文学修辞,literature rhetoric
1)literature rhetoric文学修辞
1.Wang Meng s Three-dimensional Research to Literature Rhetoric;王蒙对文学修辞的立体研究
2.The literature rhetoric expressions of repeat,parable,metonymy,and exaggeration in graphic art were elaborated and discussed.阐述了反复、比喻、借代、夸张的文学修辞表现手法在平面图形艺术中的表述,表达了图形设计借助于文学修辞能够创造出更具有想象力和创造性的图形。
3.In teaching college English writing teachers emphasize grammar,the use of words and expressions and the structure of the passage,but ignore the application of literature rhetoric methods in writing.大学英语写作教学中,教师往往只注重语法、词汇和篇章结构的处理,而忽略文学修辞手段,因此学生写作时语言单调直白,缺少生气。

1.On the Application of Literature Rhetoric Method in Teaching of College English Writing大学英语写作教学中的文学修辞手段
2.The Reappearance of Literary Rhetorical Criticism in 1980 s;论20世纪80年代文学修辞批评的复萌
3.On the Performative Dimension in Paul de Man's Rhetorical Theory保罗·德曼文学修辞观中的述行之维
4.Literary Rhetorical Criticism and Academic Characteristics of Contemporary Chinese Literary Criticism;文学修辞批评与中国当代文学批评的学术品格
5.Rhetonic has three types: Figure rhetoric, Cultural rhetoric and Philosophical rhetoric.辞格学可以有三种:修辞辞格学、文化辞格学和哲学辞格学。
6.The techniques of translation Rhetoric:faithful in Ends,and elegant in means;文学翻译的修辞技巧:情欲信,辞欲巧
7.On the Rhetorical Turn of the Humanities and the Critical Turn of Rhetoric;人文学科的修辞转向和修辞学的批判性转向
8.The Comparation of Rhetorical Thouhgt on Wenze Written by Chenkui and Rhetoric Written by Aristotle;陈騤《文则》和亚里士多德《修辞学》修辞思想比较
9.Three Rhetorical Appeals in Chinese Real Estate Advertisements: A Rhetorical Perspective中文房地产广告中的三修辞诉诸:修辞学视角
10.Literary Education in the New Standards of High School Courses in a Rhetoric View;修辞学视野中高中新课标的“文学教育”
11.The Course Structure of Culture Rhetoric and Its Theory System;文化修辞学的学科构建及其理论体系
12.An Analysis of Advertising Texts from Western Rhetorical Perspective;试从西方修辞学的角度分析广告文本
13.Naming In Literature - Historical Rhetoric Of Critical Behavior;“文学命名”论——批评行为的“史性”修辞
14.On Employment of the Positive Figures of Speech in Contemporary Literary Works;谈积极修辞在当下文学作品中的运用
15.Wayne Booth and Western Rhetorical Perspectives on Literary Criticism韦恩·布斯与西方文学批评的修辞视角
16."Ganxing Rhetoric":"Bixing"going towards Literature Noumenon“感兴修辞”:走向文学自身的“比兴”
18.Rhetorical Priciples and Strategies for Title Writing of Medical English Research Paper医学论文英语标题的修辞原则与策略

rhetoric in culture文化修辞学
3)classical Chinese rhetoric文言修辞学
4)literary rhetorical criticism文学修辞批评
1.The re-appearance of literary rhetorical criticisms in 1980 s had been a difficult course that took place along with the decline of traditional literary conceptions, the sticking out of formal elements in literary works and more and more introductions of western formalist theories in the 20th century, and it has given a virt.80年代文学修辞批评的复萌,经过了一个很艰难的过程。
5)China Cultural Rhetoric中国文化修辞学
1.The Current State and Expectation of China Cultural Rhetoric Research;中国文化修辞学研究之现状及展望
6)Rhetorical Strategies in Cultural-Revolution Literature文革文学修辞策略

缅甸文学宫文学奖  缅甸独立以来唯一的全国性文学奖。缅甸文学宫(亦称缅甸翻译协会)从1949年开始,举办文学作品评奖活动,每年评选出前一年出版的各类书籍的获奖者,给予一定的奖金。最初只评选长篇小说一种,后逐渐增加评奖项目。1962年改称为"艺术文学奖"。1964年又改名为"缅甸民族文学奖"。现设长篇小说、短篇小说、儿童文学等11项。为鼓励和培养青年作家的写作,1969年另设"文学宫稿件奖"。青年作家未出版的稿件均可申报参加评选。对得奖的稿件,除授予奖金外,并负责出版。