硬膜外隙,epidural space
1)epidural space硬膜外隙
1.Objective To evaluate the antalgic outcome of sufentanil plus levobupivacaine injected into epidural space.目的评价舒芬太尼(Sfen)复合左旋布比卡因(L-Bup)硬膜外隙注射术后镇痛的效应。

1.The Influence of Epidural Injection of Different Formulas on Fasting Blood Glucose不同药物配方硬膜外隙注射对患者空腹血糖的影响
2.Clinical Study of Epidural Space Injection with Different Formulas in the Treatment of Lubar Internertevbral Disc Protrusion不同药物配方硬膜外隙注射治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床研究
3.Investigation into Antalgic Outcome of Sufentanil plus Levobupivacaine Injected into Epidural Space after Orthopedic Operation in Lower Limbs下肢骨科手术后硬膜外隙应用舒芬太尼复合左旋布比卡因镇痛效果的探讨
4.Comparison of Therapeutic Effects of Epidural Grug Injection at Different Interspaces to Treat Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Prolapse不同间隙腰间盘突出症硬膜外注药治疗效果比较
5.CT-guided from anterior epidural space for treating patients with lumber disc herniation:clinical effect analysisCT引导经硬膜外前间隙治疗腰椎间盘突出症疗效分析
6.The Prevention and Treatment of Complications of Combined Spinal Epidural Anesthesia(Clinical Analysis of 2000 Cases);蛛网膜下隙与硬膜外联合阻滞麻醉并发症的防治(附2000例临床病例分析)
7.(3) The deep dural layer of the clinoid space is not integral in 15.63?of the 32 CSs.(3)床突间隙的深层硬膜有15.63?不完整。
8.The Study of Mixture Consisting of Different Concentration of Chloroprocaine and Ropivacaine Which Was Used in Patients Undergoing Gynaecological Operation with Epidural Blockade.;氯普鲁卡因复合罗哌卡因用于妇科手术硬膜外间隙阻滞的临床研究
9.Located on or over the dura mater.硬脑(疹)膜上的,硬脑(脊)膜外的
10.on or outside the dura mater.在硬脑膜上或在硬脑膜外。
11.traumatic subdural effusion外伤性硬脑膜下积液
12.epidural space block anesthesia硬脊膜外腔阻滞麻醉
13.intracanal epidural abscess椎管内硬脊膜外脓肿
14.orogenic extradural abscess耳原性硬脑膜外脓肿
15.The Clinical Observation of Epidural Sufentanil for the Supplementation of Epidural Block;硬膜外腔舒芬太尼辅助硬膜外麻醉的临床观察
16.Comparison of effectiveness of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia and epidural anesthesia on 30 sesarean section patients腰硬联合与硬膜外麻醉30例效果观察
17.Curative effect of dura stoma after epidural hematoma operation硬脑膜外血肿术后硬脑膜造瘘的疗效观察
18.Nontraumatic Spinal Epidural Hematoma:MRI Diagnosis非外伤性脊髓硬膜外血肿的MR诊断

Epidural Space硬膜外间隙
3)Posterior epidural cleft硬膜外后间隙
4)Anterior epidural cleft硬膜外前侧间隙
1.Study of the effect of two difference combination of general and epidural anesthesia;两种全麻加硬膜外隙阻滞麻醉方法的比较研究
6)Continuing anesthesia from anterior epidural space经硬膜前外间隙镇痛

联合蛛网膜下腔和硬膜外麻醉联合蛛网膜下腔和硬膜外麻醉 特点为先用较平和的剂量做完善的脊麻,而后用硬膜外麻醉,确保麻醉效果及术后镇痛。但有人认为CSEA有潜在危险,技术上应予注意。详见蛛网膜下腔——硬膜外腔联合阻滞。