1.A Study of Collision Analysis Method for Spacecraft;航天器碰撞分析方法研究
2.Risk Analysis of Meteoroid and Space Debris High-velocity Impact on Spacecraft;微流星及空间碎片高速撞击航天器风险度分析
3.An attitude controller for under-actuated spacecraft with two flywheels;基于飞轮的欠驱动航天器姿态控制器设计

1.Spacecraft automatic test and spacecraft test language航天器自动化测试与航天器测试语言
2.vehicles for space astronomical observation空间天文观测航天器
3.SLA (Spacecraft Lunar-module Adapter)航天器-登月舱适配器
4.ASTRO (Advanced Spacecraft Truck,Trainer, Transport Reusable Orbiter)高级航天飞行、培训、运输可再用航天器
5.spaceborne remote sensing从航天器进行的遥感
6.a spacecraft's orbital distance from the earth航天器的远地轨道距离
7.Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous spacecraft近地小行星会合航天器
8.spaceborne imaging radar航天器载雷达成象系统
9.spacecraft hazard contro航天器应急控制系统
10.spacecraft tracking system航天器跟踪测量系统
11.Soviet cosmonauts had very little control over their spacecraft.苏联宇航员则不能控制他们的航天器
12.Constructing the High-quality Course of Power Supplies for Aircrafts“航空航天器供电系统”精品课程建设
13.An Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter Based Spacecraft Autonomous Navigation Algorithm一种基于AUKF的航天器自主导航算法
14.They would spend fourteen days in their tiny spacecraft.他们要在狭小的航天器中生活14天。
15.Three days after launch, an explosion damaged the spacecraft.发射三天后,一次爆炸损坏了航天器
16.European Space Vehicle Launcher Development Organizatio欧洲航天器发射器研制组织
17.space-borne computer空(间飞行器)载计算机, 航天器计算机
18.FRACAS (Filter Response Analysis for Continuously Accelerating Spacecraft)连续加速航天器滤波器响应分析

1.Research on Application of Fuzzy ART Neural Network to Condition Monitoring for Spacecrafts;基于Fuzzy ART的航天器状态监测方法及应用研究
2.Optical method for position-attitude determination between spacecrafts based on computer vision;基于计算机视觉的航天器间相对状态测量系统
3.According to the application background,the paper proposes the optical measuring system based on the computer vision and target feature,which is designed for relative state determination between micro-spacecrafts.针对合作目标航天器的应用背景,设计了基于单目计算机视觉及目标特征的2颗航天器间相对状态光学测量系统;介绍了测量系统的总体结构设计及电路设计,论述了系统中目标特征靶体、探测器及接口电路的设计方法;利用地面原型试验系统对测量系统的正确性及可行性进行了验证,并对影响系统测量精度的可能误差因素进行了简要分析。
3)Space vehicle航天器
1.Progresses on virtual dynamic test techniques for space vehicles;航天器结构虚拟动态试验技术新进展
2.The big effect of space environment upon launch and operation of space vehicle are discussed.空间环境条件对地面航天器发射和空间航天器系统运行有很大影响。
3.This paper presents the fact that structural dynamics analysis plays an important role in the process of developing space vehicle and the perspective on computational structural dynamics of space vehicle in the future.本文通过对结构动力学分析在航天器研制过程中具有极为重要的作用的叙述和未来航天器结构动力学的研究情况的展望,指出结构动力学试验仿真是航天器计算动力学研究发展的趋势,通过对结构功力学试验仿真技术途径和苛刻要求的介绍,提出航天器计算结构动力学前沿研究的几个课题。
4)space vehicles航天器
1.Space-Based TTC Method of Lower Orbit Satellite;低轨航天器天基测控方法研究
2.Analysis of Key Technologies in Space-based Satellite TT&C Center;航天器天基测控中心关键技术分析
3.Here,the method to predict fault status of satellite based on Gray System Theory is proposed.灰色系统理论已成功应用于若干领域,灰色预测是灰色系统理论的重要组成部分,研究了基于灰色系统理论的航天器故障状态预测方法;首先分析了航天器故障症状变量、症状变量测量值及其变化过程的灰色表示方法,之后,研究了航天器故障状态灰色预测方法,给出并分析了利用灰色系统理论预测航天器故障状态的部分预测结果;研究表明,基于灰色系统理论的航天器故障状态预测方法是可行的。
6)aerospace vehicle航空航天器
