话题主位,topic theme
1)topic theme话题主位
1.The Translation of Topic Theme in Chinese and Subject Theme in English;汉语话题主位与英语主语主位间的互译
2.Reflected in thematic structure,the difference is that there is more subject theme in English and more topic theme in Chinese.英语是一种主语突显的语言,而汉语则是话题突显,反映在主位结构上的差异便是英语的主位多是主语主位,而汉语多是话题主位,甚至小句中的主语还常被省略。
3.It is argued that the subject in the initial position in a Chinese clause should be identified as subject theme or topic theme, the former being comparable to subjects in English and the latter quite particular to topic prominent languages such as Chinese.文章就这两个差异 ,结合语料分两点讨论了英汉互译中主语主位和话题主位间相互转换以及情景与主位之间的关系 ,提出了一些值得进一步研究的转换现象。

1.The Translation of Topic Theme in Chinese and Subject Theme in English;汉语话题主位与英语主语主位间的互译
2.Theme-Rheme,Topic-Comment and the Information Structure;主位—述位、话题—说明和信息结构
3.A subject of discussion or conversation.话题讨论或交谈的主题
4.The Influence of Chinese Way of Thinking and Topic on Thematic Progression in Translation between English and Chinese;汉语思维与话题对英汉互译过程中主位推进的影响
5.The conversation fell upon the young man.话题转到那位青年人。
6.the main subject of conversation.交谈中最主要的话题。
7.To proceed toward(a main topic)with preliminary remarks.用前言引入(一主要话题)
8.Football is his main topic of conversation.足球是他的主要话题。
9.The main point of his speech was well understood .他讲话的主题很好理解。
10.Stamp collecting was the theme of his talk.集邮是他谈话的主题。
11.Your comments are an excursion from the major theme.你的话偏离了主题。
12.Of, arranged by, or relating to a particular topic or topics.主题的;话题的主题的;按照主题进行安排的;与某主题有关的
13.The theme of Literary Dialogues is literary realism.文学对话》的中心话题是文学上的现实主义问题。
14.A comment departing from the theme of discourse;a digression.插话,插曲,穿插与讨论的主题无关的看法;离题话,
15.Themes and Thematic Progression Patterns in Andersen s Fairytales;安徒生童话中主位和主位推进模式的研究
16.The subject of a speech, an essay, a thesis, or a discourse.主题一篇讲话,文章、论文或研讨的题目
17.heming, that's...boy, that always becomes the hottest topic.主题乐园一直都是最热门的话题。
18.By avoiding topics of dispute, the personages of our tale lived in great good habits with the gracious Duncan.由于避免触及容易引起争论的话题,我们小说里的几位主要人物同豁达的邓肯还能相安无事。

Theme,Topic and Discourse Coherence主位、话题与连贯
3)A theme or motif.话题,主题
4)discourse theme话语主题
1.Lexical meaning of "guanyu",namely,its object is the discourse theme of the following unit, is accordant with the grammatical meaning of structural topic."关于"的词汇意义——引入后续单位所指内容的话语主题——同句法话题的语法意义是一致的。
5)mythical themes神话主题
1.This text expounds the relations about mythology and supernatural-evil spirit novels from mythical thinking,mythology vivids,mythical plots,mythical themes,etc.本文从神话思维、神话形象、神话情节、神话主题等若干方面论述神话与神魔小说的关系。
6)the theme of fairy tales童话主题
