1.A comparison of ambiguity analysis between Seven Types of Ambiguity and The Annotation to the Anthology of the Song Dynasty;《复义七型》与《宋诗选注》的“复义”分析方法之比较
2.Equivocality, Obscurity, or Ambiguity: A Study of Empson s "Ambiguity Theory";含混、朦胧,或歧义——燕卜荪“复义理论”研究
3.A close reading of Chunwang by Du Fu will help us find ambiguity in word and syntax.杜甫名诗《春望》五种英译文的比较研究主要以新批评派的细读法和燕卜荪的复义理论为参照,在细读和分析了诗中的词汇和语法复义的基础上进行,研究结果表明五种英译文均部分地再现了原诗作中的复义

1.A comparison of ambiguity analysis between Seven Types of Ambiguity and The Annotation to the Anthology of the Song Dynasty;《复义七型》与《宋诗选注》的“复义”分析方法之比较
2.Equivocality, Obscurity, or Ambiguity: A Study of Empson s "Ambiguity Theory";含混、朦胧,或歧义——燕卜荪“复义理论”研究
3.an advocate of irredentism.领土收复主义的倡导者。
4.state of the Zionist gangs犹太复国主义匪帮国家
5.Zionist Palmach犹太复国主义巴尔马奇
6.Zionist Federation犹太复国主义联合会
7.Zionist terrorist犹太复国主义恐怖分子
8.Zionist Women's Organizatio犹太复国主义妇女组织
9.Zionist Military Institutio犹太复国主义军事机构
10.Zionist Executive犹太复国主义党行政部
11.take reprisals against terrorism对恐怖主义进行报复
12.A rebirth of classicism in architecture.建筑中古典主义的复兴
13.a providential recovery. See also Synonyms at fit glad unhappy幸运的康复参见同义词
14.This makes my grief the harder to bear; Yet it is right that you should go.对此结中肠, 义往难复留。
15.Application of Copy Denture Technique in Complete Denture Reconstruction复制义齿技术在总义齿再修复中的应用
16.World Zionist Organizations世界犹太复国主义组织(犹复组织)
17.A Discussion on Yanfu s Liberalism by Reading Collected Works of Yan Fu;从《严复集》看严复的自由主义思想
18.On the Historic and Realistic Significance of Restoring the National College Entrance Examination in the Year 1977;1977年恢复高考的历史意义与现实意义

1.This thesis shows how polysemy is generated.《黑暗的心脏》是一部有着多层次、多方面意义的复义小说。
1.Clinical features and prosthodontics of hypohydrotic ectodermal dysplasia;少汗型外胚层发育不良症的临床特点及义齿修复
4)dental prosthesis义齿修复
1.The aim of this review is to study the effects of osteoporosis on the dental diseases,including the periodontal disease,dental prosthesis,dental orthodontic and dental implantation.研究骨质疏松与牙科疾病的有关问题,包括(1)骨质疏松与牙周疾病的关系;(2)骨质疏松患者的义齿修复问题;(3)骨质疏松患者的正畸治疗;(4)骨质疏松患者种植义齿有关问题。
1.This evolution has resulted in a sharp and consistent definition of competitive advantage, which partially solved the issue of tautology and enhan.在演变过程中,资源理论关于竞争优势的定义不断明晰,同义反复问题逐一化解,竞争优势研究的微观基础亦随之完善。
2.There are three approaches to settle the dispute on whether the principle of natural selection is a tautology: taking a skeptical attitude to the scientific status of the principle of natural selection;redefining the fitness and selection;giving up the received view of the structure scientific theory.当代生物学哲学对选择解释的同义反复问题的研究有三条进路:怀疑自然选择原理的科学地位、重新定义适合度和选择的概念、放弃科学理论结构的正统观点。
3.The article makes a thorough analysis of tautology through the investigation of a considerable amount of material of the same language and reaches the conclusion that it is an important figure of speech in linguistic expression.本文通过对一定量的同类语言材料的调查,对同义反复现象进行了较为全面的分析,认为这是一种重要的语言表达方式———修辞格。
6)Complex generalized weight s复广义权
