阐释力,explanatory power
1)explanatory power阐释力
1.The Explanatory Power of Conceptual Integration Theory for English Euphemism;概念整合理论对英语委婉语的阐释力
2.Based on the analysis of cognitive contexts, this paper deals with the dynamic pragmatic role in the selection of grammatical constructions and the assigning of their implicatures, and also reveal their strong cognitive explanatory power.文章在分析认知语境概念的基础上运用认知语境理论对静态的语法的主要五个层面进行了动态的语用研究 ,认为认知语境对语法结构的选择及其隐性意义的确定起着动态的语用制约作用 ,具有很强的认知阐释力
3.It si thought that Relevance Theory functions as dynamic pragmatic constraint of grammar application, and also reveals its stronger relevant cognitive explanatory power.文章在分析认知语境概念的基础上运用关联理论的认知语境观对语法的三个层面进行了动态的语用研究,认为关联理论对语法语用过程起着动态的语用制约作用,具有较强的关联性认知阐释力

1.Cognitive Linguistics and Its Revelation to Dictionary Explanation认知语言学理论对词典释义的阐释力
2.The Explanatory Power of Relevance Theory over Internet News Translation论关联理论对网络新闻翻译的阐释力
3.The Explanatory Power of Conceptual Integration Theory for English Euphemism概念整合理论对英语委婉语的阐释力
4.A Study on the Relevance Theory in the Interpretation of English Euphemism as a Communication Mode;关联理论对英语委婉语阐释力的研究
5.The Explanatory Power of Conceptual Metaphor Theory for Cross Cultural Communication;概念隐喻理论对跨文化传播的阐释力
6.The explanatory power of Conceptual Blending theory in Construction of Meanings;概念整合理论在意义构建中的阐释力
7.On the Interpretive Power of Language Meme to Chinese and English Verbal Humor论语言模因对汉英语言幽默的阐释力
8.Interpretative Power Analysis of Appraisal Resources over the Interpersonal Meaning in President Bush s Addresses;评价资源对布什演讲中人际意义的阐释力研究
9.The Explanatory Force of Relevance-Adaptation Model in Text Organization of Chinese Real Estate Advertisements;关联—顺应模式对中文房地产广告语篇的阐释力
10.The Explanatory Power of Relevance Theory for Conversational Humor in Business Negotiation;商务谈判中关联理论对会话幽默的阐释力
11.an exposition of the advantages of nuclear power对核动力优越性的阐释.
12.Theory of Aspiration: Xiong Shi-li s Thought On Hermeneutical Attitude;立志说:熊十力的阐释态度论——熊十力阐释思想研究之一
13.Soon Gandhi was expounding the doctrine of ahimsa (nonviolence).不久甘地就四出阐释非暴力主义思想。
14.Chapter Two explores the dialogism in the Light in August.第二章致力于阐释《八月之光》的对话性。
15.Misreading and Theory of Dialogue,Hermeneutics Theory and Theory of Power and Discourse;误读与对话理论、阐释学和权力话语
16.A Cognitive Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors and Language Learners Metaphorical Competence;概念隐喻的认知阐释及概念隐喻能力
17.Sufferings and Transcendence-On the Motives for Ancient Literary and Artistic Creation;忧患与超越——古代文艺创作动力论阐释
18.Theory Explanation and Factor Analysis on Spectator Violence in Sports;球场观众暴力的理论阐释和因素分析

interpretative capacity阐释能力
1.From it a hypothesis is obtained that the CP and the PP can produce the interpretative capacity on the implied phenomenon of euphemism.本研究分析了委婉语的形成、历史、特性、分类、功能、作用以及与语境的关系,结合Grice的合作原则及Leech的礼貌原则习得:委婉语与合作原则、委婉语与礼貌原则在特点、功能、作用以及与语境的关系等方面有一定的相似性,于是从中导出一种假设,即合作原则与礼貌原则对委婉语语意隐含现象具有阐释能力,但在论证中发现,同时它们各自又都存在一些不足之处。
1.Abstraction, Explanation and Creation of City Spirit -Urban Design of Qidong Economic Development Zone;城市精神的提炼、阐释与创造——启东经济开发区城中城地块城市设计
2.On the Explanation of Western Dynasty Tomb Mural Painting in Luoyang;洛阳西汉墓壁画内容之阐释
1.Judgment s Expression of Science and Its Phenomenological Interpretation;科学的判断表达及其现象学阐释
2.Interpretation and over-interpretation——A re-criticism of a critical text;阐释与过度阐释——对一个批评文本的再批评
1.The new compositions come from the corrections made it possible for us to re-interpret them and find the transformation trace of author s thought.修改带来的异文使我们可以进行重新阐释,也由此可以窥见作者思想的蜕变轨迹。
2.As the reader,the translator should understand and interpret the original text;as the re-writer,the translator should give the reader corresponding interpretive space.作为读者,译者应该理解和阐释原文;作为再作者,译者应该给读者相应的解读和阐释空间。
3.He points out that translation is an act of ostensive-inferential interlingual interpretation and of verbal communication.格特率先把语言学的关联理论应用于翻译研究,提出了关联的翻译观,指出翻译是一种言语明示-推理的阐释活动,也是一种言语交际行为。

阐释阐释interpretation  阐释(interpretat,on)见“解释‘’。