肌松剂,Muscle relaxant
1)Muscle relaxant肌松剂
1.Purpose To improve the reliability of monitoring by the range of suitable muscle relaxant’s concentration under the condition of successful motor evoked potential monitoring.目的确定适合运动诱发电位(MEP)术中监测的肌松剂浓度范围,以提高监护可靠性和手术安全性。

1.Study on Clinical Effect of Priming of Nonpolarized Muscle Relaxants;预注非去极化肌松剂临床肌松效应的研究
2.Care of Patient with Gravis Tetanus experiencing Tracheotomy under Muscle relaxant肌松剂用于破伤风行气管切开术的护理
3.Premedication of Muscle Relaxant for Non-Urgency Intubation in Prematurity肌松剂在早产儿非急诊气管插管前的应用
4.Clinical applications of analgesic and muscle relaxant in neonates镇痛药和肌松剂在新生儿中的临床应用
5.It is thought that these elicit the sepsis-induced attenuation of the muscle-relaxing effects of rocuronium.从中得出脓毒血症引起的减弱肌松剂罗库溴铵的作用。
6.Research on the Coordination of Intraoperative Monitoring of Motor Nerves and Concentration of Muscle Relaxant under General Anesthesia;全麻下术中运动神经监护与肌松剂浓度的协调性研究
7.Effects of Muscle Relaxants on Motor Evoked Potentials Monitoring during Intracranial Surgery in Functional Area肌松剂对神经外科功能区肿瘤皮层运动诱发电位监测的影响
8.Meprobamate may be used as a muscle relaxant.眠尔通还可作为肌肉松驰剂。
9.D: Let's try some hormone extracts or some medicine for muscle relaxation, diuresis and analgesics.我们试着用些激素制剂,肌肉松弛剂,利尿剂和止痛剂。
10.Background: Sepsis attenuates the muscle-relaxing effects of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers.背景:脓毒血症能减弱非去极化神经肌肉阻滞剂的肌松作用。
11.a relaxant for striated muscle that is used as an adjunct to anesthesia during certain surgical procedures.在某种外科手术中用来作为助手的横纹肌疏松剂。
12.Vasodilatory agents relax vascular smooth muscle, thereby reducing SVR.血管扩张剂能松弛血管平滑肌,因此降低全身血管阻力。
13.Aimond It contains tryptophan and certain muscle relaxation reagent-Mag-nesium.杏仁它既含有色胺酸,又含有适量的肌肉松弛剂——镁。
14.During the treatment course, tachypnea was noted, despite a high level of sedatives and neuromuscular blocking agents.因为呼吸急促,我们使用了高剂量的安眠剂及肌肉松弛剂,但发现病人依旧呈现呼吸急促。
15.flabby, wrinkled flesh;松软、褶皱的肌肉;
16.A drug that widens the air passages of the lungs and eases breathing by relaxing bronchial smooth muscle.支气管扩张剂一种可加宽肺里空气通道的药物,并通过放松支气管的平滑肌来使呼吸轻松
17.Inhaled and intravenous anesthetics, narcotics, and muscle relaxants should be selected with specific pharmacologic goals in mind.应该注意根据特殊的药理学目的来选择吸入或静脉麻醉剂、醉性镇痛药和肌肉松弛剂。
18.flabby muscles, thighs, flesh, etc松弛的肌肉、 松软的大腿、 松软的肉.

muscle relaxant肌肉松弛剂
3)non-depolarizing muscle relaxant非去极化肌松剂
1.Objective To investigate the clinical dosage of non-depolarizing muscle relaxants atravurium applied to burn patients during crust excision and skin grafting.结论烧伤患者多次削痂植皮手术麻醉时阿曲库铵的用量明显增大,机体对非去极化肌松剂耐药。
4)steroid neuromuscular blocking agent甾体肌肉松弛剂
5)muscle relaxation肌松

艾洛松 ,糖酸莫米松 ,糠酸莫米松乳膏药物名称:艾洛松英文名:Mometasone Furoate别名: 艾洛松 ,糖酸莫米松 ,糠酸莫米松乳膏外文名:Mometasone Furoate作用与用途: 为合成的糖皮质激素。有抗过敏作用,用于对皮质类固醇治疗有效的皮肤病,如神经性皮炎、湿疹、异位性皮炎及银屑病等引起的皮肤炎症和皮肤瘙痒。适应症: 对皮质类固醇有效的皮肤病,如异位性皮炎。 用量用法: 1次/日,涂于患处。 不良反应: 极少见局部感觉异常,瘙痒和皮肤萎缩。 注意事项:1..本品不宜长期大量使用。2.大面积、长期或采用封包方式使用会增加药物全身吸收,使副作用增加。3.小儿使用应尽可能减少药用量。4.有皮肤感染必须同时使用抗感染药。5.发生刺激和过敏反应应停止用药并治疗。6.孕妇慎用,哺乳期妇女使用本品需考虑停止哺乳或停止用药。规格: 乳膏 0.1% x 5 g。 类别:皮肤病用药