手术风险,operation risk
1)operation risk手术风险
1.Clinical significance of forecasting the operation risk of the senile gastrointestinal tumor patients by the POSSUM grade;POSSUM评分预测老年胃肠道肿瘤手术风险的临床意义

1.Perspective of the abnormal phenomenon about operation and operation-induced risk;透视手术实施和手术风险及其中的异常现象
2.Treatment and risk prediction of acute cholecystitis operation in the elderly高龄急性胆囊炎手术风险预测与防治
3.The Development and Application of Operative Risk Assessment Software 1 (Orthopaedics Section ORAS1);手术风险评估软件(骨科部分ORAS1)的研发与应用
4.A Clinical Research of the Operative Risk of the Senile Patients with Maxillofacial Fractures;老年人颌面部骨折患者的手术风险评估和控制
5.An Evaluation of POSSUM and P-POSSUM Surgical Risk Scoring for the General SurgeryPOSSUM及P-POSSUM对胃肠外科手术风险度的评价
6.Study on the operational risk of new adjuvant chemotherapy in treating advanced gastric cancer新辅助化疗对进展期胃癌手术风险的研究
7.Effects of Perioperative Risk for Femoral-popliteal Arterial Bypass Grafting in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus;2型糖尿病对下肢股腘动脉旁路术手术风险的影响
8.The Evaluation of POSSUM Software Scoring System in Predicting the Postoperative Risk in Patients of the Fractures in Hip;POSSUM评估软件系统在预测髋部骨折手术风险中的应用价值
9.Estimation of Mortality Risk in Patients with Gastrointestinal Cancer Undergoing Resection by POSSUM and APACHE Ⅱ;对比APACHEⅡ和POSSUM评分评价胃肠道肿瘤手术风险的价值
10.Admittedly, the risks involved in LASIK surgery are minimal.不可否认,LASIK手术的风险是微乎其微的。
11.There are severe risks.这种手术有很高的风险性。
12.Application of FMEA Risk Management in Surgical Site InfectionFMEA在手术部位感染风险管理中的应用
13.If many of our interventional people say this is too risky for PCI, we will go to the surgery.如果我们觉得介入手术有风险,我们就做外科手术。
14.Depend on the Technique Exaltation Banking's Ability of Risk Estimate案例分析:用技术手段提高银行风险预测能力
15.A Retrospective Study of Perioperative Risk and Prognosis in Cholangiocarcinoma;胆管癌围手术期风险及预后的回顾性研究
16.Study on the System Risk of Credit Management and Technical Measures;农业银行信贷管理制度风险及技术手段研究
17.International trade risk management technology method s construction problem;国际贸易风险管理技术手段的建设问题
18.The application of the management of risk in the nursing safety management in clinical operation风险管理在门诊手术室护理安全管理中的应用

surgery risks手术风险性
3)the risk and the difficulty in LC手术风险暨困难
4)operative risk factors手术风险因素
5)Operative Risk Assessment手术风险评估
1.The Development of Operative Risk Assessment Software (Orthopaedics Section ORAS2) and Its Applications in the Evaluation of Hip Fractures;手术风险评估软件(骨科部分ORAS2)的研发及其在髋部骨折评估中的应用
2.The Development and Application of Operative Risk Assessment Software 1 (Orthopaedics Section ORAS1);手术风险评估软件(骨科部分ORAS1)的研发与应用
