脆性联系熵,brittleness link entropy
1)brittleness link entropy脆性联系熵
1.Due to the complex system brittleness theory and the brittleness link entropy method,the correlativity of the whole lifeline system was estimated and evaluated by using the system integrate brittleness link entropy and the vulnerability of the whole lifeline system was quantized through judging the interacting relationship among the sub-systems.根据复杂系统脆性理论的思想和脆性联系熵的方法,提出了用系统综合脆性联系熵来反映和评价生命线系统整体的关联特性,并通过判断各子系统间的相互影响关系,量化了生命线系统整体的易损性。

1.The concept of brittle link entropy is established according to the theory of set pairing in a brittle basic element.根据集对分析的理论和方法,在复杂系统的一个脆性基元内,建立了脆性联系熵的概念。
2.Meanwhile, according to the theory of set pairing, concepts of brittle link entropy and basic element are defined.根据集对分析的理论,定义了子系统间的脆性联系熵、脆性基元等概念。
3.The brittle analysis of the ship electric power system based on the energy entropy基于能量熵的船舶电力系统脆性分析
4.Research on Brittleness of Complex System Based on Entropy and Set Pair Theory;基于熵和集对分析理论的复杂系统的脆性研究
5.Study on Evaluation of Banking Fragility in China-Empirical Based on the Entropy Method;基于熵值法我国银行体系脆弱性的评价
6.Brittleness negative entropy analysis of ship electric power system based on game theory基于博弈论的船舶电力系统脆性负熵流分析
7.Research on Brittleness of Colliery System Based on Entropy and Non-Cooperation Game Theory;基于熵与非合作博弈理论的煤矿系统的脆性研究
8.Research on the Fragility of Regional Rural Financial System--Measurement,Analysis and Early Warning Based on Entropy Method区域农村金融体系脆弱性研究——基于熵权法的测度、分析和预警
9.On Logical Relationship of A Theory of Western Courtry s Finanical Fragility;论西方金融体系脆弱性理论的逻辑联系
10.Otherwise, based on the entropy of information principles, to forecast the ability of interference to motivate brittleness.基于信息熵原理,预测了干扰对脆性激发的能力。
11.Analyzing brittleness factors of complex systems基于脆性因子的复杂系统脆性分析
12.Research on the correlation of drought/flood spatial fields by using joint entropy基于联合熵的旱涝空间场关联性研究
13.That there was a link between the savings glut and the financial fragility was evident.储蓄过剩和金融脆弱性之间存在联系,这点相当明显。
14.Experimental Study on the Relationship between Fragile Histidine Triad Gene and Radiation Carcinogenesis;脆性组氨酸三联体基因与辐射致癌关系的实验研究
15.Analysis of the Coupling of Lifeline Systems based on Brittleness Theory under Disaster基于脆性理论的灾害作用下生命线系统耦联分析
16.FHIT expression and its relation with expressions of PTEN and Ki-67 proteins in lung cancer in Xuanwei area宣威肺癌中脆性组氨酸三联体的表达及其与PTEN和Ki-67表达的关系
17.Fuzzy Optimization Assessment of DRASTIC Groundwater Vulnerability Based on Entropy Weight and GIS基于熵权与GIS耦合的DRASTIC地下水脆弱性模糊优选评价
18.The Assessment of Agricultural Flood-waterlogging Vulnerability Based on Entropy Method基于熵值法的农业洪涝灾害脆弱性评价——以江苏省盐城市为例

The system's brittleness entropy系统脆性熵
3)brittle link entropy脆性联系嫡
4)brittleness entropy脆性熵
5)brittle entropy脆性熵
1.Meanwhile, according to the concepts of brittle entropy that is provided, the differentiate model of the complex system evolve direction is used to judge the system evolution direction.通过给出的脆性熵定义,建立复杂系统演化方向判别模型来判断系统的演化方向,并且对复杂系统的约束条件的关系进行了定性的研究,建立了初步的数学模型。
6)brittleness risk entropy脆性风险熵
1.According to the matter of brittleness risk in network comunication system,formulas of the brittleness risk and brittleness risk entropy are presented in this paper,and mathematical characteristics of the brittleness risk entropy are discussed after that.针对网络通信系统的脆性风险问题,考虑通信网络环境资源的不确定性及其结果危害两方面因素,定义了通信系统的脆性风险和脆性风险熵的表达式,剖析脆性风险熵的主要数学特性。
