1.Analysis on desertification dynamics and present situation of the natural grassland in Maqu County;玛曲县天然草地沙化动态及现状分析
2.Plant community succession of degradation and desertification in sandy grassland.;沙质草原植物群落退化与沙化演替
3.Study on the "desertification" of spiritual notion of college students;大学生精神理念“沙化”问题研究

1.Research on Characteristics and Driving Mechanism of Desertification in Maqu Alpine Meadow Region;玛曲高寒草甸沙化特征及沙化驱动机制研究
2.If the wind blows over sandy country, such as deserts and beaches, it picks up quite a lot of sand and carries it along.如果风过沙化地区,如沙漠和海滩就会卷走大量沙子。
3.A Study of the Color and Red Coloration of Aeolian Sand in Changle Coastal Zone长乐沿海风成沙沙色与红化作用研究
4.Study on Pattern of Landscape Dynamics of Xingsha in ChangSha Town;长沙县星沙镇景观格局动态变化研究
5.Learn Jinsha Site Culture from the “Solar Divine Bird”;从金沙“太阳神鸟”看金沙遗址文化
6.History and Present Status of Desertification in Horqin Sandy Land Region;科尔沁沙地土地沙漠化的历史与现状
7.Desertification Control Techniques and Practice in Sandy Area of Yulin榆林沙区沙漠化防治技术研究与实践
8.Soil Chemical Properties of Sand-fixing Forests in Maowusu Sandland毛乌素沙地固沙林土壤化学性质差异
9.Normethadone methiodide去甲美沙酮甲基碘化物
10.The sand-control project has entered a new stage on a gigantic scale.防沙治沙进入了工程化、规模化建设新阶段。
11.Study on Optimization of the Dust Model System and Quantitative Classification of Dust Events in East Asia沙尘模式优化与东亚沙尘天气量化分级研究
12.Analysis on the Changes of Land Desertification in Hulunbeier Sandy Land Area over the Last 10 Years呼伦贝尔沙地近十年来土地沙漠化变化分析
13.Desertification Controlling and Its Effect Assessment of Huangyangtan Sandy Land in Xuanhua County, Hebei;宣化区黄羊滩沙地沙漠化治理及其效果评价
14.Studies on the Temporal and Spatial Changes of Desertification in Horqin Sandy Land during the Recent 100 Years;近100年科尔沁沙地土地沙漠化时空变化研究
15.Analysis of Climatic Factors on Desertification of Songnen Sandy Land and its Developmental Trend in the Future松嫩沙地沙漠化气候因素的分析及沙地未来发展趋势
16.The Suitability of Chemical Engineering Stabilization in Controlling Aeolian Hazard Along the Highway in Tarim Basin化学工程固沙在塔里木沙漠公路沙害防治中的适宜性
17.Analyses of Chemical Composition and Genetic Diversity of Hippophae Rhamnoides ssp.sinensis, ssp.yunnanensis and ssp.gyantsensis;中国沙棘、云南沙棘和江孜沙棘居群的化学成分与遗传多样性分析
18.Evolutionary characteristics of sand disasters on road surface in the complex dune-chains of the Taklimakan Desert塔克拉玛干沙漠高大复合纵向沙垄区路面沙害情势的变化特征

land desertification土地沙化
1.Study on Remote Sensing of the Degree of Land Desertification in the West of Ji Lin Province;吉林西部土地沙化程度遥感研究
2.Based on the field research,correlativity of land desertification and water resources(including natural precipitation,ground run off,groundwater),population,cultivated land,livestock,and grain output were analyzed quantitatively by using mathematical statistics method.以甘肃民勤县土地沙化为研究对象,在实地调查研究的基础上,采用数理统计的方法,对土地沙化与水资源(包括自然降水、地表径流、地下水)、人口、耕地、林地、牲畜、粮食产量等因素之间的相关性进行了定量分析,科学揭示出了民勤土地沙化扩展加剧的驱动机制,为综合整治土地沙化问题提供了科学决策依据。
3.Based on the data of field investigation,monitoring and remote interpretation and referring to the data researched by predecessors,the monitoring condition of land desertification of north-west area of Sichuan province is presented and the desertification cause is analyzed.根据野外调查、监测与遥感解译,结合前人研究资料,论述了对川西北地区沙化土地的监测情况,分析了其沙化原因,川西北土地沙化有自然因素和人为因素2个方面。
3)chemical sand fixation化学固沙
4)grassland desertification草地沙化
1.Study of grassland desertification and control measures in Ruoergai Basin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau;青藏高原若尔盖盆地草地沙化成因分析及治理对策
2.Study on alpine meadow grassland desertification in Maqu,Gannan;甘南玛曲高寒草甸草地沙化的研究
3.Effect of overgrazing on grassland desertification in Maqu County;过牧对玛曲草地沙化的影响
5)reactivation of fixed-dunes沙丘活化
6)aeolian desertification沙漠化
1.Problems and suggestions in research on aeolian desertification in Tibetan Plateau西藏高原沙漠化研究中的问题和建议
2.The results from remote sensor monitoring and field survey show that aeolian desertification process in the study area can be distributed into two stages: the developing stage from late 1980s to 2000,and the reversing stage form 2000 to 2006.遥感监测和野外调查研究结果表明:玛多县的沙漠化经历了由迅速发展到急剧逆转的过程,其中,20世纪80年代到2000年是沙漠化迅速发展的时期,沙漠化土地面积从1987年的12 827。
3.The aeolian desertification is a land degradation characterized by wind erosion mainly resulted from the excessive human activities in arid, semiarid and part of sub-humid regions in Northern Chian.沙漠化是干旱、半干旱及部分半湿润地区由于人地关系不相协调所造成的以风沙活动为主要标志的土地退化。

草地沙化防治草地沙化防治grassland desertification control eaodi shahuo fongzhi草地沙化防治(脚ssland desertifieation。ontrol)即草原沙漠化防治,是为控制风沙危害草原而采取的措施。 草地沙漠化是在干旱与不合理利用下,草原生态系统衰退蒸草场沙化哪蘸摹黔翼毅簇其蘸篆鑫鑫薰鑫葬蘸热聋罐罐黔耀蘸粼熟鬓〕摹纂(《中国国矍耀馨……{蘸黔黝…土一演替的过程,是目前全世界面临的重大生态问题之一。现在全球沙漠和沙漠化的土地已达4500多万平方千米,约占陆地总面积的30%,每年还以5~7万平方千米的速度扩大;有10亿人口的生产、生活直接受沙漠化威胁,全世界因沙漠化造成的经济损失一年可达423亿美元以上。中国是沙漠化危害严重的国家之一,全国沙漠与沙漠化土地已占国土总面积的巧.9%,达153万平方千米,近年来还以每年2以x)多平方千米的速度继续扩展。沙漠化危害首当其冲的是草原。 随着草原沙漠化的加剧,草地植被趋于简单化,种类贫乏化,牧草品质劣化,草层的盖度和产量减少,土壤趋于旱化或盐渍化,进而使草原的生产能力和生态功能下降,甚至完全变为毫无生产能力的荒漠。 草原沙漠化一般是在干旱的土壤与气候条件下,由于人为过度放牧、开垦、采挖等因素影响下造成的。其防治亦应采取相应的措施和对策,应遵循全面规划,综合治理,改造与利用相结合;大量种草造林与保护现有植被相结合;生物措施与工程措施相结合;治理措施与管理措施相结合的原则。其主要方法熬 新疆吐鲁番治沙站沙拐枣(王培摄)是:①固定草地使用权。将草地使用权长期有偿固定到农牧户,使草地的管、用、建与责、权、利相统一,以调动千家万户防治草地沙化的主动性和积极性,为其他防治措施的有效实施提供必要的前提与保证。②保护和合理利用现有植被。对可能造成沙化的草地,采取强有力的办法,将草地牧草的利用率控制在50%以内,严防滥牧、滥垦、滥挖,通过“护柴湾”、封沙育林育草、轮休轮牧等措施,保护、恢复原有植被。如内蒙古阿拉善盟草原站,对严重退化的梭梭荒漠草场,经过3年封育后,使每公顷植株密度由以刃株增加到15巧株,平均冠幅由94.6厘米增至320 .7厘米,盖度由8%增至21 .7%,当年生绿色枝条的产量增加4.7~8.9倍。③工程防治。利用柴草、树枝、粘土、石块、板条等,在沙丘上条带状或全面设置直立式或平铺式沙障,以减缓风速,阻滞流沙。