1.Microsatellite Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Phylogenetic Relationship of Eight Donkey Breeds in China;中国8个地方种遗传多样性和系统发生关系的微卫星分析
2.Hemodynamic and hemorheological charalteristics of tongue complexion in donkeys with intestinal implaction;肠阻塞不同舌色的血液动力流变学特征研究
3.Studies on mycoplasma from genital tracts donkeys I.Isolation and Identification of Acholeplasma Iaidlawii;生殖道支原体的研究 I.莱氏无胆固醇支原体的分离与鉴定

1.Don-key, don-key, I beg you,子,子,我求你,
2.One that brays, especially a donkey.发叫声的东西,尤指
3.The braying sound made by a donkey.叫声发出的叫声
4.He's carrying a donkey instead of riding it.“他抬着而不是骑
5.You ride on the donkey and I'll walk.“你骑,我走路。”
6.I'll let him ride the donkey.我要让他骑着。”
7.He put the donkey in a small and cold stable.他让小睡在又冷又小的圈里。
8.The loud, harsh cry of a donkey.大声而刺耳的叫声
9.A burro is a small donkey.美洲是一种体形较小的
10.To utter the loud, harsh cry of a donkey.叫声大声而刺耳的叫唤
11.Who has let the ass of the fields go free? or made loose the bands of the loud-voiced beast?谁放野出去自由。谁解开快的绳索。
12.A small donkey, especially one used as a pack animal.一种小,尤指用于载重的动物
13."She can take the donkey. We have a donkey.“让她骑好了,俺们家还有一头
14.I shall feed you, I shall feed you. Please don't sing heehaw.小,小我求求你,请你不要高声啼。
15.Jest with an ass and he will flap you in the face with his tail你跟子开玩笑,将被尾打耳光
16.Send a donkey to paris, he'll return no wiser than he go.派遣子去巴黎,回家仍旧是蠢
17.The marsh marigold.蹄草一种蹄草属植物
18.Where on earth can a donkey walk on air--Exploration of the cultural implication of a donkey蹇何处鸣春风——之文化意蕴探寻

A male ass or donkey.公驴,雄驴
3)donkey milk驴乳
1.This study was conducted on the chemical composition and microbial index of Jiangyue donkey milk obtained from Xinjiang Province.对50头新疆疆岳乳的化学成分以及微生物指标进行分析。
2.The paper introduced the different chemical ingredient and nutrition characters between donkey milk cow and sheep milk, and analysised donkey milk’s nutrition value and the function of healthcare.本文介绍了乳的化学成分、营养特点及其和牛羊乳的区别,分析了乳的营养价值和保健作用。
4)donkey meat驴肉
1.Analysis and evaluation on amino acids of donkey meat protein;肉蛋白质氨基酸分析与评价
2.Summary of development of donkey husbandry and donkey meat processing industry in China我国养业及肉加工业的发展概况
5)Donkey milk驴奶
1.Donkey milk has aroused more attention in recent years since its nutrition composition shows a higher similarity to human milk than others.近年来,奶引起了越来越多研究者的注意。
1.Topological optimal design of the pumping unit horsehead;抽油机头的拓扑优化设计
2.Horsehead Design of Rotating Horsehead Pumping Unit;旋转头抽油机的头设计
