政治正确,political correctness
1)political correctness政治正确
1.The author gives a brief introduction of the intellectual and moral carnage resulted from liberal education s deviation from the civilizing nature and educational goals,identifies the essence of " multiculturalism" and "political correctness" and then analyzes the failure of educational reforms in the U.本文是《新标准》杂志五月号文科教育专题中的首篇,简要介绍了当代通识教育背离传承文明的本质和目标这个传统理想而造成的恶果,揭露"多元文化主义"和"政治正确"的实质,指出了过去美国"教育改革"的失败,并探讨了失败的原因。
2.Value judgement going before analysis and attitude going before research indicate the similarity between representing for the disadvantaged group and American political correctness,which represses the depth of research.代言底层与美国"政治正确"的相似之处在于两者都是价值判断先于分析,表态先于研究,从而压抑了思想的自由展开与深入。

1.Political Correctness Rings Hunchback Death Knell政治正确“驼背”无理
2."Political Correctness" and Politicization of American Higher Education;“政治正确”与美国的高等教育政治化
3.The Discuss in the Relation of Right Political Achivement and Political Validity;正确的政绩观与政治合法性关系探讨
4.The implementation of the correct political line must be ensured by a correct organizational line.正确的政治路线要靠正确的组织路线来保证。
5.Constitutionalism and Rule of Administrative Law--Modern Due Process Model of Rule of Law Being Created宪政与行政法治——现代正当程序法治模式的确立
6.Building Up Firm and Correct Political Belief is the Key Factor of Having Successful Politics Classes For Teachers;浅谈教师正确的政治信仰是上好政治课的关键
7.Political Education Should Form Students Correct Political Attitude;政治教育要促成学生正确政治态度的形成
8.Not to have a correct political orientation is like not having a soul.没有正确的政治观点,就等于没有灵魂。
9.We must hold to the correct political orientation.我们必须坚持正确的政治方向。
10.Not to have a correct political point of view is like having no soul.没有正确的政治观点就等于没有灵魂。
11.We have to nudge politicians in the right direction.我们必须把搞政治的推向正确的方向。
12.Dispose Ten Knids of Relationship Correctly;正确处理十种关系——思想政治工作漫谈
13.Grasp‘four factors exactly and do the antilogy work of Normal College well;正确把握“四因”,做好师专思想政治工作
14.Handling Five Relations Correctly to Perform the Ideological Political Work Well;正确处理五对关系 做好思想政治工作
15.Correctly Acknowledging on Political and Economic Multi facet Trend of the World;正确认识世界多极化政治、经济格局
16.Was the decision of the Political Bureau correct and should Comrade Hua Guofeng's post have been changed?政治局决议正确不正确,华国锋同志的工作应该不应该变动?
17.politically correctph.1. 政治上正确的,有政治标准的;识时务的,合时宜的
18.It can help people to cognize, understand, predict and create po- litical life.政治理论范畴可以帮助人们正确地认识、理解、预测和创造政治生活;

politically correct政治上正确
1.The term "politically correct" was first used in the field of politics,but later in the cultural or linguistic sense.“政治上正确的”由一政治术语演变为语言文化语汇,有其积极的意义,它是民权运动和多元文化的产物。
3)pursue a correct political direction坚持正确的政治方向
4)On Politically Correct Language政治上正确的语言
5)political justice政治正义
1.Freedom , reason and the power seperation ——The study of montesquieu s political justice s view;自由、理性、分权制衡——孟德斯鸠政治正义观探究
2.Marx on the political justice马克思政治正义思想探析
3.Taking property right as the logic start,and leading to political justice is the important theoretical route of modern Western political philosophy.以财产权利为逻辑起点,导引出政治正义,是近代西方政治哲学确证政治道德基础的重要理路。
6)politics correction政治矫正

政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political division zhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。