1.The gray run length and its statistical texture features of coal flotation froth image;煤泥浮选泡沫图像灰度行程及其统计纹理特征
2.The Extraction of Texture Information from Radar Image and its Value in Geo-science Analysis──Using a SIR-B Image in Huangyangzhen Area(Gansu Province)as a Example;雷达图像纹理信息的提取及在地学分析中的利用─—以甘肃省黄羊镇地区SIR-B图像为例
3.Study on classification of land cover with remote sensing image based on fractal texture;基于分形纹理的遥感影像土地覆盖的分类方法研究

1.seal-split cowhide bag海豹纹理状裂纹牛皮袋
2.Finite texture mixture model and corresponding texture segmentation scheme有限混合纹理模式及其纹理分割框架
3.Study on the Figerprint Compression Algorithm Based on Characteristic of Texture;基于指纹纹理特征的指纹图像压缩算法的研究
4.Crash finish paper: A finish to paper with a coarse, linen-like, surface.布纹纸:表面有着麻布纹理装饰的纸张。
5.Linen finished paper: Imitation linen texture on paper surface.布纹纸:带着模傲麻布纹理的纸。
6.Fingerprint Enhancement and Texture Matching Based on Gabor Filter;基于加博滤波的指纹增强和纹理匹配
7.About Wood Ripple Function Discussion in Body Texture Model;关于实体纹理造型中木纹函数的讨论
8.Fingerprint texture matching based on Log Gabor filtering基于Log Gabor滤波的指纹纹理匹配
9.Fingerprint Key Generation Algorithm Based on Frequency Spectrum Texture Analysis基于功率谱纹理分析的指纹密钥算法
10.DXTC Direct X Texture CompressDirectX纹理压缩,以s3tc为基础
11.textural characteristics纹理特征-木、石等的
12.calf-grained plastic bag小牛皮纹理状塑胶袋
13.mary janes of alligator-grained leather鳄鱼皮纹理状低面鞋
14.close-grained;( of wood)in which the lines formed by growth are close together(指木材)纹理细密的.
15.Cleaning exposed the grain of the wood.清扫使树木的纹理暴露
16.the wall had a smooth texture.桌面有着很平滑的纹理
17.undercut a vein of ore.底切一块有纹理的矿石。
18.buttery texture似奶油状的纹理组织

texture feature纹理
1.SAR image classification using grey and texture features;利用灰度和纹理特征的SAR图像分类研究
2.A Study on the Extraction of the Texture Feature in the Process of Image Retriecal;一种图像检索中纹理特征提取的方法
3.In engineering,almost all machined surfaces have some sorts of texture features.工程实际中,大部分机械加工后的表面都存在一定的纹理,纹理作为表面的一种空间特征,无法用单一的表面形貌参数来描述其各向异性特征。
1.Simulation of Parameter-based Controllable Fractal-Wood Textures基于分形参数的可控木纹纹理仿真
2.In practice,property information such as colors,textures,surface normals,etc.在实际应用领域,三维模型除包含由三角形网格构成的几何、拓扑信息外,还包含颜色、纹理、法矢量等属性信息,因此数据量较大,且不可避免地存在边界和孔洞。
3.A method for parameter-based controllable fractal-wood textures is proposed,the stimulation is carried out.在深入研究中点细分内插分形曲线算法的基础上,分析了分形参数对分形曲线形状的影响,提出了一种基于控制参数输入的纹理生成算法,并进行了仿真。
1.An investigation has been made on strengthening the grain appearance of the faces of wooden block with a simple and easy method.该研究通过试验探索了一种使木质零件表面纹理强化的简便方法。
2.By the crossing-out experiment, the effects of tabletops with different colors and grains on readers are studied, such as working efficiency and fatigue degree.本文通过阅读勾销实验 ,研究了不同色彩、不同纹理的桌面对阅读者的阅读效率、疲劳程度等方面的影响 ,并对实验结论进行了分析与评
6)fingerprint texture指纹纹理
1.Fast Gabor filterbank and its application in fingerprint texture analysis;快速Gabor滤波器在指纹纹理分析中的应用
2.For the sake of reducing data process and improving matching speed,fingerprint texture is filtered and smoothed and texture direction information is extracted.对指纹纹理进行滤波平滑,提取纹理方向信息,进而利用指纹块的纹理信息简化数据处理过程,从而提高匹配速度。
