动物意象,animal images
1)animal images动物意象
1.While animal proverbs rich in animal images, which excite either imagination or wisdom, are of special interest to people.本文通过对英汉两种语言谚语中的动物意象的进一步的研究探讨了这两种文化的异同,有助于含有动物意象的谚语的英汉互译。
2.There are more than two hundred animal images in Poems of fiction Don Juan.诗体小说《唐璜》前前后后共有220多处动物意象的描写。

1.The Exploring Study on the Disciplinarian of the Representation and Integration of the Undergraduates Animal Imagery;大学生动物意象呈现及整合规律的探索性研究
2.Lu Xun and Owl;鲁迅与猫头鹰——鲁迅笔下的动物意象研究之二
3.War,Humanity and Animality -- Animal Imagery in American War Novel;战争·人性·兽性——美国战争小说中的动物意象初探
4.Image of Animals from the Cultural Perspective--Taking Horse as a Creative Symbol文化视野下的动物意象——以“马”为创作标记
5.The Exploring Study on the Disciplinarian of the Performance and the Staff Animal Imagery;员工动物意象呈现与工作绩效关系的探索性研究
6.Beauty of the Small--Non-heroism in Larkin's Animal Poetry小之美——从拉金诗歌中的动物意象看其“非英雄”思想
7.The Comparison of the Symbolic Meaning of Animal Images in Sino-Russian Culture;汉俄文化中动物形象象征意义的比较
8.Culture connotations in animal images of Japanese & Chinese idioms;日汉成语中动物形象的文化伴随意义
9.National culture difference of symbolic significance of Russian-Chinese animals;俄汉语动物象征意义的民族文化差异
10.The analysis of the animal image in Women in love;试析《恋爱中的女人》中动物的象征意义
11.The second: the affection meaning of the image of the connection of the dew and plants and animals.二、露与动植物结合形成的意象的情感意蕴。
12.A parallel study of the similarities and dissimilarities in animal symbols in Russian and Chinese;俄汉文化中动物象征意义的异同及根源
13.Image and Motif--On the Three Animal Scenes in Women in Love;意象与主题——试析《恋女》中的三个动物场景
14.Decoding of Animal Words' Symbolic Meaning and Its Intercultural Differences动物符号象征意义的解码与跨文化差异
15.Appearance Intuition and Birth of Image--Approaching the inherent happened mechanism of the aesthetic activities from the relation between soul and thing;现象直观与意象的诞生——从心物关系看审美活动的内在发生机制
16.phallic imagery, symbolism, symbols, etc阴茎的意象、 象徵、 象徵物等.
17.A person, an animal, or an object that symbolizes something.象征物象征某事物的人、动物或事物
18.The Flowing and Changing Image:Image Perusal of the Poem Duan Zhang;意象的流动与转换——《断章》意象细读

Animal image动物意象
1.″Liaozhaizhiyi″ narrative image including plant image,animal image,humanities image and so on.《聊斋志异》中的叙事意象包括植物意象、动物意象、人文意象等。
2.Lawrence through the analysis of the four animal images in the novel.文章通过对四个动物意象的分析 ,突出体现劳伦斯象征艺术的独创性。
3.The modern writers in the alienated world often use animal images in their works to play various roles of human life.他笔下的动物意象类型各异,内蕴深广。
3)animal imagery动物意象
1.There are various kinds of animal imagery in American war novel.美国战争小说中的动物意象应用频繁 ,种类繁多。
2.Of course, the animal imagery is formed when the people are link.和动物相结合,就形成了动物意象
4)Chinese idioms with plant and animal images动植物意象习语
5)animal cultural images动物文化意象
1.This paper analyzes the differences between Japanese and English cultures in animal cultural images from multifaceted perspectives,which will be a help in learning and understanding the two languages and cultures.动物文化意象是语言的重要表现形式,是民族文化特征的重要体现和反映。
6)plant image植物意象
1.There are primarily two implications for the narcissus in China s ancient literature: the fairy in waters in myths and fables,and the florist plant image.中国古代文学中的"水仙",大体有两种意指类型:一者为通过神话、传说衍生出来的水中之仙,一者为花卉植物意象。
2.″Liaozhaizhiyi″ narrative image including plant image,animal image,humanities image and so on.《聊斋志异》中的叙事意象包括植物意象、动物意象、人文意象等。
