决策流程,decision process
1)decision process决策流程

1.Research on Categorization and Outsourcing Decision Process of Reverse Logistics;逆向物流的分类及外包决策流程研究
2.Decision Process Reengineering of Outsourcing Based on Manufacturing Specification Management基于制造规范管理外包决策流程重组
4.Structure of Decision-making Flow of Bank s Loan Project & Project s Risk-rating System;银行项目贷款决策流程与风险评估体系的建构
5.The conception of decision flow is put forward by which decision resources are well arranged for decision program of a decision project.提出了用决策流方法规划决策资源来实施一个决策项目决策过程。
6.Study on Decision Making of Construction Diversion Scheme;水利水电工程施工导流方案决策研究
7.Research on BPM in Real Estate Project Investment;房地产项目投资决策的流程管理研究
8.Markov Decision Processes Model for Flow Rationing Routing Strategy基于马尔科夫决策过程的货物流的配给策略
9.Real Estate Project Investment Analysis-decision Process Reengineering房地产企业的项目投资决策分析流程再造
10.Coordinating Product Design, Process Design and Supply Chain Design Decisions in RBTO Paradigm;RBTO模式下产品、流程与供应链设计决策协调研究
11.Multi-objective Risk Decision Analysis of Construction Diversion Standards for Hydropower Project;水电工程施工导流标准多目标风险决策研究
12.Risk Management Process and Risk Decision of Large Research Project;大型科研项目的风险管理流程与风险决策
13.Study on decision procedure of liquidity risk management of commercial bank;商业银行流动性风险管理决策程序研究
14.The frame of strategic decision-making support system and its decision flow for large-scale enterprises;大型企业战略决策支持系统的结构和流程设计
15.Real Estate Project Investment Analysis-Decision Process Reengineering;房地产项目的投资决策分析流程再造研究
16.Application of decision-tree method to program selection for extension of cyanide circuit;运用决策树法确定氰化流程扩建改造方案
17.Construction and realization of evaluation and decision for metallurgical process冶金工艺流程评价决策系统的构建与实现
18.Design of chemical terrorist attacks response process of emergency decision support system应对化学袭击的应急决策支持系统流程设计

decision flow决策流程
1.This paper used IDEF0 and GRAI Grid to analyse the business activity framework and decision flow of manufacturing alliance s whole life-cycle,which directed the setting up and operation process of manufacturing alliance.针对以往对制造联盟的研究多局限于概念和具体实现技术层次的不足,对制造联盟的设计、建立、运行、解散等步骤进行了研究,并分别利用建模工具IDEF0和GRAI Grid方法建立了制造联盟全生命周期的业务活动框架和决策流程,该业务活动框架和决策流程对制造联盟的设计与运作提供了指导方法,也为制造联盟的其他视图,如功能和信息视图的具体设计提供了帮助。
2.The frame of the system and its function and character were discussed by network communication technology and decision flow of the system was analyzed.为解决大型企业复杂的战略决策问题 ,采用网络通信技术、数据仓库技术和现代决策理论 ,提出了一种新型的战略决策支持系统 ,并且重点讨论了系统的框架结构、功能特点和决策流程 ,该系统通过协调参与成员的决策行为 ,减少决策成员的分歧 ,提高战略决策的效率 ,从而保证决策的准确
3)decision process design决策流程设计
4)family decision-making process家庭决策流程
5)remote decision-making远程决策
1.A system based on data warehouse technique for remote decision-making and directing in steering drilling is provided to meet the need of decision-making and analyzing for people in different departments and different levels.为了满足导向钻井远程决策指挥中不同部门、不同层次的决策人员的决策需求,提出应用数据仓库技术构建导向钻井远程决策指挥系统。
6)decision engineering决策工程

Bayes决策函数Bayes决策函数1 1I Ba酬湘决策函数【Baye戒an dedsi.加。比佣;E‘触以.。‘.pe山a别”l月a,勿拟”朋」 一个规则(函数)占枷),它对每个统计试验结果x给出一个决策占(x),取值于一给定的决策集内,它使期望损失达到最小,正如在统计问题的加卿方法(B ayesinnapProach)框架中所定义的那样.