文化移植,cultural transplantation
1)cultural transplantation文化移植
1.Meanwhile,translation is a kind of activity for cross-linguaf cultural transplantation and communication.而翻译则是一种跨语言的文化移植与交流活动。
2.So far, experts have not reached an agreement whether domesticating translation or foreignizing translation should be adopted in cultural transplantation.翻译界对归化与异化的讨论很多, 特别是在文化移植中究竟应采取哪种翻译策略,国内外学者一直争论不休。
3.To transmit the cultural message of the source language precisely,it is necessary to make appropriate compromise and compensation in the process of cultural transplantation.为了准确传递原语的文化信息,在文化移植的过程中,必要的妥协和补偿手段势在必行。

1.Transplantation of Lawe and of Legal Culture in Legal Transform;法律变革中的法律移植与法文化移植
2.On Compromise in Cultural Transplantation Based on the English Versions of Hong Lou Meng;从《红楼梦》英译看文化移植中的“妥协”
3.On Method for Transferring the Culture of a Discourse;求同存异:英汉语篇翻译中的文化移植
4.There are several approaches to translation as follows: paraphrase, adaptation, annotation contextual amplification and so on.常用的文化移植的方法有:释义、化、注、译、实互化等。
5.The Grafting of the Western Philosophical Gene Intra-cultures:The Translations and Senses of the Greek Word Eimi;西方哲学基因eimi的跨文化移植——译名与词义
6.On the Transplantation,Integration and Reconstruction of American Culture--A Preface for The Study of American 20th-Century Culture;美国:文化移植、文化整合与文化格式的重建——《20世纪美国文化研究》序论
7.Be Having Meeting Of Minds In culture Under The Social Surroundings For Legal Transplant;法律移植社会环境下的文化认同——对法律移植效果的文化分析
8.Transplantation of Foreign Culture--The "Chinalization" of the Right to Silent;域外文化的移植——沉默权之中国化
9.Culture and Transplantation of Law;文化与法律移植:理论之争与范式重构
10.A Cultural Explanation of Composition and Transfer of IP Law;知识产权法律构造与移植的文化解释
11.Interpretation of Japanese Ethical Culture of Organ Transplant through the Literature of Weiss Kreuz(Baiyan)透过《白宴》解读日本器官移植伦理文化
12.Hemorrhagic features and the application of recombinant activated factor VⅡ in liver transplantation肝移植出血特点及活化重组人凝血因子VⅡ在移植中的应用(英文)
13.Modification with methoxy polyethylene glycol to grafts alleviates acute graft versus host disease severity in mice following haploidentical bone marrow transplantation移植物化学修饰减轻小鼠半相合骨髓移植后的急性移植物抗宿主病(英文)
14.PDF (Portable Document Format)可移植文檔格式,[港]可移植文件格式
15.Portable Document Format可移植文件格式,[港]可移植文件格式
16.Foreignization or Acculturation: Some Reconsiderations on Cultural Translation--Thought on the Trend of Cultural Translation in China;异化还是移植——关于中国文化翻译走向的思考
17.Cultural Relativism and the Law Transferring: A View of the Anthroplogy人类学视野中的文化相对主义与法律移植
18.Introduction and Transplantation of Western Legal Cultures in the Late Qing Dynasty Legal Reform;清末法制改革对西方法文化的引进与移植

culture transplantation文化移植
1.So,we can get the result of culture transplantation.本文主要探讨中国典籍英译中遇到的富含中国文化意蕴的词语所造成的翻译难点和障碍,并列举了几种文化对等的翻译方法,以此来达到翻译中的文化移植
3)transplantation of legal culture法文化移植
1.Besides,in order to guarantee the effect of the transplantation,it is necessary to carry out certain transplantation of legal culture in our country lack of tradition of legal cu.同时为了保证法律移植的效果 ,在我们这个缺乏法治文化传统的国家 ,也有必要进行一定法文化移植
4)Transplanting Source Linguoculture论移植源语文化
5)Cultural Gap and Cultural Transplantation in Translating文化沟与文化移植
6)Transplanting and habituation移植驯化

瓣膜移植术瓣膜移植术 是用人工瓣膜、同种异体瓣膜或异种瓣膜替换病变的心脏瓣膜,以治疗某些心脏病的一种外科手术。须在体外循环条件下进行。