1.These books give much concern to the images of monks who lust after money and sexual passion.在这部百科全书中,好利、好色这两类僧人颇受关注。
2.The phenomenon of HAN Yu s opposition of Buddhism and associating with monks is a reduction of his age,which indicated that the impingement of Buddhism in both religious and philosophical spheres and the Chinese civilization s resistant and nationalization.韩愈与僧人交往并作序、赋、诗相赠的行为,不会影响其作为中唐时代排佛最猛的儒家知识分子的地位。
3.This article takes the historical novels of Shi Zhecun as the point of departure, and makes comprehensive surveys of the depictions of women and monks both in Chinese and foreign works.拟从施蜇存的历史小说入手,综观中外文学作品中有关僧人和女人的描写题材,分析施蜇存历史小说中利用心理分析手法对人物感觉准确地把握,以及所呈现出新颖别致的特点。

1.A Buddhist monk, especially of China, Japan, or nearby countries.僧人佛教徒,尤其指中国、日本或附近国家的僧侣
2.The priests of the old religions used to persuade the people to do all hurt to the Christians.古宗教的僧僧人们老是劝说人们对基督徒加以种种危害。
3.A member of an order of friars forbidden to own property in common, who work or beg for their living.托钵僧一种不允许拥有私人财产的僧人,以工作或化缘维持生活
4.On the Cultural Exchange between Chinese and Japanese Monks During the Early Years of the Hongwu Period in the Ming Dynasty--A Case Study of the Japanese Monk-Zekkaitysin;明洪武初中日僧人间的文化交往——以日僧绝海中津为例
5.A Deduction of the Deeds of the Monks in Bashu Area from Biographies of Well-known Monks;《高僧传》所见部分东晋南朝巴蜀地区僧人事迹及推论
6.Reasons for the Contact between Thinkers and Buddhists in Tang Dynasty;唐代思想家与佛教僧人交往的原因——读刘禹锡送僧诗
7.shaving the crown of the head by priests or members of a monastic order.由牧师或僧人的规定来剃头上的头发。
8.Buddhist monks walk beside a field of sunflowers in northern Thailand.几个僧人走在泰国北部的向日葵地里。
9.Then he kowtowed to the monk, to show his reverence and gratitude.他向僧人叩拜,表达自己的敬意和感激。
10.Behind the hall is the residence of the abbot and monks.正殿后面是方丈和僧人的住处。
11.In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, envoys and monks from Yutian brought tribute to the Song Dynasty court from time to time.北宋初,于阗使臣、僧人向宋朝进贡不断。
12.The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy.苦修僧人反复旋转而不感到头晕。
13.Shaman and Chieftain now found in Nomad encounters.在大地图也可以遇到僧人和酋长了?
14.Research of HAN Yu s opposition of Buddhism and his poetry and prose to Buddhists;再论韩愈排佛及其与僧人交往的诗文
15.From the Preservation of Bonzes Ci in QuanSongCi to Discuss the Acceptance of Them;以《全宋词》为例看宋代僧人词的接受
16.The Activities and Failure of Japanese Monk "Neng Haikuan" in Tibet;日本僧人能海宽的入藏活动及其失败
17.Buddhism Disseminated in Tibet and Buddhist Monks as well as Their Political Positions during the Yuan Dynasty;藏传佛教和僧人在元代政治中的地位
18.The cowl does not make the monk.僧袍不能使人成为僧侣。

1.Since the Houhong period, the hierarchical difference of monks grew more evident, even that the two classes of the governing and the governed arose.后弘期开始后,随着宗派的出现,僧人的等级差别越趋明显,以至在寺院内部形成了统治和被统治两大阶层,寺院也因此成为西藏封建农奴制社会的缩影。
2.The depiction of Lu Zhishen as an unrestrained monk inherited and reforged the depiction of the (appearances) and manners of the monks in former literary works and historical records.《水浒传》中的鲁智深僧人形象的继承与创新主要表现在:“狂僧”鲁智深僧人形象对前代文学作品和史籍中僧人外表举止描绘的继承与创新,重点展示在“骂佛犹益真修”;“狂侠”鲁智深僧人形象对前代僧人行侠仗义行为描写的继承与创新,重点展示在“替天行道”;在创作手法上借助正衬法和反衬法的运用,使鲁智深形象有特立独行之妙;谶语诗嵌入《水浒传》中,成功地把握了鲁智深一生走向,是小说借助谶语诗塑造人物形象最成功的一笔。
3.This paper attempts to outline the general condition of the above-mentioned Tibetans , investigates in detail the typical figures of those Tibetans in three aspects, namely, monks of Sa-skya-pa, monks of ma-bkav-brgyud and secular officials, and summarizes the three characteristics of the Tibetans migrating to inland in the Yuan Dynasty.论文概括地叙述了元代人居内地的藏族人的总体状况,从萨迦派的僧人、噶玛噶举派的僧人和世俗官吏三个方面对元代人居内地的藏族典型人物作了微观考察,并总结出了元代人居内地的藏族人的三个特点。
3)Buddhist monks僧人
1.Xie linyun associated with many Buddhist monks.谢灵运一生交往的僧人很多。
2.In Tang Dynasty,it was not unusual that due to Keju(the imperial examination conducted from Sui to Qing Dynasty in China) scholars became Buddhist monks and Buddhist monks resumed secular life.有唐一代,文人因科举而逃禅与僧人因科举而还俗屡见不鲜。
3.In his eyes,the best thing to manage Tibet was to ‘govern Buddhist monks with Buddhism’,Thus,he established effective government by making use of Buddhism disseminated in Tibet as well as its plenipolentaries.在阔端眼中 ,若要很好地经营这些藏区 ,就必须因势利导 ,以佛治佛 ,即“以蕃治蕃”方为上策 ,从而利用了藏传佛教或藏传佛教僧人全权代表 ,通过萨迦班智达和八思巴等宗教领袖确立了对吐蕃的有效统治。
4)Buddhist monk僧人
1.This article,started with the evaluation in the academic circles to the Buddhism of Song Dynasty,discusses the Buddhist development of Song Dynasty and its characteristic of times,confucianization of Buddhist monks group and its value of the academic history,and sets a refresh value on the historical standing of Buddhism in Song Dynasty from the angle of academic history.本文从学术界对宋代佛教的评价入手,论述了宋代佛教的发展及其时代特征,僧人群体的儒学化以及这种儒学化的学术史意义,并从学术史的角度对宋代佛教的历史地位给予了重新的评价。
2.Numerous Buddhist monks were inditing the cursive script and they made friends extensively with nobles, literati and scholar-bureaucrats by right of having skills of the cursive script.众多僧人参与草书创作,并凭借草书技艺,广泛与公卿贵族、文人士大夫交游,受到众多文人士大夫的礼赞,获得很高的名声和地位,在当时大都有显赫一时的影响。
5)Buddhist members佛教僧人
1.Mobilizing the Buddhist members, a special population to participate in campaigning HIV/AIDS prevention and control;动员佛教僧人以特殊身份参与艾滋病防治宣传工作
6)Tibetan lamas藏族僧人
