尼静脉全麻行膀胱镜检可克服骶管阻滞的诸多缺点,极大地提高了麻醉质量,又节省了手术各方大量的时间,安全可靠,快捷方便,并发症少,术后病人须住院观察的可能性极小,对门诊病人尤为适用。

1.The application of sacral block anesthesia in pediatric interventional therapy骶管阻滞麻醉术在小儿放射介入治疗中的应用
2.Clinical Research of Lubar Intervertebral Disc Protrusion with Caudal Epidural Block Treatment骶管阻滞治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床研究
3.Effect of Caudal Block to Treat of Lumbar Disc Protrusion骶管阻滞治疗腰椎间盘突出症疗效观察
4.Effect of General Anesthesia Combined with Caudal Block on Stress Responses to Upper Abdominal Surgery in Children;全麻复合骶管阻滞对小儿上腹部手术应激反应的影响
5.The Influence on MAC-awake of Sevoflurane by Sacral Block in Children骶管阻滞对小儿七氟烷最低肺泡清醒浓度的影响
6.The optimal dosage of sufentanil for postoperative analgesia in children after caudal anesthesia舒芬太尼用于小儿骶管阻滞后术后镇痛的最适剂量
7.Effect of 0.596% Mesylate Ropivacaine Caudal Block In Anorectal Surgery0.596%甲磺酸罗哌卡因骶管阻滞在肛肠手术中的效果
8.Clinical Observation of Caudal Block Combined with General Anesthesia in Paediatric Laparoscopic Herniorrhaphy骶管阻滞复合全麻用于小儿腹腔镜疝修补术临床观察
9.The Effect of Continuous Infusion of Caudal Blockade with Levobupivacaine, Fentanyl or Mixture on Perioperative Analgesia in Children;在小儿骶管阻滞中持续输注左旋布比卡因、芬太尼或复合用药用于围术期镇痛的临床研究
10.The Clinical Investigation of Target-Controlled Infusion Anesthesia with Midazolam Alone and Midazolam-Ketamine During Sacrul Block in Children;咪唑安定靶控输注复合阈下剂量氯胺酮辅助用于儿童骶管阻滞麻醉的临床研究
11.Clinical Study of Target-Controlled Infusion Midazolam and Small-Dose Ketamine Anesthesia during Sacral Block in Children靶控输注咪唑安定复合小剂量氯胺酮用于儿童骶管阻滞麻醉的临床研究
12.The effect of Lidocaine and Ropivacaine combinations in caudal block for penis operation in school-age and adolescent Patients利多卡因复合罗哌卡因骶管阻滞用于学龄期青春期男性患儿阴茎手术
13.Effects of pregnancy on efficacy of lumbosacral blockade in epidural anesthesia妊娠对硬膜外麻醉腰骶段阻滞效果的影响
14.alveolar capillary block syndrome肺泡毛细管阻滞综合征
15.Result: The an-terial sacral foramen block was better than other methods on photographes for medicine fully distribution and clinical effect.结果:骶前孔阻滞疗法,影像学观察药物分布及临床效果优于其他相关方法。
16.Method: Several nerve block methods were compared with imaging analysis.方法:以尸检、剖学基础为依据,提出骶前孔阻滞法,并与多种相关的方法进行影像学分析比较。
17.Guidelines do not prefer any type of drugs.指南中确实强调了血管紧张素受体阻滞剂。
18.Analysis on Earthquake Resistance of CFST Arch Bridge and on the Setting of Viscous Dampers钢管混凝土拱桥抗震与粘滞阻尼器设置的分析

Sacral block骶管阻滞
1.Clinical research of ropivacaine supplemented with midazolam for sacral block in pediatric operation;罗哌卡因复合咪唑安定在小儿骶管阻滞麻醉中的临床研究
2.Clinical evaluation of Shujin Zhitong decoction with sacral block in the treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc prolapse;骶管阻滞合中药治疗腰椎间盘突出症临床观察
3.Value of magnesium sulfate and/or valium in preventing local anesthetic toxicicity of sacral block;安定或/和硫酸镁在预防骶管阻滞引起局麻药毒性反应中的应用
3)caudal anesthesia骶管阻滞
1.25% , for caudal anesthesia in children.25%布比卡因在小儿骶管阻滞中麻醉效果和作用时间,探讨其在小儿麻醉的可行性。
4)Caudal block analgesia骶管阻滞麻醉
5)Sacral Nerve's block anaesthesia骶管神经阻滞麻醉
6)sacral nerve block骶神经阻滞

骶管骶管sacral canal 为骶部的硬膜外腔。即骶椎中的骶孔融合起来连成骶管。骶管是骶麻作用部位。