本体隐喻,ontological metaphor
1)ontological metaphor本体隐喻
1.Man s concept system is largely based on ontological metaphors.人类的概念系统在很大程度上是建立在本体隐喻基础之上。
2.This paper is a comparative study of the E/C conceptual metaphor systems which are divided into structural,orientational and ontological metaphors.作者采用了George Lakoff的理论架构,分别对汉英结构隐喻、方位隐喻和本体隐喻进行了比较研究。
2)ontological metaphors本体隐喻
1.Conceptual metaphors fall into four categories-structural metaphors,orientational metaphors,ontological metaphors and conduit metaphors.概念隐喻主要分为四类:结构隐喻、方位隐喻、本体隐喻、管道隐喻。
2.Metaphors include ontological metaphors, orientational metaphors, and structural metaphors.本文讨论习语的本体隐喻特征、方位隐喻特征和结构隐喻特征。
3)Metaphorical ontolology隐喻本体
4)the nature of metaphor隐喻本质

1.The theory of conceptual metaphor in cognitive semantics is of importance to understand the metaphorical nature of nominalization.认知语义学的概念隐喻理论对我们理解名词化的隐喻本质有着非常重要的作用。
2.On the Origin, Essence and Functions of Metaphor from the Perspective of Cognition;从认知角度看隐喻的起源、本质和功能
3.Metaphor was simply a kind of figure of speech according to traditional Rhetoric, while it's been considered as a cognitive phenomenon.传统的修辞学认为隐喻仅仅是一种辞格,而现代的隐喻观认为隐喻的本质是一种认知现象。
4.On the Nature and Cognitive Function of Metaphor──a study of relationship between language and thought as reflected in metaphor;隐喻的思维本质与认知功能——由隐喻与隐喻思维看语言与思维的关系
5.The Cognitive Essence of Metaphor: the Transfer of Semantic Feature between Different Categories;隐喻的认知本质:跨范畴的语义特征迁移
6.On the Functions and Motivations of Metaphorical Use of Language;浅谈隐喻的功能和使用隐喻的根本动机
7.Towards the Truth of Metaphor--The cardinal problems of Ricoeur's philosophy on metaphor走向隐喻的真理——利科隐喻哲学的基本问题
8.The Romantic Interpretation of Reality--Viewing the Literary Essences of Metaphor and Poetry from Cognitive Viewpoint;现实的浪漫演绎——从认知科学角度看隐喻与诗歌的文学本质
9.The Role of Topic and Vehicle in Chinese Metaphor Comprehension;本体和喻体在中文隐喻句理解中的应用
10.A Study on the Translation of Metaphor in Ten Versions of the Old Man and the Sea as Viewed from the Main Semantic Features of Metaphor;从隐喻的主要语义特征看《老人与海》十种译本的隐喻再现
11.A Microcosmic Study of Metaphor:The Analysis of the Ontological Metaphors of "Soul" in Russian;隐喻的微观研究:俄语中“心灵”的本体概念隐喻分析
12.On the Classification of Metaphors from the Perspective of Prototype Theory--Questions on Lakoff s Approach to Classification of Metaphors;从原型范畴理论看隐喻的分类问题——对Lakoff隐喻分类方法的质疑
13.A Memetic Study of Metaphor in Wei Cheng and Its English Version Fortress Besieged;《围城》及其英译本中隐喻的模因论研究
14.The Cognitive Study on Metaphors of Basic-level Animal Terms;动物基本层次范畴词隐喻的认知研究
15.A Contrastive Study on Metaphorical Expressions of Basic Emotions between English and Chinese;英汉基本情感隐喻表达式的对比研究
16.A Contrastive Study of Metaphor in English and Chinese Non-Basic Colour Terms;汉英非基本颜色词中的隐喻对比研究
17.The Difference of Cultural Metaphon in Hong Lou Meng;从《红楼梦》英译本看文化隐喻的差异性
18.Cognition and Understanding of Metaphor--On English Text Construal;隐喻的认知与理解——论英语文本的识解

ontological metaphors本体隐喻
1.Conceptual metaphors fall into four categories-structural metaphors,orientational metaphors,ontological metaphors and conduit metaphors.概念隐喻主要分为四类:结构隐喻、方位隐喻、本体隐喻、管道隐喻。
2.Metaphors include ontological metaphors, orientational metaphors, and structural metaphors.本文讨论习语的本体隐喻特征、方位隐喻特征和结构隐喻特征。
3)Metaphorical ontolology隐喻本体
4)the nature of metaphor隐喻本质
5)source domains of metaphors隐喻的喻体
6)body metaphor身体隐喻
1.By means of the body parts and organs they are most familiar with,humans often form body metaphorical concepts,so as to know about,understand and feel about the metaphorical concepts.人们最熟悉自己的身体,常用自己最熟悉的身体部位或器官构成身体隐喻概念,来认识、了解和感受其他领域的概念。
2.By means of the body organs and parts they are mostly familiar with, humans often form body metaphorical concepts, so as to know about , experience and feel about the metaphorical concepts of other domains.人们常常利用自己最熟悉的身体器官和部位构成身体隐喻概念 ,来认知、体验和感受其他领域的隐喻概念。
3.Thus,body metaphor plays an important role in man\'s understanding the outside world.身体隐喻是人类认识世界的一种重要的认知方式。

电影中的隐喻  通过蒙太奇,将镜头之间或镜头内部各个表现元素(包括造型、音响等方面)加以强化、浓缩、类比,由此在观众的感觉和心理上产生效应的手法。如苏联影片《母亲》中河流解冻、冰块流动和工人举行示威游行、冲击沙皇专制制度的镜头并列出现,不仅冰块本身构成了背景的有机部分,在情节发展中起了现实作用,而且突出了春天的主题,生动地体现了工人群众的情绪和力量。这一组镜头是运用隐喻的出色范例。