1.The Research on Li Ligu s Views on Heaven and Man——Centering Question of Human Fate;李栗谷天人观研究——以人的运问题为中心
2.The term"fate"and the verb"fate"have different meanings,and their meanings and the extension of these two words are taking different paths.名词""和动词""各自有着不同的义项,它们词义的引申和演变走的也是不同的道路。

1.Of or relating to fate or the Fates.运的或宿运的或宿的,关于运的或宿
2.channel for orders指定海峡待海峡
3.I thought I should have died.要〔大笑后口吻〕。
4.To issue orders or commands.令颁布令或指令
5.tug at the [ an ] oar拚划船, 拚苦干
6.Short-lived or ephemeral, as a life.短的或短暂的,如生
7.actual life有效寿,实际寿
8.propositional coding theory题编码说 题编码说
9.Parti Revolutionnaire d'Haiti海地革党(革党)
10.He laid down his life for the revolution.他为革而牺牲性
11.Live for the revolution and die生为革生,死为革
12."But if damage comes to her, let life be given in payment for life,"若有别害,就要以
13.Quick and the Dead, The致快枪手/致快感
14.If he didn't accept this fate, then his life was in danger.不认,就得破出去!
15.On "Para-life" and " Para-life Education";论“类生”与“‘类生’教育”
16.The dog is very angry.它拼地swim,
17.Watermelon contains the vitamins A, B-6, C and thiamin.西瓜含有维他a、维他B6、维他C和维他B1,
18.Of or relating to the assignment of names.名的名的或有关名的

1.A Brief Analysis on Tian-ming View and Xin-xing View in Xingzimingchu;郭店楚简《性自出》的天观与心性论
2.Analysis of the Sentence "ZI HAN YAN LI YU MING YU REN;子罕言利与与仁"辨析
1.But according to ancient psychology,a person s name and his destiny are tightly joined,names can even represent destiny.名,是个人在社会上的区别符号,但在古人深层的文化心理中,名又和紧密相连,甚至可以说名就是
2.Confucius started the study of humanism,using benevolence to explain fatality,and moral righteousness to defeat destiny.孔子开创“人文之学”,以“仁”释“天”,以“义”克“”,悬置“鬼神”以立人生价值于求仁立德上,表现出反传统的天鬼神思想,其实质是对人的“自我主宰性”的肯定和尊重。
1.A comparison is made of some concepts of Yuanji theory and the corresponding concepts in computer science,such as nature to software,life to hardware,Huangji operation to recursive computation, the theory of harmony to the management function of the operating system.对元极学理论中有关概念与计算机科学的相应概念作了类比,如性对应软件,对应硬件,皇极运化对应递归算法,和的理论对应操作系统的管理职能等,揭示元极学与计算机科学有许多相通之处,特别是计算机建立的基础—二进制与太极层次之内在关联;可以通过开发人的潜能来促进科学技术的突破—发明创造。
2.Wang Chong,after he absorbed the philosophical thinking of the predecessors,explained the "life" by using such material things as vitality,astrology,and mettle.王充在继承前人哲学思想的基础上,用元气、星象、骨相这些物质的东西来解释“”,主张偶然的禀气决定了必然性的“”;而从另一角度,他又认为偶然发生的任何变故,又都是必然性的“”决定的,最终陷入了机械的宿论。
3.The success of this process can only be achieved, however, in balancing nature and life.其中的关键是处理好性与的关系。
5)proposition of life生命命题
1.The writers poetic narration enhances the effect of emotional and poetic proposition of life.作家诗性的叙述在这三篇作品中产生让生题抒情化和诗意化的效果,使作品内容深刻而意蕴悠长。
6)fate analysis in terms of Benming本命命理

命【命】 (术语)梵语尾戍单Jivita,支持暖识为生物之元者。俱舍论五曰:“命根体即寿,能持暖及识。”(参见:命根)