课堂组织,classroom organization
1)classroom organization课堂组织
1.Also,factors such as classroom planning and classroom organization are discussed.并对影响英语课堂教学的几个方面——课堂计划,课堂组织——进行了探讨。
2.This article classroom instruction\'s several aspects carries on some discussions on the operational information technology class in,mainly includes the educational model,the classroom organization,the teaching design,the time distribution and teacher\'s regulative way and so on.本文就操作性信息技术课中课堂教学的几个方面进行一些探讨,主要包括教学模式、课堂组织、教学设计、时间分配及教师的调控方式等。

1.New Concept Calls For New Teaching Method;在新理念下的高中英语课堂组织形式
2.Organization of Classroom Foreign Language Teaching of Higher Vocational Schools in Minority Region;少数民族地区高职高专外语教学课堂组织
3.A Try of using Various Organized Forms of Classroom in PPM Teaching;PPM教学中引入多种课堂组织形式的尝试
4.The Art of Classroom Teaching Organization in Music Enjoyment at Normal Schools;师范院校音乐欣赏教学的课堂组织艺术
5.On Self-Organization Oriented Teaching Method for College Class;浅论自组织导向的大学课堂教学模式
6.Thinking about Maritime English Classroom Teaching;航海类专业英语课堂教学组织的思考
7.Design and Organization of Practical English Teaching in Classroom;《实用英语》课堂教学的设计与组织
8.A Discussion on Organization and Application of Classroom Teaching of Chemistry Course;化学新课程课堂教学的组织与实施初探
9.The Artistic Principal to Organize the Classroom Disussion in Marxist Philosophical class;马克思主义哲学课组织课堂讨论的艺术原则
10.The Practical Exploration into Using the Strategies of Comet Mapping to Organize Biology Classroom Teaching;运用概念图策略组织生物课堂教学实践初探
11.How to Arrange Students Asking Questionsin Classroom for College English Teacher;大学英语教师如何组织学生进行课堂提问
12.Organizing English Classroom Teaching Effectively Improving Students English Using Ability;有效组织英语课堂教学 提高学生英语应用能力
13.Some Opinions of How to Organize and Manage the Classroom that is based on The Electric Network Environment;网络环境下课堂教学组织与管理的几点认识
14.Constructing the " Mutual Evaluation and Mutual Learning " Organization Pattern to Improve Class Cooperative Learning Efficiency;构建“互评互学”组织模式提高课堂合作学习效率
15.Self-Organization Theory and Reform of Teaching Model;论自组织理论与大学课堂教学模式改革
16.As expected, the projects we did in Mr. Henrich's class were very dynamic.亨利克先生在他课堂上组织的课题研究和各种学习活动生动极了。
17.Based on this point, the author focuses on the speaking training in class and suggests various ways of organizing the class activity.从此观点出发,作者着眼于课堂口语训练,对组织课堂活动的不同方法提出语言学建议。
18.A Research on Application of "Learning Organization" Theory to College English Teaching;“学习型组织”理论在大学英语课堂教学中的应用研究

class organization课堂组织
1.Task partition and design,class organization,realizing process of task-driven and some problems needing attention in implementing the teaching model,are elaborated.对该教学法中的任务划分与设计、课堂组织、任务驱动的实现过程及实施中应注意的一些问题进行了阐述。
3)classroom teaching arrangement课堂教学组织
4)classroom organizing art课堂组织艺术
5)the ability of class organizing课堂组织能力
6)organization form of class课堂组织形式
1.The passage compares the reaeaching study with the accepecd study in the proceeding of teaching,and discusses the organization form of class vegucsts of teaching and descvibes training of thought.针对语文阅读教学中研究性学习与接受性学习之优劣比较,对在阅读教学中实施研究性学习的课堂组织形式、要求、选题思路等问题进行了探讨。

《国际民用航空组织和世界旅游组织工作协议》《国际民用航空组织和世界旅游组织工作协议》  《国际民用航空组织和世界旅游组织工作协议》有关旅游的国际协议之一。由国际民用航空组织秘书长和世界旅游组织秘书长经协商制定。此协议一共7条。根据此协议,双方秘书处本着互利的原则交流民用航空和旅游方面的信息和资料;双方可以派代表以观察员的身分参加对方的会议;在公开会议上,观察员有权获得会议文件和发言;双方可以在人才、资料、设备等方面互相支持。世界旅游组织秘书长和国际民用航空组织理事会主席可以通过协商修改协议的条款。此协议自1978年9月1日起生效。