
〈component componentID=〃6〃>
<synopsis>The pr1rity of a vlan.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃7〃>
〈!一源IP地址一> <synopsis>The IP source address.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃8〃>
<synopsis>The IP destinat1n address.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃9〃>
<name>IP Proto</name>
<synopsis>The identificat1n of an IP protocol.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃10〃>
<name>IP Tos〈/name>
<! —IP服务质量类型—>
<synopsis>The type of service bit.</synopsis)
〈component componentID=〃ll〃>
<name>TCP/UDP Src Port</name>
〈!一TCP/UDP 源端口一>
<synopsis>The source port of TCP/UDP.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃12〃>
<name>TCP/UDP Dst Port</name>
〈!一TCP/UDP 目的端口一>
<synopsis>The destinat1n port of TCP/UDP.〈/synopsis〉
<component componentID=〃l〃>
<synopsis>First Come First Served scheduling discipline.</synopsis) </component)
<component componentID=〃2〃>
<synopsis>Round Robin scheduling discipline.〈/synopsis〉 </component)
<component componentID=〃3〃>
<synopsis>ffeighted Round Robin scheduling discipline.〈/synopsis〉 </component)
<component componentID=〃4〃>
<synopsis>Strict Pr1rity scheduling discipline.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃l〃>
<synopsis>The input port of the packets.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃2〃>
<synopsis>The Ethernet source address.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃3〃>
<synopsis>The Ethernet destinat1n address.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃4〃>
<synopsis>The type of an Ethernet packet header.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃5〃>
<synopsis>The identificat1n of a Vlan.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃6〃>
<synopsis>The pr1rity of a vlan.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃7〃> <name>IPSrcAddress</name>
<synopsis>The IP source address.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃8〃>
<synopsis>The IP destinat1n address.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃9〃>
<name>IP Proto</name>
<synopsis>The identificat1n of an IP protocol.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃10〃>
<name>IP Tos〈/name>
<synopsis>The type of service bit.</synopsis)
〈component componentID=〃ll〃>
<name>TCP/UDP Src Port</name>
<synopsis>The source port of TCP/UDP.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃12〃>
<name>TCP/UDP Dst Port</name>
<synopsis>The destinat1n port of TCP/UDP.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃13〃>
<name>serverLatency </name>
<synopsis>The latency of each server.〈/synopsis〉
〈SFBInstanceDef SFBInstanceID=,, I 〃><name>Authenticat1n</name>
〈synopsis〉 a SFB to divide the authenticated flow and non—authenticatedflow.</synopsis〉
Input port of packets.Each input port has an unique ID.</synopsis)
The normal port in which the flow will be sent to the followingnetwork devices.</synopsis)
<nextPortID>l</nextPortID >
〈!一连接到编号为2的服务功能块的I端口一> </outputPort>
The normal port in which the flow will be sent to the followingnetwork devices.</synopsis)
<nextPortID>2</nextPortID >
<synopsis>An audit port in which the flow will be sent forauditing.</synopsis)
<nextPortID>5</nextPortID >
<!-5表示连接到编号为5的物理端口,-1表示不连接到服务功能块一> </outputPort>
〈componentValue componentID=〃I〃>
〈componentValue componentID=〃2〃>
〈componentValue componentID=〃3〃>
<!—该表项表示源IP地址为10.20.4.0/24网段,目标地址不是10.20.4.0/24网段,目标IP地址为10.20.9.1和输入端口为4的数据包发往该服务功能块的 normalPort 和 auditPort—>
〈metadatalD >7</metadataID >
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