风格再现,style reproduction
1)style reproduction风格再现
1.Therefore, it is of great significance for translators to give free rein to their creativity and seek unswervingly the style reproduction of the ST in their literary translation practice.基于最新研究成果和相关理论(如阐释学和接受美学的相关原理),本论文以宋词翻译为个案,较系统地研究了文学翻译里风格再现过程中的译者创造性。
2.Based on previous studies on style reproduction, this thesis develops the subject starting from the concept of style, and then delves into the relationship between the translator\'s style and writer\'s style in translation and further poses the issue of translatability of literary style.正是基于这一前提,本文在接下来的篇幅中,重点阐述了风格标记理论应用于文学作品的风格分析及风格再现的意义和具体方法。
3.The translatability of style and the methods of style reproduction are the problems of great importance yet with no definite answers.风格的可译性、风格再现的方法等都是非常重要但是仍没有定论的问题。

1.On the Reproduction of Imagery and Style in the Translation of Chinese and English Poems;中英诗互译中的意境、风格再现问题
2.On Reproducing Literary Style of Dubliners in Chinese论《都柏林人》译本中文学风格再现
3.The Reproduction of Style in Chinese-English Translation of Chinese Classical Books:An Analysis of English Version of "Yi'an Ci" Poems中国典籍英译的风格再现——“易安词”英译个案分析
4.Reproduction of Original Style in Translation of Modern Chinese Essays;中国现代散文翻译的风格再现——以《英译中国现代散文选》为例
5.The Statistical Analysis of Stylistic Elements and the Reproduction of Oral Style;语体计量分析与口语化风格再现——以《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》为例
6.Back Translation and Reproduction of Author's Style in Chinese American Literature-A Case Study of the Joy Luck Club由小说《喜福会》浅析美国华裔文学中的回译问题与作者风格再现
7.The Reproduction of Leisure Style in the Translated Versions of FSLJ;《浮生六记》两译本中娓语体风格的再现
8.Reproduction of the Original Style in Gladys Yang s English Version of Biancheng;戴乃迭英译《边城》中原作风格的再现
9.On the Reproduction of Style;论风格的再现《茶馆》英译本比较研究
10.On Legge s Reproduction of the Literary Style in Shangshu;论理雅各《尚书》译本文学风格的再现
11.Reproducing the Stylistic Features of The Importance of Being Earnest;《不可儿戏》的文体风格特点之再现
12.The reappearance of the original works style is very crucial to translation.文学译品之要义在于原文学作品风格的再现。
13.On Style Transference of Chapter Titles of Hong Lou Meng;从《红楼梦》章回目录的翻译看文学风格的再现
14.Reproduction of Style in Literary Translation--A Preliminary Study of Yang Bi s Translation of Vanity Fair;文学翻译中风格的再现—杨必译《名利场》初探
15.A Comparative Study of the Three Versions of Qu Yuan s Tales of Woe in Terms of Stylistic Reconstruction;评《离骚》(节选)不同译作的风格重构与再现
16.The Home of the Grasslands in the Inner Mongolia exhibition area, reflects the straightforward, vigorous and wonderful sight of the prairie and the bold and unconstrained character of the minority nationality.内蒙古的“草原之家”,粗犷、壮美,再现美丽草原风光和豪放民族风格。
17.Excellent Reproduction of Style--An Analysis of Selected Modern Chinese Writing by Zhang Peiji;风格的完美再现——张培基译注的《英译中国现代散文选》评析
18.As a result, DIY work doesn't have to look crude, and it can take on just about any styleDIY的作品看起来就不再粗劣, 它们可以呈现任何风格.

Reproduction of Style风格的再现
3)reproduction of stylistic features译文风格再现
4)representation of language语言风格再现
5)How to Reproduce Style of the Original Work如何再现原作风格
6)the recurrence risk再现风险

采样和信号再现采样和信号再现sampling and signal reproduction  为保证采样信号经适当处理后能再现原连续信号,采样周期的选取应符合采样定理。丢琶—于不一-┌─┬─┐│ │…│└─┴─┘ 图1采样 (a)被采样的连续信号;(b)采样开关; (c)采样信号 连续信号x(t)变换为频域函数X(f),其频谱如图2(a)所示。理想采样信号的表达式为x。(t)一x(t)x艺叔t一。T),经傅里叶变换后化为频域函数:x;(f)一粤至x(f一。式)。若采样频率fs一粤为几 T。里扩“、“’,s’。侧z卜门~一“’TZ子““的两倍,则有图2(b)所示的理想采样信号频谱,fll为连续信号中所含的最高次频率。在图2(b)中,包含原连续信号频谱以及无限个经平移的原连续信号频谱。若使理想采样信号通过一截止频率为几和一几的低通滤波器,则滤波后的频谱与原连续信号的频谱完全一致,即再现了原信号。采样频率人必须大于被采样的连续信号中所含最高次频率的两倍,这就是香农(S hannon)采样定理,它是保证采样信号再现成原信号的必要条件。一Zfs一介一几O几乃2几f (C) 图2连续信号和采样信号频谱 (a)连续信号频谱;(b)采样信号频谱; (c)频谱混叠 若大<2几,则产生频谱混叠,如图2(c)所示,一几至几间对应于原连续信号频谱的高频分量和平移频谱的低频分量混叠在一起,经过低通滤波,也不能恢复原信号的频谱,必须避免这种情况的发生。colyong he川n匕00 zolx{on采样和信号再现(sampling and signal repro-duction)连续信号经采样产生离散信号和离散信号近似地恢复为原连续信号。它用于采样控制系统的分析研究。 如图1所示,连续信号x(t)经采样器采样后成为脉冲序列。采样器是以采样周期T重复开闭动作的采样开关。经采样开关输出的脉冲序列为采样信号瓜(t),:为采样持续时间。 当:足够小时,采样信号x。(t)为连续信号x(t)与单位冲激序列价(t)一艺武t一nT)的乘积,即xs(t)一x(t)价(t)。这种情况称为理想采样,是实际采样的理想化,用以简化采样过程的分析,而不影响本质。低通滤波器的特性如图2(b)中矩形虚线框所示,这是理想化了的,实际上无法做到准确的矩形。因此,fs刚刚大于2几还不够,而是应该有相当的裕度,工程上一般取fs一(4一6)介。