1.Try to analyze the reason and countermeasure about escaped case for traffic cause trouble;试析道路交通肇事逃逸案件发生原因及对策
2.On"death caused by escape"in the crime of traffic accident;论交通肇事罪的“因逃逸致人死亡”
3.However,along with the high-speed development,its inevitable sideline product——traffic accident occurs! Facing the increasing escape behaviors of taffic casualities,not only the legislative managements but also the judicial regulations are not very ideal.但是,伴随着这种高速发展,出现的却是其必然的副产品——交通事故!而面对日益增多的交通肇事逃逸行为,无论是立法上抑或司法上,对其的规制效果并不是很理想。

1.Something that escapes by leaking.通过泄漏逃逸的东西
2.fugitive emission contro逃逸性排放物的控制
3.escape pathlength of cosmic rays宇宙线逃逸路径长度
4.Escape velocity逃逸速度/第二宇宙速度
5.And last, the low escape velocities of asteroids allow much of the most strongly heated material to escape.此外,小行星的逃逸速度很低,因此受到强烈加热的物质大多能逃逸
6.How to define the escape behaviour in the cause-traffic-accident-escape crime?在交通肇事逃逸犯罪中,逃逸行为的涵义如何界定?
7.Arrest a hit-and-runner逮捕一起交通事故逃逸案中的司机
8.The cashier embezzle$50, 000from the bank and run away.银行的出纳盗用了五万元,并且逃逸
10.The gases escaping from such an opening.从这样一个孔道中逃逸的气体
11.Something, such as steam, that escapes without being used.废气未被使用而逃逸的东西,如蒸汽
12.The getaway car is still untracked.那辆逃逸的汽车迄未发现踪迹。
13.The cashier embezzled 50,000 from the bank and ran away.银行的出纳盗用了五万美元,并且逃逸
14.Do you remember the plate number of the hit and run car?你还记得肇事逃逸汽车的车牌吗?
15.The organization was penetrated and the survivors fled.该组织遭到渗透,幸存者已逃逸了。
16.At the event horizon, the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light.在活动视界里,逃逸速度等于光速。
17.The Identification of Four “Escaping" Behaviors in Crime of Causing Traffic Casualties交通肇事罪中四种“逃逸”行为之认定
18.On "Death Caused by Escape" in Crimes of Causing Traffic Casualties论交通肇事罪中的“因逃逸致人死亡”

1.For example,how to design legal penalty of this crime;Escaping belongs to conviction scenario or aggravation scenario;what relation there exists between escaping and the cognizance of liability;whether escaping a.交通肇事罪法定刑的设置;逃逸行为应属定罪情节还是加重情节;逃逸行为与责任认定;肇事后逃逸的情形下可否成立自首等问题都值得理论界思考,并在此基础上进一步完善相关立法。
2.But under different circumstances, the criminal meaning of “escaping” is not identical, in Article 133 of PRC Criminal Law and The Supreme People s Court Interpretation of Certain Problems Regarding the Concrete Application of Law in Adjudicating the Criminal Cases Arising from Causing Traffic Cas.交通肇事后逃逸是交通肇事罪中的多发现象 ,为刑事司法与理论关注的焦点。
3.In view of more and more serious traffic accidents at present and many escaping crimes of traffic accident ,the problem about how to prevent them from happening has become urgent .针对当前日益严重的交通事故以及屡禁不止的交通肇事逃逸犯罪,如何防范成为急需解决的首要课题。
1.This paper discusses the nature, characteristics and cognizance of such cases from the six aspects including legal provisions, lag of register, dual nature of the responsible party, hit-and-run and difficulty in evidence collection.本文从法律规定的留白、立案的滞后性、责任主体的双重性、失踪的两难性、取证的艰难性和逃逸情节的复杂性六个方面对水上交通肇事案件的性质、特点、认定等进行探讨,以期对这类案件的侦破提供有益参考。
2.Whether the fact that the drunken actor leaves the scene unconsciously after committing traffic offences can be regarded as hit-and-run or not should be considered practically and theoretically.醉酒后驾车发生交通事故,行为人在无意识的状态下离开现场,能否认定交通肇事后逃逸?这个问题可以从理论和实践两个方面加以考虑。
1.Optimal Impulse Satellite Evasion-Return Trajectory Planning Using Nonlinear Programming;卫星脉冲推力最优逃逸返回轨迹的非线性规划
5)the model of escape route逃逸模型
6)ammonia escape氨逃逸
1.The nitrogen loss in internal-loop granular sludge bed nitrifying reactor was studied,and the results indicated that ammonia escape is an important factor causing nitrogen loss.对内环流颗粒污泥床硝化反应器的氮损失现象进行了研究,结果表明氨逃逸是氮损失的主要致因。

逃逸1.亦作"逃佚"。 2.逃跑。