承灾能力,disaster bearing capability
1)disaster bearing capability承灾能力
1.The disaster bearing capability of a city or region mainly focuses on the infrastructure,and the most important part of which is the lifeline system.一个城市或地区的承灾能力主要看其基础设施的承灾能力,其中最重要的一个部分就是生命线系统的承灾能力

1.Research on the Assessment of Disaster-Carrying Capability and Disaster Comprehensive Risk in Urban Place;城市承灾能力及灾害综合风险评价研究
2.Study on Carrying Capacity Assessment for CⅡ Offshore Platform Subjected to Fire;火灾作用下CⅡ海洋平台的承载能力分析
3.Analysis on Social Psychological Factors of Residents Endurance during Disasters;灾害发生时影响居民心理承受能力的社会心理因素分析
4.Bearing-capacity Evaluation of Resource Environment for the Earthquake Disaster Area in A Ba Prefecture阿坝州地震灾区资源环境承载力评估
5.Develop water resources in clond,strengthen the regional capacity of defending and lightening disaster;开发云水资源,增强区域防灾减灾能力
6.Research of Abutment Pressure Distribution and Thickness Effects of Burst Disaster in Fully Mechanized Top-coal Caving;采厚对支承压力分布及动力灾害的影响研究
7.Analysis of Bearing Capacity of Right Section of Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Beam after the Fire Hazard;火灾后加固的钢筋混凝土梁正截面承载力研究
8.Experimental research on the bearing capacity of reinforced concrete continuous slab after fire火灾后钢筋混凝土连续板承载力的试验研究
9.Studies on Bearing Capacity of Resources and Environment of 10 counties in Area Hited by Wenchuan Earthquake汶川地震重灾区10县资源环境承载力研究
10.Disaster Reduction Demand Analysis and Measure Choice of the Fundamental Ability Construction of Disaster Reduction减灾需求分析及减灾基础能力建设的措施选择
11.Analysis of Counter Icing Snow Calamity Ability for Building Roof and Advices for Disaster Prevention建筑屋盖抗冰雪灾害能力的分析与防灾建议
12.In id quod facere potest在能力限度内承担责任
13.A fluid cannot withstand a shear.流体不能承受切应力。
14.bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of.承担或能够承担……的重量,压力,或责任。
15.Study on the Carrying Capacity for Cylindrical Roller Bearings Made of New Materials;新型材料圆柱滚子轴承承载能力研究
16.How to improve the ability of handling paroxysmal disaster?如何提高突发性的灾害应急处理能力。
17.-- The ability to combat natural disasters has been improved.——抗御自然灾害的能力得到加强。
18.The ability to combat natural disasters has been improved.  ——抗御自然灾害的能力得到加强。

Index of bearing-disaster capability承灾能力指标
3)integrated disaster bearing capacity综合承灾能力
4)disaster bearing capacity index承灾能力指数
5)bearing capacity for disasters灾变承载能力
1.Problems lie in the structure of agricultural society and the economic governing institutions of our government- The spread of SARS exposes the low bearing capacity for disasters, for which our government has paid high prices.这次SARS流行则暴露出农村社会的灾变承载能力严重不足。
6)disaster endurance承灾力
1.The losses are mainly related to the first type disasters, and the second type increases the disaster losses through weakening the disaster endurance.在地表与气候均不稳定的共同致灾背景下,灾情主要受经济系统(承灾力)的影响。

承保能力承保能力  【承保能力】保险人对一个单独的危险单位所能承担的最高保障的能力。承保能力的大小,不仅取决于保险人本身的既定资产净值,同时取决于保险人对分保的安排。保险公司的承保能力随着资产净值的提高而得到加强。