1.With scientific development flew,building archives constructoin,establishing a rchives monument,construction,peace and civilization.档案事业发展 ,系关人类文明进步 ,用科学的发展观指导档案建设 ,立档案丰碑 ,为世界服务。
2.His theory is a monument of educational theory.徐特立在教育理论的研究中,博取古今中外各家之长,就教育的概念、本质、作用、对象,教学方法、新民主主义教育、教师的作用、思想道德教育等问题,提出了系统、深刻的思想,是教育理论上的丰碑
3.It will help to set up an ever lasting monument in the hearts of thousands of .在深入开展学习邓小平理论的同时 ,掀起缅怀和崇敬邓小平的伟大人格是有重大意义的 ,它将在亿万人民的心中竖起又一座永不磨灭的巨人丰碑

1.On lmages of GUAN Yu on Tablets and Antithetical Couplets;神灵的纪念与丰碑——碑记楹联中的关羽形象
2.The monuments of men's ancestors were the most impressive exhortations.先辈们的丰碑最能奋勉人心的。
3.Maxwell' s Train丰碑下的罪恶:震惊世界的美国哈里案
4.The CD-ROM edition covers the entire printed edition.被誉为没有围墙的大学、华文化的丰碑
5.Monument to National Spirit--Analysis of Long March Poems by Maozedong;民族精神的丰碑——浅析毛泽东的长征诗
6.A Gallant and Intrepid Monument:On Significance of the Long March;英勇无畏的丰碑——论长征的伟大意义
7.Another Monument for Emancipating Mind and Seeking Truth from Facts--Experience from Studying Jiang Ze-ming Speech at Celebration of the Eightieth anniversary of the Founding of CPC;又一座解放思想实事求是的理论丰碑
8.The New Youth : a Milestone in the Chinese Publishing and Editorial History;《新青年》:中国编辑出版史上的一座丰碑
9.The New Edition of Stories:The Monumental Work of Modern History Fiction;《故事新编》:中国现代历史小说的丰碑
10.The Landmak of New Poetry─Synthetic Study of Guo Moru s "Godness;新诗源头的一座丰碑──郭沫若《女神》综论
11.A Milestone of Poetics-Ai Qing s Treatises on Poetry;诗学建设的一块丰碑──艾青《诗论》初探
12.New Investigation of Nietzsche Ubermensch Theory;理想人格之丰碑——尼采的“超人”学说解析
13.The discovery of penicillin was a monument in medical research.青霉素的发现是医学研究史上的一块丰碑
14.It rose as a monument to human ingenuity immovably firm.它有如人类智慧的丰碑,巍然屹立,岿然不动。
15.The pyramids are (a) testimony to the Ancient Egyptians' engineering skills.金字塔是古埃及人工程技术精湛的丰碑.
16.This book is a monumental work worthy of China's new cultural movement.这部著作不愧为中国新文化运动的丰碑
17.Zu Ratio: A Monumental Work of Ancient Mathematics祖率:古代数学的一座丰碑——纪念祖冲之逝世1500年
18.Our captain is a symbol, a Real Madrid icon.我们的队长就是一个图腾,是皇马不倒得丰碑

Three Monuments三座丰碑
1.The Three Monuments of the Chinese Uarxism;马克思主义中国化的三座丰碑
3)artistic monument艺术丰碑
4)monumental wo rk in literature文学丰碑
5)theoretical monument理论丰碑
6)The Mark of Era《时代的丰碑》
