1.Deploitation of recycling economy in port environmental protection;循环经济在港口环境保护工作中的拓展
2.Add Salable Products by Strenthening the Intensity of Force of Port Mixture;加强港口配煤力度 增加适销对路产品
3.The safety of Transportation and Stevedoring Operation Of Port Dangerous Cargos;论港口危险货物运输装卸作业安全问题

1.Port : Near to Shanghai Port , Taicang Port , Changshu Port and Zhangjiagang Port .港口:上海港及太仓港、常熟港、张家港。
2.Canadian Port and Harbour Association加拿大港口和海港协会
3.at and from the port船舶在港口和自港开航
4.Hong Kong Vaccination Centre港口卫生注射站(港岛区)
5.an ice-bound ship, harbour冰封的船、 港口.
6.dredge a channel [harbor#疏浚河床 [港口]
7."Port of Shipment and Unloading refers to____________________ port, as Port of Shipment;____________________ port as Port of Unloading."装卸港口:装运港为__________;卸货港为_________。
8.sail(from port to port)along a coast沿着海岸(从一港口到另一港口)航行.
9.harbour service港口通讯,海岸电台业务,港口业务
10.International Association of Cities and Ports国际城市和港口协会(城市和港口协会)
11.Ships sail from one port to another.轮船从一个港口航行到另一个港口
12.The Impact Studies of Port on Port City Economic Development;港口港口城市经济发展的影响研究
13.The Study of Port Privatization and Management of China;港口民营化与中国港口管理问题研究
14.Research on the Impact of Port Power Releasing Policy on Ports' Development with Demonstration of Five Ports in Jiangsu Province港口权限下放对港口的发展影响研究
15.The Harbor Development Strategy and Its Application to Lian Yun Gang Harbor Development;港口发展战略及其在连云港港口发展中的应用
16.From U.S.A. main ports to port, China. Transhipments allowed.由美国主要港口至中国港口(具体港口有客户指定),允许转运。
17.The PDB's Port Cargo Forecasts are the basis of the government's Port Development Plan and Programme.港口发展局的港口货运量增长预测,是政府港口发展计划的依据。
18.The Planning Study of the Logistics Dewelopment of Xiaoshan Port of Hangzhou Port;杭州港萧山港区港口物流发展规划研究

1.Multistage Fuzzy Evaluation of ITS Influence on Harbor Infrastructure Efficiency;ITS对港口基础设施效率影响的多级模糊评价
2.Comparison on competitiveness of main harbors around Bohai;环渤海主要港口竞争力比较研究
3.Design of development pattern of Jiangsu harbors along the Yangtze River based on supply chain management;基于供应链管理的江苏沿江港口发展模式设计
1.Based on description of development on the storage and transport of liquid chemical in bulk of the Chinese ports,importance and method preventing noxious liquid substance in bulk and volatility organic chemical compound polluting is proposed.在简述了中国港口散装液体危险化学品贮运发展的基础上 ,提出了防止散装有毒液体物质和挥发性有机化合物污染的重要性和方法。
2.The historical and present development of ports in the Yangtze River Delta reveals that a full competition can guarantee to eliminate all drawbacks that hindered the development of ports in the system of planned economics,to completely emancipate the productive forces of ports,and to fully ensure the leading roles of ports in regional economy and export-oriented economy.长三角港口发展的历史和现状都证明,充分竞争是克服计划经济体制下束缚港口发展的种种弊端,彻底解放港口生产力,充分发挥港口在区域经济外向型经济中龙头作用的根本保证。
3.The ports have the characteristics of rich resources and high density in the Yangtze River Delta.长三角地区港口资源丰富,港口众多,密度高,集装箱港口腹地经济发展迅速,港口之间的竞争十分激烈。
1.To ensure the safety of the harbour water in long run,a long-term effective management mechanism must be established.安全生产是和谐社会的重要标志,要确保港口水域水上交通长治久安,必须建立一套长效管理机制。
2.Based on the promulgation of The Outline for Mordern Highway and Warterway Transportation Programme in the Yangtze River Delta of China,the handling capacity and current situation of the container in Liangyungang harbour is analyzed.《长江三角洲地区现代化公路水路交通规划纲要》出台后,分析连云港港口集装箱吞吐量以及运输现状,预测连云港港口集装箱运输发展所面临的形势,提出连云港港口集装箱运输快速发展的对策。
3.It is concluded that to devote major efforts to developing the modern logistics with harbour being core is an important strategic selection for Qingdao economic development, and the appropriate measures for expediting the logistical development in Qingdao harbour area are suggested.港口物流在现代物流体系中占重要地位 ,并发挥巨大作用。
1.This paper establishes the model of seaport location potential to quantitatively analyse the competition ability of a seaport in the regional system.将区位势概念模式运用到港口区位与腹地相互关系,建立了港口区位势的数学模型,定量分析港口区位发展潜力和竞争力。
2.The brand-new concept of seaport logistics system is put forward and its definition and connotation are discussed.首先提出全新的港口物流系统概念,阐述了港口物流系统的定义及其内涵,剖析了港口物流系统的组成结构,构建了一套适合于我国沿海大中型综合性港口港口物流系统评价指标体系。
3.This paper analysis the developing trends of seaport container logistics, discuses the research and applications on the technology of container logistics, including transport network, material handling system, port machinery, automation control technology, logistics information technology, based on the trend of world trade cargo flow.根据全球船运集装箱贸易量的发展趋势 ,从运输网络、装卸搬运系统、港口装卸机械、自动控制技术、物流信息技术等方面 ,对港口集装箱物流的发展趋势作了分析、研究和展
