科技赈灾,science and technology disaster relief
1)science and technology disaster relief科技赈灾
1.China\'s technology of disaster mitigation has differences with the developed countries,and it is also true for space-time and regional differences of disaster mitigation technologies in China,which determine the inevitability of the scientific and technological resources integration,and cross-regional science and technology disaster relief.我国与发达国家减灾技术差异、我国减灾技术时空差异和我国区域减灾事业差异决定了整合科技资源跨区域科技赈灾的必然性。

1.On Building the Model for Cross-Region Science and Technology Disaster Relief through Scientific and Technological Resources Integration--Taking the Wenchuan Earthquake as An Example论整合科技资源跨区域科技赈灾模式的构建——以汶川地震为例
2.The Famine-relieving Thoughts and Practice of China International Famine Relief Commission;华洋义赈会的农村赈灾思想及其实践
3.Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee赈灾基金咨询委员会
4.The inhabitants of flood affected areas made an appeal to the government for relief.水灾区居民向政府求赈。
5.relief funds, projects, supplies救济金、 赈灾计画、 救济品.
6.From Relief to Precaution the Practical Leap and Sense of the Experience of the China International Famine Relief Commission;华洋义赈会赈灾防灾的实践飞跃及意义
7.Famine in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Qing Government Relief Measures;晚清时期的灾荒及清政府的赈灾措施
8.Annals of Natural Disasters and Government s Relieving of the People in Stricken Areas;东汉安帝朝自然灾害与政府赈灾年表
9.An elementary study on Yimao flood and relieving in Gunagdong in 1915;1915年广东乙卯水灾灾况及灾后赈济初探
10.They said one after another that in the charity show they would act out their best performing talents and skills in top spirits他们纷纷表示,要用最饱满的精神状态将最精湛的技艺投入到赈灾义演中。
11.He offended the higher officials because he opened a shelter to relieve the poor, so he resigned.他开仓赈济灾民,得罪上司,愤然辞官,
12.How much did you subscribe (to the disaster fund)?你(向赈灾基金)捐了多少钱?
13.America offered an initial $500,000 in relief aid.美国提供首批五十万美元赈灾援助.
14.Study on Drought and Relief in Five Provinces of North China in 1920;1920年华北五省旱灾与赈务研究
15.Changes of Women s Role in Famine Relief Practices at the End of Qing and the Beginning of the Republic of China;清末民初女性的赈灾实践及角色变迁
16.On the Influence of Timothy Richard’s Relief in “Ding-wu Disaster”;李提摩太在“丁戊奇荒”时期的赈灾活动
17.Feng Yu-xiang s Relief Work of Drought in Henan, Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces During Min Guo Period(1928-1930);冯玉祥与民国年间豫陕甘大赈灾(1928-1930)
18.A Study on The Flood and Drought and in Hubei from 1896 to 1897;1896-1897年湖北水旱灾害及赈务研究

disaster relief赈灾
1.Western Missionaries and Shandong Disaster Relief in the Late Qing Dynasty西方新教传教士与晚清山东赈灾述论
2.The Qing government had made clear and definite law-making stipulations on specific issues such as reporting disasters, surveying disasters, relieving the people in disaster, reconstructing after the disaster, punishing the corruption in the disaster relief.历朝历代都采取了各种赈灾措施,以减轻自然灾害所造成的损失、及时救助灾民、恢复生产,并将其中的一些重要经验措施制度化,这些制度化的赈灾措施被称之为“荒政”。
1.On the Influence of Timothy Richard’s Relief in “Ding-wu Disaster”;李提摩太在“丁戊奇荒”时期的赈灾活动
2.Early Qing Dynasty Study of the Zhejiang Civil Disaster Relief;清前期的浙江民间赈灾研究
3.This thesis deals with how his idea that “people is the foundation of the state, so stability of the people is the prerequisite to the stability of the state”is reflected in his relief measures, which is based on the cases of the floods in 1823,1833 and 1833,the drought and the windstorm in 1835, and the plague of locusts in 1836.本文仅以道光三年 (1 82 3年 )、道光十一年 (1 831年 )、道光十三年 (1 833年 )水灾、道光十五年 (1 835年 )旱灾及风灾、道光十六年 (1 836 )年蝗虫过境为例 ,考察林则徐在江苏任上面对灾情是如何将“民惟邦本 ,本固邦宁”的思想贯穿于勘灾、报灾、赈灾、防灾的具体实践中的 ,进而分析他的灾赈特点及其影响。
1.On the relief by Kuomintang government in Henan at the beginning of the 1940s;20世纪40年代初期国民政府在河南的赈灾救荒
5)war disaster relief兵灾赈济
1.About the Relief of Chinese Red Cross in the Period of Beijing Government in the Republic of China;民国北京政府时期中国红十字会的赈灾行动述略

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