1.Some Reflections on Watanabe's Introduction to the Study of Comparative Literature读渡边洋《比较文学研究导论》所想到的几个问题

1.Some Reflections on Watanabe's Introduction to the Study of Comparative Literature读渡边洋《比较文学研究导论》所想到的几个问题
2.A Text Book Suitable for Young Learners of Comparative Literature--Interpretation on Introduction to the Study of Comparative Literature by Watanabe一本适宜于比较文学初学者的教材——对渡边洋先生《比较文学研究导论》的解读
3.We sailed across the Atlantic.我们乘船渡过大西洋。
4.They sailed the Pacific on a raft.他们乘木筏渡过太平洋。
5.He crossed over to America.他横渡大洋到美国。
6.The ship sailed across the Atlantic.这艘船曾横渡大西洋。
7.They crossed the Pacific by ship.他们乘船横渡太平洋。
8.Who first navigated the Atlantic?是谁首先横渡大西洋的?
9.a transatlantic cruise liner横渡大西洋的邮轮.
10.The great ship ploughed across the ocean.大船乘风破浪横渡大洋。
11.It has sailed across the Atlantic many times.它已经多次横渡大西洋。
12.Jet Ships will Cross Atlantic in Three Days喷气船三天横渡大西洋
13.Our oceangoing ship is ploughing across the Pacific Ocean.我们的远洋轮正在横渡太平洋。
14.Spanning or crossing the Pacific Ocean.越过洋的越过或横渡太平洋的
15.a transatlantic flight, voyage, telephone call横越大西洋的飞行、 横渡大西洋的航行、 大西洋的越洋电话.
16.It took Columbus more that two months to cross the Atlantic Ocean.哥伦布横渡大西洋花了二个多月。
17.Rowing across the Atlantic is not a practical idea.划船横渡大西洋不是个明智的想法。
18.Sailing across the Pacific on a raft was an adventure.乘木筏横渡太平洋是一种壮举。

1.Street Spatial Layout and Dimension of Yangdu Market Town, Three Gorges Area;三峡洋渡场镇街道空间布局与尺度分析
3)Zhangyang Slot樟洋渡槽
1.Type Design of Assembling Template and Construction Technique Using Cast-in-place for Zhangyang Slot Body;樟洋渡槽槽身组装模板选型设计及现浇法施工技术
1.A Study of the Stone Artifacts from Yang-an-du,a Late Neolithic Site in the Three Gorges Region;三峡洋安渡遗址石制品研究
1.Sedimentary Facies and the Influence to the Reservoir in Triassic and Jurassic System in Yangduxi and the Vicinage in Eastern Sichuan;川东洋渡溪及邻区三叠系—侏罗系沉积相及对储层的影响
6)traverse the ocean横渡重洋

上林三里洋渡风景区那是一片充满田园风情、民俗文化、历史传说的山区平原,上林县政府已经把这里开辟为绿色环保天然景区,动植物养种一概使用绿色饲料或肥料。在全长10多公里的平静澄江上漂流,可以悠然欣赏两岸翠峰仪态,感受无比轻松自如、清新宜人的氛围。坐在竹排上,彩练蜿蜒的澄江牵引你靠近或远离江边青山,即可远眺情侣山、神女峰,又可近观夫妻树、福寿桥,还可以登岸参观珍稀魁宝——目前存世四块唐碑中两块:《六合坚固大宅颂碑》和《智诚碑》,或者在烧烤村品尝山村土鸡和绿色植物,听一听村民对唱山歌,赶巧了还可以欣赏到当地的祈神舞蹈----猴面舞。“千里澄江似练,翠峰如簇”,徐霞客曾在此间逗留长达54天并写下一万多字的游记,比在桂林停留的时间还长,可见此处美景不虚。交通情况:a线:南宁-横县(茉莉花之都、九龙瀑布群、伏波风景区)—上林(大龙湖风景区、三里洋渡风景区)—马山(金伦洞、红水河风景区)—大明山风景区—武鸣(伊岭岩、灵水、明秀园)b线:南宁-邕宁(昆仑关)-宾阳(金坑峡漂流)-上林(大龙湖风景区、三里洋渡风景区)-马山(金伦洞、红水河风景区)注意事项:报 价:55元/人(自带车辆)费用含:餐费(午餐);景点首道门票、船票、导游服务费。