费用比较,cost comparison
1)cost comparison费用比较

1.A comparative analysis on medical expenses between insured and uninsured inpatients医保患者和自费患者住院医疗费用比较分析
2.Comparative Analysis of Hospitalization Costs for Simplistic Acute Appendicitis Patients in Fo Shan;佛山市急性阑尾炎住院费用比较分析
3.Commercial banks have a higher interest rate.在商业银行贷款费用比较高因为它们的利率比较高。
4.For major products where development costs are likely to be high,对一些重点产品,估计开发费用比较高的,
5.Comparison of Survey Cost of Several Sample Designs in Certain Precision;精度一定时各种抽样设计的调查费用比较
6.CBCM = Cost-Benefit Comparison Model费用-利益比较模型
7.Application and comparison between two techniques of travel cost method旅行费用法两种技术路线的应用比较
8.Comparison Analysis on the Charge of Farmer Labors in Looking and working for a Job;我国农民工寻工费用与务工费用的比较分析
9.Comparative Analysis of the Capitalizing and Expenses of Research and Development;研究开发费用资本化与费用化的比较分析
10.Both the cost and the standard of living were lower before the war.战前生活费用和生活水准都比较低.
11.Both the cost and the standard of living are lower before the war.战前生活费用和生活水准都比较低。
12.Both the cost and the standard of living be lower before the war战前生活费用和生活水准都比较低
13.Gold is more expensive to hold or to ship.持有或运送黄金,费用都比较大。
14.Comparative Study on Security for Costs in International Commercial Arbitration;国际商事仲裁费用担保制度比较研究
15.Debates over Shareholders Take a Action and Who should Bear the Fees;公司股东诉讼费用承担的比较法研究
16.Accounting Elements of Profit Form-the Comparing Research on Revenue、Expense and Profit;利润表要素——收入、费用、利润的比较研究
17.Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Urban Wastewater Reuse and Long Distance Water Transfer;再生水与长距调水的费用—效果比较
18.A Comparison between Travel Cost Interval Analysis Method and Zonal Travel Cost Method and Its Application;旅行费用区间分析法与分区旅行费用法的比较及应用

Operation cost comparison操作费用比较
3)Comparative method of reserve cost费用收入比较法
4)equivalent cost comparison当量费用比较
5)comparative annual cost approach年费用比较法
6)tax and charge税费比较

保险的费用(含施救费用与救助费用)保险的费用(含施救费用与救助费用)  保险的费用(含施救费用与救助费用)保险人即保险公司承保的费用。即当保险标的物遭遇保险责任范围内的事故时,除了能使货物本身受到损毁导致经济损失外,还会产生费用方面的损失,这种费用保险人也给予赔偿。 可保险的费用主要有以下几种:①施救费用。指在国际货物运输保险中,发生承保责任内的事故或自然灾害,被保险人或者他的代理人、雇用人员为防止损失扩大而进行抢救行为所支出的合理费用。保险人对这种施救费用,负责赔偿,以鼓励被保险人对货物积极抢救。②救助费用。保险标的物发生承保责任范围内的自然灾害或意外事故,由保险人和被保险人以外的第三者来解救危险,获救方应该向救助方支付相应的费用,这种费用就是救助费用。它属于共同海损的费用支出。③特别费用。指运输工具遭遇海难后,在避难港由于卸货所引起的损失,以及在中途港、避难港由于卸货、存仓及运送货物所产生的费用。这种费用也属于保险人赔付范囿。