语言图式,linguistic schema
1)linguistic schema语言图式
1.Following the implication of schema theory and the importance of schema input,the paper makes the proposal of schema-construction strategies in business English reading from the aspects of content schema,form schema and linguistic schema.文章以图式理论为理论背景,在分析图式输入对商务英语阅读重要性的基础上,从内容图式、形式图式、语言图式三方面提出了商务英语阅读图式构建策略。
2.This paper analyzes the use of linguistic schema, content schema and formal schema by schema theory .借助图式理论,分析了语言图式、内容图式和形式图式在阅读理解中的作用。
3.The paper recommends that the teaching of English newspapers and periodicals should begin with the construction and activation of content,formal and linguistic schema of L2 reading.文章认为报刊英语的阅读教学应以帮助学生建立报刊英语的内容、形式和语言图式为起点;在图式建构过程中母语知识图式的建构或激活可为报刊英语图式的建立提供稳固的知识平台;课外相关内容的补充阅读可望促进学生报刊英语图式知识的巩固和扩充。

1.In translating activities lingual, contextual, stylistic and cultural schemata should be transferred successfully.在图式翻译过程中要重点进行语言图式、语境图式、文体图式和文化图式的成功传译。
2.Linguistic Schematic Cog-network on Non-literal Idioms非可正常分析习语的语言图式认知框架
3.interactive graphical simulation language交互式图形模拟语言
4.Schemata Theory, Corpus Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching;图式理论、语料库语言学与外语教学
5.The Role of Schema in the Interpretation of Speech Act and its Influence on SLA;图式对语言行为的理解及第二语言习得的影响
6.Schema theory is one of the important theories of Cognitive Linguistics.图式理论是认知语言的重要理论之一。
7.Researching on Artistic Image Form Comes from Cut-paper at Tahu in West of Hunan;湘西踏虎凿花艺术图像形式语言研究
8.Brief Analysis on Two Sides Continual Formal Language in Traditional Image;传统图案中二方连续的形式语言浅析
9.Guidance of the Schema Theory in Second Language Reading;图式理论对第二语言阅读的指导作用
10.A Schematical Study of Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition Based on Lexical Semantics;词汇语义学和第二语言词汇习得的图式化研究
11.Schema Theory,Inner Speech and College English Writing Teaching;图式理论、内部言语与大学外语写作教学
12.Judging the Defects of the Modern Oil Painting Language and Personality from the Diagrammatic Design;由图式的样式化看现代油画语言与个性的缺失
13.Meaning-Picture and Language-Game-the Methodological Characteristics of Wittgenstein Linguistic Criticism;意义图式与语言游戏——维特根斯坦“语言批判”的方法论特征
14.From the UP-DOWN schema to the HIERARCHY schema --The mappings of locative relations onto the linguistic world;从“上下图式”到“等级图式”——空间方位关系在语言世界的映射
15.Comprehensive Material and Abstract Language -On the Forms of Expression in Comprehensive Painting;综合材料与抽象语言——试论综合绘画的图式表现
16.Schema Theory and Its Application in Second Language Reading Comprehension;图式理论在第二语言阅读理解中的应用
17.The Schema Theory:Its Great Significance in Improving Language Learners Cognition Power;图式理论在提高语言认知能力中的重要意义
18.Schematic Explanation to Searle s Example for His Non-Conventional Indirect Speech Act;Searle非常规性间接语言行为示例的图式解释

linguistic schemata语言图式
3)language schema语言图式
1.Only when the content schema and language schema relating to the discourse are stored in the brain can oral co.同样,口语表达的过程也受到图式的制约,只有大脑中存有与话题相关的内容图式和语言图式时,才能准确、流利地进行口语交流。
2.Based on this understanding,this thesis discusses the possibilities of using association to help students increase the amount of memory and promote the internalization of language schema and content schema,eventually to improve the teaching results.因此在高职英语课堂教学中,联想生成法能促进学生新旧知识的交融,能有效提高学生的记忆量,加速语言图式和内容图式的内化,最终达到英语交际的目的,提高课堂教学质量。
4)language schemata语言图式
1.Starting with content schemata,form schemata and language schemata,this paper discusses the guiding roles that schemata plays in reading comprehension of college English and points out the teaching method for college English reading guided by schemata as well as its limits.文章从图式的3个基本图式即内容图式、形式图式和语言图式入手,探讨图式理论对于大学英语阅读学习的指导作用,进一步指出图式理论指导下的大学英语阅读教学方法及局限性。
5)pattern language图式语言
1.Based on the discussion in this paper and a case study of the Eco-park of the South of the Yangtze River,the essentials,principles and pattern languages of local characteristics are applied in detail planning and design further.将传统地域文化景观分解为地方性环境、地方性知识和地方性物质空间3个方面,并以建筑与聚落、土地利用肌理、水利用方式、地方性群落文化和居住模式5个方面为解读传统地域文化景观的核心环节,在对比分析江南水乡、皖南徽州、广东平原和中原河南传统地域文化景观构成的基础上,揭示传统地域文化景观的代表性图式语言,并以江南生态园规划设计为例,探讨风景园林地方性设计和整体人文生态系统设计的关键途径。
6)Graphic language图式语言
1.Using the expressing pattern of graphic language to establish model by software SketchUp,this paper makes analysis of three pieces of excellent architectural works designed and built after 2000,which have different function, environmental elements and conceptual view point but all covered by"mesh".使用SketchUp软件电脑建模图式语言表达模式,剖析2000年后设计建造,具备完全不同的功能要求、环境要素与构思出发点,但均是使用"网罩"设计手法创作的3件优秀建筑作品,论述当代建筑师应用"网罩"设计手法的创新性成果。

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。